NSA Spying Flap Extends To Contents Of U.S. Phone Calls

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Catalyst, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  3. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    You are Heisenberg under covet-ops???? :rofl:
  4. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Thanks Catalyst - very informative :)

    By the way! This has nothing to do with the philosophical oriented subjects of Heisenberg. Catalyst is bringing vital (factual) information revealing that we're marching into an Orwellian - Surveillance - Big Brother - Police State leading to One World Government. Those who understand what this means recognize the danger signs that are being screamed at the American people (and to the whole world), who sadly, either don't have access to the truth or don't understand the subject and why it is so important.

    Congress has become little more than a cabal of (one party) crooks operating under the Illuminati rules - there is no difference between Bush and Obama, just the color of the skin. The agenda is the same. War is profit driven and business is booming for the international banking cartels. All they need are more soldiers to sacrifice in deliberately engineered wars to feed their lust for power and enrich themselves beyond imagination. Their plan is to destabilize nations and hasten the New World Order by fostering controlled chaos within governments, banking, commerce, civilian society, the military and the media. Look at the wars in the Middle East! That objective is usually reached by dividing the masses of people into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, religious and other issues. The opposing sides are then armed, and incidents are provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves to gradually destroying national governments. It's time to fight back!

    PS: @ Lukie: In case you haven't read it yet, I left a nice message for you in the thread "Greek Public TV + Radio Closed!" Read it, it's going to bring you back to reality! *yes* *yes* *yes* Click on the link below :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  5. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    The resemblance between the US government and the old Nazi regime is getting clearer. The NSA is basically a modern day gestapo on steroids, with no budget! Hope those people living in the bubble start to see it before its too late. :hug:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Absolutely my friend. In fact Homeland Security translated to German would be Gestapo. People need to wake up because we've been given an opportunity to really change things that we weren't supposed to have and with all the revelations in the past few weeks I honestly don't understand why people would choose to sit there and do nothing. It's time to roll up our sleeves and get to the task set before us because it's only going to get worse. Eisenhower was a military man and yet still warned us of these douchebags all those years ago. What's happening today is the culmination of the unchecked growth of the military-industrial complex and it's quite sad that this was all caused by the people's utter apathy over the course of all those years.