Serum vs. Avenger

Discussion in 'Software' started by Gyro Gearloose, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Funny thing I like both synths and don't like their developers cause of Same stuff ..... Selling a good Synths and kill it backwards with Copyright stuff
    (Xfer don't Resell and Avenger with Codemeter 90 Days log on stuff)
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  4. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Same here. Serum is already expensive and then the dev stopped allowing licence transfers. The Avenger devs are paranoid and disrespectful. Sucks that these synths are being plagued by that. Well at least we have u-he but they aren't even close to Serum when it comes to being mainstream in terms of preset pack support by third parties.
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  5. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Without going into the whole dev philosophy and pyschanalyze, personaly I got the serum rent to own three months before I bought Avenger.
    Then I cancelled my rent to own plan.
    That's all.
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  7. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    I can never understand this argument about the login/check from the software developer but seeing that it is mentioned so many times in this community, I guess in a calm manner I must ask what's the fuss around that? I mean, a check every 90-days, that's like 4 times a year out of 365 days? Is it really that inconvenient? And if you are already logged in doesn't the plugin does the connection silently without having to bother you?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  8. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    It’s as simple as this.
    Try buy a linplug VST in 2019/2020
    Or a Camel Audio Plugin like old Alchemie
    Developers and Companies dies some times. (and sometimes without a warning)
    And then after 90 day you got a dead Softwarebrick on your PC

    But on level up is the independent you lost
    Venezuela and Adobe are a great example.
    Just because one person (Donald Trump Executive Order 13884,) everyone there could lose the license to use Adobe Creative Cloud.
    (In the end this doesn't happen this time )
    But it was high likely that this could end with thousands of 1 Year f. you accounts from Adobe.

    And same could happen if some stupid jerk in Germany pushes the wrong buttons.

    WIBU the company behind Codemeter could faster go than you think.
    If only 2-3 People there know the password for the Server
    What would happen if these 2-3 People sit in the same car when it Crashes.

    For me this would not be the first time to get a dead software (Some online game with dead servers taught me that lesson )

    Edit :
    For someone who actualy pays for a plugin this can hurt like 200 $ (like me)
    And for the Crackers it´s a bit harder to key.

    And that´s the reason.
    (and the Fact that this stuff came with 1.4.10, so long after the initial release.
    It's changing the rule in a game you're playing)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2019
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  9. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I played around with both in earlier versions but in the end I bought Avenger because it is more versatile for me. Some people claim Serum sounds better, but I must confess I can't hear that really.
    btw: for me it's more a question of Avenger vs. Falcon. I do love them both.

    I don't mind to plug into LAN every 90 days either.
    But what I hate about that copy protection thing is that most of the time the paying customers get the headaches. Using k'd software is most of the time easier. Especially for Vengeance. They now have three version of protection!: eLicenser, selfmade, Wibu.
    Can't that whole industry work on one (1) single copy protection scheme interface where it is possible to use any of those licensers instead of a multitude? My USB port looks like a hedgehog. And if one is broken or lost -> OMG!

    A good point!

    All of the above: That's why I L.O.V.E. k'd software. It's the last help in the darkest moments
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  10. Aadleezy

    Aadleezy Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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    As much as I love to just go through and test presets, not being mainstream and not having support by third parties might actually be a blessing in disguise if it forces you to have to sound design your own sounds. You can learn a lot about sound when you sound design.
  11. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    There are way many other wavetable synths.
    And u-he having little third party presets for his synths? :rofl:
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