Anyone using Loopcloud (SW)?

Discussion in 'Software' started by TaxiDriver, Dec 31, 2019.

  1. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Although loopcloud advertises this like - what will you create with 30mio or something sounds, my goal would be to get rid of "Samplepacks", as I never use them beyond drumloops or one-shots, some fx, bass two times a year and maybe some heavily processed vocals. So with every pack, I have synth or some intruments lines etc etc sounds collecting dust and taking TBs of space.

    The idea to just pick "that" drumloop from "that" pack is nice in theory. And the software looks kind of handy. But I have this doubts..

    - As a loopcloud subscriber - do you have the access to ALL the Loopmasters library?
    - If you buy a loopmasters pack it gets automatically added to the SW tag system, but (as you can add your own loops) what happens if you you add a loopmasters pack that you dlded from ..err somewhere?
    - Is this just a paid Spyware? (I have enough of that from NI, SF, UVI, OT.. you name it)

    As I see it, you obviously don't get the synth presets, which were the usable part of packs imo..

    Are there other similar that you consider better? (Splice, Noiiz, Output, Sounds..)

    Thanks for any insight! :yes:
  3. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    idk that site.

    but on splice you can download individual sounds you like from a pack and you will only pay for what you download!

    when i have a pack i check and listen to every sound, drumhit and only store what is useful (like 5% or less). otherwise you accumulate bs like you said and lose overview. the effort pays off for me. i categorize smart and from time to time get rid of tons of bs, too much stuff really won't help the workflow ....
  4. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Same could happen with less stuff.
    You'll hear something on Splice, loopcloud etc and alone it's great, but in the mix it sucks.... and in the dust it goes :rofl:
    A proper management of the stuff you've already got seems to be more adequate. But that’s just my humble opinion.
    (and an external HDD with 3-4 TB is below 100 $)(by the way 200GB of free and most of it royalty free as well. Some stuff is good for Music, some is , ahhh not so good except for experimental stuff. Car engines and similar are nice sounds for a Hip-Hop intro for example. But for more, not really)

    But back to the main topic.
    Splice is good but a bit expensive in my eyes. (If you' ll use samples as much as I use them. ) :winker:

    I only know loopmaster (company behind loopcloud) for stuff I got free on plugin boutique.
    It was ok no big "Spyware" so far I see.
    (I can only say stuff from Plugin Boutique gets added without any problems.)

    My Way :
    I love buying the big bundles on and sort them after wards.

    If you'll don't like the stuff delete it
    You'll get 7 more attempts to download again.
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  5. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    hey thx for gamesounds!! Black Octopus is da goat , no doubt. i didn't subscribe to splice either ...
  6. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Ive used Loopcloud for 4 months now... i love the interface and the ability to repitch the samples to your preferred key and chop/ restructure them on the fly. Also, there're countless samples from all genres though they're more skewed towards edm/hiphop/futurebass/house.

    You dont get access to the entire LM library.

    I dont know for sure how it would work for illegaly dled LM samples but I'd bet it'll work just fine. Just don't pull me up if I'm wrong. :)

    Cant be sure about the snooping possibilities... I havent noticed anything strange on my system.

    Having said that, Im gonna try Output Arcade next and then decide which one to go with long term...

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  7. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
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    works fine here all libs (i bloke in firewall) :wink:
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  8. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    @Polomo Thanks for the gamesounds!!
  9. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    It all depends on how you mix your tracks and how the sample is implemented by YOU. Nobody can tell a loop/one shot from a release track came from Splice, Loopcloud, LM, and so on, unless you have downloaded that loop too and heard it before in your collection or while browsing their sites (or got it through other means). Regardless though, once the piece is mixed in a finished track there's no saying "in the mix it sucks". If it is so then the mix itself is/was NOT done right! That's not the fault of Loopcloud, Arcade, Splice, etc...
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  10. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    - I have my entire samples library that I've collected over the years on my Loopcloud. Purchased stuff /Free stuff /Sister Site stuff. No sweat!
    - Yes, everything is tagged from LP. You don't have to download entire packs either, you can simply choose what u want to add to your library.
    - You surely don't need to subscribe for an entire year if you are not going to use it that heavy. Just subscribe for a month and get 300pts credits. However, if you are doing a lot of production that are Sample-dependent then the current 50% deal is worth it.
    - You can also use Loopcloud FREE actually (As I currently do and buy points when needed). So, try the free version first man.
    - SPYWARE? Our whole entire current existence is SPYWARE :rofl:

    Happy New Year and Good Luck!!
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  11. Polomo

    Polomo Guest


    Sorry what the f*ck ?
    Nobody say anything about that.
    Read my text again please. Nothing

    Of course many Mixes Sucks in the end (9/10 in hobby audio)
    (And in some cases because of one or two sounds)

    And here is the reason why

    Ok, you'll hear a great 808 Sound on splice
    you´ll think this one is great. Buy it (for let´s say 5 $ for the sound alone ) so you´ll got high expectation on it

    Then you'll do a worldmusic song (Maybe because they very "IN" or you want to impress a ladyfriend ) . You'll got your 808 and want to try it.(Of course it was "expensive" for a single sound and there is this impatience you feel too using it)

    The problem this doesn't fit in the mix.
    So your Mix will suck in the end.

    That’s simple Try and Error.
    Everyone of us did something stupid with music . And many mistakes are made in the mix.


    Same here read my text again .
    I never said anything about it´s the fault of any of these companies.
    It's always the fault of the impatience, inexperienced User, if the Mix sucks.

    And If someone write
    (I hope I'm not too offensive here.)
    Then there is a first buy than try and cry problem.
    Or in simple words.
    Already too much stuff, without the knowledge to use it proper. (And I don't exclude me in this.)
    In some threat I started, I got a question If I missing something, In hard and software.
    But in the end it was some experience and knowledge which helped me the most.

    I think you´ll totally get me wrong here.

    When you'll find a good sample and use it in a totally wrong song your mix will suck... but not because of the Sample. Just because some sounds doesn't belong in some songs. The Problem is if you bought it (because you liked it) and force it to work in a song where it shouldn't be in the first place. And then it will goes in the dust
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2022
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  12. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I had do be more specific and I apologize.. :bow:

    Loopcloud consists of:
    - Loopcloud software, which inevitably relies on internet connection (as you check the samples with some white noise real-time, online)
    - Loopcloud software is (can be) a plugin (and a standalone) - so you (can) check your samples/loops in your DAW (tempo synced)
    - When the samples/loops (which you can mangle with the software plugin in your DAW) suits you, then you "buy" them (w/points) and get the whitenoise-free, high-quality version.
    - Loopcloud is (also) cloud-based, so you can upload content (not Loopmasters only) to your cloud based storage (and here it gets a bit funny, if you uploaded a "stolen" Loopmasters pack up there.. thus my question - not a big problem for me though, as I'm mostly legit)

    ..please correct me, if I am wrong about any points above. That's why I'm asking you about your experience in the first place.

    Now what I'm still wondering about.. first @Kinghtsurfer (coz you are such a nice guy..;) :)
    Thanks for sharing your experience. Can you please elaborate a bit on this.. o.O So you do NOT have access to.. what? Latest releases, best quality releases..? 3rd party?

    So you're basically using it as an off-line sample/loop library manager..? Because as far as I understand, you should be online to check the - let's say - top loops (hihat/snare/perc..) against your kick+bassline already in your DAW.

    Good point. Also, you say you're using a Free version now. Isn't the software functionality different with Pro..?

    @Polomo, you made your point about the "mixing" clear at the end. You don't want me to mix Balalaika with Banjo, if I understand. Don't worry, my knowledge about instruments is "overwhelming"..;)) But I think someone should write to Black octopus (as you mention it up there), selling the Mediterraneo(!) Percussion pack.. Bongo, Cajon, Conga..?? What do Afro-Cuban/Peruvian/..instruments have to do with Mediterranean ones? This is bad, really bad.. though I saw a huge drop in quality with Black Octopus over the years.

    Hey guys, fck this now.. Let's be nice to each other (as far as possible..;) and..

    Happy New Year! :wink: :speaker: :drummer::hifive:
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  13. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Thank you @TaxiDriver ... Just for that I'll tip you BIG when I ride in your cab next... :)

    I dont think it has anything to do with quality of samples. I havent deciphered any system by which they decide which samples are availble and which aren't. Seems very random though I'm sure they have some criteria for bifurcation.

    Hapy New Year!
  14. dirkdiddler

    dirkdiddler Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Oh man...this sounds to me like you are getting your instrument selection confused with mixing...
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  15. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    No, again someone didn't understand what I'm saying.

    In sound recording and reproduction, audio mixing is the process of combining multitrack recordings into a final mono, stereo or surround sound product.

    To be clear ...yes you'll make the mistake in the instrument selection but you'll hear it in the mix.

    And thought this you mix will suck

    Why do all razz around the holidays. Maybe too much liquor or too much stress.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2020
  16. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    "Sorry what the fuck ?
    Nobody say anything about that.
    Read my text again please."

    Looking back at my answer, you are right! I kinda veer off the subject.

    "No, again someone didn't understand what I'm saying.
    Why do all razz around the holidays. Maybe too much liquor or too much stress."

    Hahaha, I got what you meant in your answer. It was maybe how the wording "in the mix it sucks" came about in the original reply. It's all good man.

    Happy New Year and Better Mixing! :like:
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