I Came Here To Tell You How It's Going To Begin

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Just bring your Kids to school and let them be programmed by some so called teachers. :wink: Instead of YOU!
    Don't be worried All Kids receive the same program. :wink: This is important for your children, so they can be individuals. He He

    This System is the biggest Joke of all Time.
    Ass we all are individuals it is simple not possible to teach everybody the same program. You need to support your children in all forms and ways if you see your child brings a gods gift. Don't let the System eliminate it.

    WAKE UP!

  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks my friend, I'm really happy to be here and the utmost gratitude for the sentiment, it really means a lot to me. :mates:
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Sorry I got sidetracked by the haters. Really my intention with this thread was to introduce myself to people that might not know me, impart some good guidelines for community (which some people obviously missed), to invite people to join us, to give you guys some valuable advice for securing your internet connection (particularly in light of recent events), share some music and a little hope that another world is possible. It seems to me that many have accepted that this is the world we live in and that things will just play out but let's not forget that after Rome fell it was chaos for more than a thousand years. Things are only sure to get better if we all do our part to make them so. I know there is a lot of worry and pain and I wanted to help alleviate that so people wouldn't feel so hopeless, lost and alone. After all there is no fate but what we make. I tried my best to make it enjoyable, maybe I succeeded or then again maybe not...but I tried and that was my purpose. I really could care less what anyone thinks about me, that's really their problem.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Well said Lisa. Cheers. :mates:
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    You spoke much wisdom and shared useful links Bro.

    Tis just a further sad commentary that even tho you came in peace, still you got shot down. Those who still remain comatose to the situation society is facing must be beyond help. You can lead a horse to knowledge, etc, etc.

    Stick to your guns Catalyst, those who know you, know you, those worth knowing will get to know you, the others....... meh. :dunno:

    Hey, just one thing Brother, while you are putting the iNet to rights, could you try and get a ban in ALL walks of life on spiders please. The little bastards are deliberately targeting me and I don`t like it. :(
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    pilz971 you rock bro and somehow always find a way to make people laugh even in the most uncomfortable situations. I have to say that's a really awesome talent to have. I have been making a push to make this an alpha male bullshit free zone but still there always has to be some kind of tension because apparently people don't get enough of that in the real world...I mean maybe they should try working out or dare I say growing up. Life is too short for that kind of nonsense and it really shows the state of the human condition. I mean this is the internet...if you don't like it don't read it, listen to it or watch it. It's like on YouTube where for every single video there has to be at least one douchebag that tells the poster that he's an asshole or that his music sucks. Honestly if they really knew how little I cared about what anyone thinks about me they wouldn't even bother. I am who I am and I don't feel the need to be apologetic about it...anyone that takes issue can take it up with my nutsack. *yes*

    But really though how do you feel about mosquitos cause I can't stand the fuckers. I mean they feast on your blood...it's just not right. :lmao:
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Honestly the reaction to this thread already indicates to me that people aren't ready but we have to consider our options here. We either do nothing and just let it all collapse on itself which means that most likely in your lifetime you will never be free and I'm not talking about anarchy kind of free, I mean people not listening to your phone calls or reading e-mails and text messages brand of freedom. To me the current situation is simply unacceptable but that doesn't mean that we can't make things work for us. Really most people don't vote in smaller elections that can actually have more sway in their daily lives. The smaller the position the less people vote so some ass gets the job with little support. Also even if we elect someone and they don't represent us properly we need to apply pressure to make sure that they are fulfilling their obligations. We can't just sit back and wait for the next person to do something about the situation. I'm a proponent of the following philosophies:

    Every nation gets the government it deserves. - Joseph de Maistre
    I'd just add: don't you deserve a better government?

    The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.- Plato
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Hit me on the street while waiting to do nothing.
    Where within the space can anything feel certain.
    Look into the future make out the word speak
    Send in the spies to watch them.
    Creepy are the people unable to do something.
    Sitting on an armchair fenced in their creation.
    Look up to be there, anywhere is somewhere.
    Itchy past scratch the itch.

    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..

    Feel about a nation, so precious is the freedom.
    Carousel the brass ring, reach into a black mass.
    So it's corroded, it's always polluted.
    We all want some of it.
    Maybe all the people, now left without no loving.
    Where within the strength gone better see it coming.
    Get off the fence trip, rip up the garbage.
    Make it up to the earth bitch...

    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me..(34 times)

    In the streets hit me be a politician.
    Eroding all your freedoms.
    Down the rabbit hole.
    Cracks money markets fall through a looking glass.
    Time becomes too fast, all to benefit the rich.
    So keep eating from the apple, edges from the center.
    Shaken to the core until it doesn't matter.
    No one to turn to, no where to run to.
    Better the bomb to blow it.

    HIT ME in the streets..
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.
    Hit me..
    Hit me..
    Hit me in the streets.

    Bring power to its knees
    In all its glory it’s still a disease
    Bring power to its knees
    An evil empire to set you free

    Revolution – no solution
    Systematic persecution
    No redemption – no more hope
    No tomorrow – go for broke

    Muthafucka burn my house down

    Liberation – declaring war upon a generation
    Liberation – burn their houses and fuck the nation
    Liberation – premonition sterilization
    Liberation – one dimension for all occasions

    Liberation liberation liberation

    Liberation – declaring war upon a generation
    Liberation – burn their houses and fuck the nation
    Liberation – premonition sterilization
    Liberation – one dimension for all occasions

    Bring power to its knees
    In all its glory it’s still a disease
    Bring power to its knees
    An evil empire to set you free

    Revolution – no solution
    Systematic persecution
    No redemption – no more hope
    No tomorrow – go for broke

    Liberation liberation
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Choose a worthy candidate that already has money to back. Elect representatives not purely based on political parties (partisanship is a disease) but on an individual's policies.

    I subscribe to a saying: the only way out is through. What else should we do sit back like scared whipped dogs and wait for our fates to be decided by the corrupt establishment? Concerning the media: we're lucky to be living at a time where we have technical abilities that our forefathers would have died for: the glory that is instantaneous communication. They can't control everything even if they wanted to (look what's going on now) and there will always be places to find good solid information. I know that there are many unknowns that stand in our way but the most important thing is that we get moving. People have atrophied and become apathetic and complacent which really saddens me to my core. I think the thing we need to keep in mind as a society is that we don't know everything and we should always be open to trying something new, to make adjustments where necessary. As long as that kind of spirit remains true democracy will find a way.
  10. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity

    Shame, Microsoft has nothing to add. :lmao:
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Actually the NSA was very involved in the development of Vista and also 7 I believe. Microsoft was also one of the first companies working with the NSA including giving them a heads up on unpatched exploits. *yes*
  12. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity

    It was irony :wink:

    What i mean, Microsoft don't need release anything, their system is a world number 1 spy.
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I know, I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share the info. :wink:
  14. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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  15. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    "We won't get fooled again"-Pete Townsend
  16. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Discussing with people all around the world via internet is the beginning of the end.

    You want to change something in this world, get involved locally, meet your neighbors, go to church (or whatever you believe in).
    Love your children, read books (a lot), grow your food, make your clothes, stay in shape, drop your facebook... are you ready for that ?

    Most of all, don't get fooled by the image of rebellion. Jesus, and later Ghandi were true rebels... it's easier to stick a finger on a picture than to get beaten to death to defend a cause.
  17. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Mmmmm, that's what you think too ?! ... How naives we are sometimes!
    BTW, i'm reading an interesting book this days in case you still like to get a book in your hands and read for a while ... "On Education (conversations with Ricardo Mazzeo)" by Zygmunt Bauman
    Goodnight Brothers! :bow:
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I disagree, I think discussing it with people on the internet is the beginning. Why not utilize available technology to unite people in a common purpose, give hope and traverse boundaries? I already read (a lot), try to stay in shape, can't say that I grow my own food (but I would if I could) and I hate Facefuck. Rebellion comes in all forms whether they be informing people about what's going on, protesting or other forms of disobedience. Believe me my friend my involvement doesn't end with sticking a finger on a picture and I can certainly say that I've taken a nice beating here and there. What's the alternative? Sit and wait for something to happen, that's just not my style and really that only leads to others making decisions for us in the interim. The time has come to make a stand and honestly if more people got involved nobody would have to get beaten to death in the streets. It is because of the utter apathy in the general population that we are in this predicament to begin with and the reason that a few men have to spend the rest of their lives in prison because we're too spineless to stand up and be counted.

    And Oliver Stone is with us on this:
    Oliver Stone Calls NSA Leaker Edward Snowden a 'Hero'
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    We have to try man and if not completely change things at the very least hold those people involved accountable. One thing about the internet is that it has revolutionized our allegiances and it is now bigger than just what is happening in the United States or in any other country. We have an ability to seek out those that align with our views in order to coordinate more of a global impact. This cannot be discounted because at the very least social media has allowed me to spread information that people need to know about and this is certainly a catalyst for change. Unbelievably I actually know people that weren't aware of what was going on even after the media got hold of it. Maybe it won't change things immediately but it's a process and something to strive towards. It's just like life: you're never going to be perfect but you strive for self-improvement and one day before you know it you've become better at some thing or other because you've focused on it. Looking back you probably would be surprised how much of a snowball a single good habit that you've made a priority can become. The alternative is not being able to look at myself in the mirror and I simply won't stand for that. *no*

    Oh and anyone that had a problem with the music: I'd love to hear you remake any of the tracks on this page and if you can't you should just keep quiet.
  20. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    @Catalyst, Lord Gaga, Rotten az hell

    I agree with you in your reasonings somehow, but i don't think that social networks are the solution to all what's happening (there's an interesting book on that: "The Net Delussion" by Evgeny Morozov). The main question to me should be to try to understand what's happening in fact, ie: what's really under the hood and in which way WE ALL are related to what's happening (and not only a few as many think). Otherwise any action will become chaotic, or not an action at all (as it seems to happen at the present). I don't think people nowadays move because others situation but for personal situation alone. I'm tired of listening to people saying "Look what's happening! And still people don't make any move!" without realizing that they themselves are one of those "people that don't make any move" too. And when they finally move, it's merely because situation has finally touched them (unfortunately). What i'm trying to say is that you're right when you say that social networks have allowed us to spread information, which means that people is more informed (or desinformed) nowadays than ever before, and ... we still don't know what's happening in fact beyond that what's happening is threatening our (we gave for granted) own (false?) security. Sorry to say that, but i'm not so optimist as you could be Catalyst, when i look around here (not in the forum but near to me). Because we all know that most of the people are merely trying to adapt themselves to the new situation than fight against it despite all the information they could have. Do you remember Cypher in the restaurant asking to be inserted in Matrix again ?!

    Another interesting question is ... Why most of the people around the world think they can't do anything about it except trying to adapt themselves to the new situation ?! Is social media the cause of it ?!
    And still another question that has come to my mind right now: is people using social media to evade themselves from reality or to look right at the eyes of that reality ?!
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