Uploaded file integrity?

Discussion in 'PC' started by goit, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. goit

    goit Newbie

    Sep 12, 2011
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    I have some doubts about the intentions of some crackers/uploaders. There are some who post regularly on AudioZ that have never posted anything that works. (other than re-posting popular/old content)


    Here are three examples, the descriptions, file container formats are inconsistent.

    Downloaders, uploaders and especially AudioZ admins should provide a way to authenticate the content included.

    Any ideas?
  3. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Hmmm Where to start?? 1.) AudioZ only allows trusted members to post. The first one on the list was posted by Tigeris123456 and he has posted 361 articles with no complaints. The 2nd one on your list was Posted by SAiNT and he owns the place. No need to check his posts and the 3rd was released by AMPLiFYiSO and posted by GonBi ,again no need to check if the original was a scene release.One more thing crackers do not post anything.So what is it you are trying to figure out again???? :dunno:
  4. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I have doubts about your intentions myself.

    The poster of this hasn't posted anything since last year and none of the stuff they posted seems to have caused any problems.

    LOL, posted by the boss.

    Never had any major problems with the uploads from this poster either.

    No idea what you mean, give more details of the problems you see.
    One is THE admin.

    Yes, get back under your bridge Mr Troll.
  5. goit

    goit Newbie

    Sep 12, 2011
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    You misunderstood my question. I'm saying that it would be nice if admins like SAiNT could keep a tighter control on the stuff that are uploaded here. Most of these contents were first uploaded onto the internet by some third party, these posts are basically re-ups. The 2nd one has it's descriptions wrong, obviously someone made a mistake typing it up, and everyone afterwards copied it without checking. This is what I'm talking about, sometimes uploaders download their stuff from an earlier place, and they don't have the time to test every one of their uploads fully. Even in these threads many of the original links are down and you can see that there are many re-ups by different posters. sometimes the official links by admins like SAiNT are taken off, so you have to download from somewhere else.

    I have been PMing admins on AudioZ about this, and they said I should ask in the forum.

    Your team might not, but there are indeed many cracks that don't work floating around the net.
  6. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    What you are suggesting is a real pain in the ass, the only way Staff can test is to actually have possession of everything posted.If that were the case what's the point of other people posting links, besides it a big waste of time and puts the staff in jeopardy. That is why they have a group of trusted members that can post. yeah sometimes they rush and copy\paste the wrong info but that gets sorted out real quick in the comment section and nobody is perfect anyways. I do understand about the re posting of old stuff but SAiNT has been trying to find a permanent fix for all that. Currently you have to tag it as a new release if it's one. I guess some either do not know it's old because they just got a hold of it or if they just like to abuse the system :dunno: However re posting something if the O.P. links are all dead then That I can understand. If you want a system that has more control over it's content then join a torrent site.There are quite a few ones around.
  7. crichton13

    crichton13 Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    London, UK.
    I do have to say that 3 examples out of the (possibly) Tens of Thousands of available links/files seems a pretty good ratio to me.

    I've never come across a file/link that I ever felt was 'sus'.

  8. Groover McToober

    Groover McToober Newbie

    Sep 3, 2011
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    It's extremely rare in my experience that anyone gets a bad download from here.

    And, as already mentioned, some of these guys have hundreds of posts here. I cant remember having had problems with anything from Audio Z.

    I remember somewhere about a year ago there was a fake AiR release that had something potentially "bad" in it.And all the problems I've had with poorly packed downloads are from another site where people seem more concerned with posting endless "Thank You"s and getting Repped than what's in the downloads sometimes. :rofl:

    This is one of the best download sites because of multiple hosts in postings and some members taking the time to make links of varying sizes which helps out a lot of people.

    I dont mind when people sometimes post older stuff here either.If you dont like it,dont d/l it. I appreciate the efforts of ALL the uploaders to this site. :wink:
  9. goit

    goit Newbie

    Sep 12, 2011
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    My problem is with cracks that don't work, or simply garbage downloads taking up tens of gigabytes. These are too pervalent because many people upload gigabytes of nonsense to get file hosting points off of whatever site they upload to. Old content themselves are not my concern.

    Sometimes old working releases are botched in the re-packing and compressing done by less skilled uploaders. They would not just upload an identical copy of the original release, but have to mangle it a bit first.

    You are saying that only trusted members can upload here, but I see that a lot of the content posted here are also copied from other sites/sources.

    See my reply to Mykal. I'm not taking about viruses or security threats.
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