A Question Regarding Recently Released ToonTrack MIDI Packs

Discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started by Mahapurush, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. Mahapurush

    Mahapurush Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    Greetings to everyone!

    I have a possible silly question about ToonTrack Midi packs shared by Pirat on sister site. Here it goes ... How can I utilize those MIDI files if I don't have any ToonTrack softwares (such as EZkeys, EZDrummer etc) ??
    Inside the archives uploaded by Pirat there are Installable (.exe files) which I believe require ToonTrack softwares. It would be great if anyone could please share MIDI files (.midi file format) only if it's possible.

    I hope im not violating any forum rules. Thanks for reading.
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The only MIDI files you can utilize are ones you'd get from TT SD2/3 and EZDrummer. EZDrummer just uses normal MIDI files; none of which have been posted along with all those recent packs you mention, I believe.
    The EZKeys, no go.
    If you were to download EZKeys and play the MIDI through to another channel and capture it, then you'd have the MIDI in a universal format.

    Useful tip: even the WiN versions can be used on Mac; just drop the files into the correct folder that EZKeys sees.
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oops. It's actually as easy as dragging and dropping from EZKeys to a track in your DAW; then you have the MIDI which you can save as a MIDI file. If you're prepared to download the software, there's your answer.
    I guess somebody (probably not me!) might want to convert them all for you. You never know.
    I was making an educated guess re. the routing MIDI thing, based on how one can route MIDI from EZPlayer to SD2 to audition files.
    Those are the only two TT products I've used, as I'm a keys player for many years anyway and don't need (or want!) to use such a thing as EZKeys!
    BUT I downloaded it after my comment (just for your sake!), and now I'm about to delete it.
    Because if I don't, The Goddess Of Music might trap me under a mountain for 1000 years. Again.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
  5. Mahapurush

    Mahapurush Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    @Smoove Grooves First of all thank you so much for replying. Yeah I was dreading that was going to be the case. And someone converting them into MIDI file format is going to be a long shot. So, I guess one has to acquire EZKeys to utilize those packs.