I Came Here To Tell You How It's Going To Begin

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Initializing Neural Network...


    After you watch the video on the left in full screen and high quality come back here and allow me to set the mood for a chat by hitting play on the audio track on the right (also high quality):
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTL4qIIxg8A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3vrYendG7o

    Dear AudioSex and AudioZ Family,
    I am honored to inform you that for the last few weeks I have become part of the team here at the forums. Before we get down to business I would like to thank SAiNT, the staff and our community for their efforts in making this site and its affiliates of the highest caliber. It is with this commitment in mind that I initially prepared these guidelines when I was a member that will ensure your time here will be a positive experience for yourself and the community as a whole: Cataly5t's Guidelines To A Better Community Experience It all seems obvious but I ask that everyone review this document (and our forum rules) as it never ceases to amaze me how many of our members can't follow these simple common sense guidelines. Then I would like to ask that people consider getting involved beyond just consuming content as whatever you read, see or hear on these forums is only there because of the efforts of our staff and contributors. They work tirelessly to bring you hardware and software news updates, tutorials, techniques, file-sharing info, security news and other valuable information not to mention all the questions they field so please lend a helping hand or at the very least let them know that you are grateful for their efforts. Remember that gratitude is the foundation of any healthy human relationship that will first and foremost benefit you and truly enrich your life. I would also like to inform you that I am currently involved in some exciting new initiatives that will benefit all of our dedicated members, contributors and staff so stay tuned because it's really an exciting time to be part of the AudioSex family. I really think you're going to like what I bring to the table and if you've been hesitant to join the community now is the time to dive right in because there's a world in here just waiting to be explored. If you are ready to undertake the journey please leave the alpha male bullshit at the door because it's not welcome here. However if you're ready to meet some amazing people and dream, hope, laugh, learn, listen and share then come right this way. I promise you that if you give it a chance it will be an unforgettable experience that will add something unique to your life.

    On another note since we have a lot of users that may be confused concerning their options I have taken the liberty of linking to this guide on VPNs That Take Anonymity Seriously To those not in the know a VPN (Virtual Private Network) will act as a middleman so that you don't leave IP address information behind and with the state of surveillance around the world at the moment it is a requirement. It should help you narrow down your search through viable providers. You can also find information on Free Access To Dozens of Anonymous VPNs Via New University Project

    Finally if I have one message here it is:
    The world is in chaos and everyone knows it because it's literally palpable. You as creators have at your disposal the necessary tools to open minds, to shape them, to heal them and therefore the means to effect change. Put aside your differences and unite in a greater purpose. The whole world is longing for healing and direction and it all begins with you so open your eyes, open your mind and get to the business of rebuilding. Stand up and be courageous, be innovative, be bold but most of all be heard. They can't stop the signal.

    And never forget…you can't have a revolution if the music isn't right so after you watch the video on the left in full screen and high quality come back here and hit play on the one on the right (a token from my Industrial genre) as we fade to black. As far as I'm concerned it should be the title track on the soundtrack of the revolutions to come, both of the mind and the whole of society itself.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsNJ0w0ypmc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ci0a5PrgEE

    This isn't the end, it's only the beginning,
    Cataly5t :wink:
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Stand up, make your voice heard and teach the young. We have to attack this problem at the source and keep on pushing it back every generation. Democracy isn't a destination, it's a process...a journey. The same can be said for a revolution of the mind but it takes action on our part. Did you know that only 47 of the 100 senators in the United States attended the classified hearing about spying programs? The rest wanted to fly home and relax. It's clear to me that they just don't give a crap...but as long as we still do we can change the world.

    For anyone interested in this joke of a system check this out:
    Senators Skip Classified Briefing On NSA Snooping To Catch Flights Home
  4. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    TL;DR please ?

    Joking but this is serious.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Hey it took a hell of a lot longer to put together and there was a lot of ground to cover. I thought I made it enjoyable. :dunno:

    I mean think of all the crap you read every day on the internet. Here's something that means something and though I do enjoy my nerdiness if you met me face to face you would think that couldn't be further from the truth. If this message was just for members I could have left the first paragraph off but since it's also for guests I had to leave it in because I'm tired of people making the same mistakes at the forums which means more work for me cleaning it up.
  6. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    It's a joke dude, a joke. Take it for what it is. I even made sure to add this "Joking but this is serious." :wink:
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Sorry if I got a little touchy or defensive, you just have no idea how long this all took. It's also a topic that really means a lot to me so that could also explain why I'm so serious. The world has apparently lost it's freaking mind and it has me on edge. *yes*
  8. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Reading your post I can say you are a charming lad, no doubt, but there are some confusing points.
    Well my dear, you can surely give up that revolution 'cos that what you've posted is everything but right.
    You call that music?! Oh dear, I hope you just have hearing issues, honestly. Just for the record, I do not mind the genre.
    That's an insult for my ears - and I bet ya for any living being with just a pinch of IQ, let alone for some forward thinking revolutionary head-case.
    No offense intended whatsoever, but that... dat is a joke. (OK, kudos to RATM.)
    I've got lucky over the past decade to meet all kind of head-cases from various fields, like, music, aliens, computer science, physics, etc etc
    the list is long, and what caught my attention is one thing they all have in common;
    an astonishing taste for music, serious music, from some obscure folk pieces to techno.
    The interesting thing is that you are not the 1st nerd with some brain cells, but no taste for music whatsoever.
    What's wrong with you ppl, like, honestly? :)

    I can see iDiot commercial w/Skrillex on duty for soundtrack to put the cherry on top of package.
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    There always has to be one doesn't there? Well it's nice to know that you got nothing out of this besides a critique of the music. First of all I listen to more music than you'll ever hear in a lifetime including: Alternative, Classical, Drum 'n' Bass, Dubstep, French music, IDM, Indie, Industrial, Metal, Minimal, Synthpop, Techno, Trance you name it. The artists that you are insulting have about 20 years of experience and are highly respected in the business. Maybe it's just that YOU have no taste in music. It's so ridiculously ignorant of you to hear a few songs that I've put up and come to some half-assed conclusion of what I'm about or even what I listen to. If you don't like the post then just move on. I'm sure it would be a blow to all of us to miss out on your elitist commentary but somehow we will survive.

    PS I hate Skrillex, so do me a favor don't act like you know me. The point of the video was the message not the music. PS I could give two shits what you think. Really. I'm not that guy who's going to crumble because 8-bit is having a bad day and has to spread his hate. *no*
  10. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    I mean, you put together a nice chunk of reading and framed it by bad music. Why, oh why?
  11. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Hating existence of someone is quite low.
    And yes, I don't know you nor I mentioned/implied in anyway that I do. ??? ^^
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Because Industrial is the spirit of what this post is about. You should research the genre. The Deadmau5 video was for the message and I actually like the song. You can't please everyone.
  13. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Agree with the o.p. change is due, but normally what happens when change comes about is one dictatorship is swapped for another dictatorship under the disguise of democracy or something like that

    Democracy is bullshit, 50.1% have a dictatorship over the 49.9%

    What's really needed is freedom, freedom to do and say what you want as long as it doesn't cause harm injury or loss to anyone else
  14. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    LOL I just had a nice spliff of some haze and am enjoying my day off. Also my cables have arrived, so I can give a test ride to my DSI Evolver.
    My day is lovely, tbhwy. The problem is you act so pathetic that you can not handle a simple question (not to mention ignoring a good few compliments I gave you). WOW! A brave new world.
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow it's crazy that you say that because I've brought up the same points in previous conversations. I think so long as we try to remain grounded and open we can find a way. We should use the fact that we know this is a cycle to implement extra safeguards to prevent it from happening. The reason things have devolved is because the government has lost sight of its former self and what's really important. And your last line is the one rule I live by: As long as you aren't hurting anyone financially or physically you have a right to do whatever you want. *yes*

    PS I really liked a song of yours I heard recently. You have a good voice for the music. Solid track. :mates:
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Hey your music really sucks...but I did like what you had to say. Point proven? You did imply that you hated my music and that implies that you know it. Not to mention I don't understand why you couldn't just focus on what I said if that's what you liked? Why did you feel you had to delve into what you hated particularly when I just said I put a lot of time into this. It's one thing to say you're not a fan but damn man...really? I can't put up tracks that everyone is going to love because it's music and people like different stuff. If I put up what you wanted to hear then someone else would be unhappy so I put up what I like to hear and what fit the thread. I think that's what's wrong with the world, people too busy focusing on insignificant details and missing the big picture.
  17. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Oh, there you go. Is that hard? Thanks for the explanation.
    Now, you are saying, I recall "you don't know me" which is the most common phrase among low levelers and american high school kids. But that's OK w/me.
    What's confusing is that you are telling me to do research about the genre, thus you act as you know me. xD
    Dude you rock. At least you made me laugh.
    Going to do something useful instead of wasting my time on ppl that get all upset if someone cross the line of their personal beliefs/world.
    Have a nice day Sir.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's not even the beliefs because if you had a counter-argument I'd be open to it but sorry if I'm not open to hearing how much people hate AWESOME music. I remind people AudioSex is for professional audio lovers not haters. Don't like it, don't listen. It's as simple as that. *yes*
  19. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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  20. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I'm really happy to have you here, Catalyst :hug:

    .... :mates:
  21. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I think I might have "drifted" a little somewhere cus I`m still not sure ".....how it`s going to begin"!

    Also, I find the existence spiders most unreasonable. :wow:
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