Toontrack drums midi folder

Discussion in 'Software' started by DoubleTake, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I have a fairly complete Toontrack drums midi folder, but I have some odd subfolders and some odd entries in EZdrummer and Superior Drummer 3.
    I wonder if anyone who has a fairly complete MIDI collection could post a screenshot or directory list here.
    Of special interest to me are the 000330@BACKBEATS, 000330@BALLADS, 000330@BLUES, and some others.
    It is confusing to me trying to confirm I have things in order...
    (Here is a shot of my own directory):
    TT drums MIDI folder.jpg
  3. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    I've been trying to sort my midi folder for a while now and it's complicated because the way you see it in the Midi folder is not the order you see it on the SD/EZ UI. So about those 3 packs you mentioned they're all Add On Packs, one thing I notice is you don't have an Add On Packs folder with the header file in it. (For an example of a header folder see the "03@_EZX_LIBRARIES" folder)
    So those packs are showing up somewhere else when you're looking at the Sd3 browser and not under a sub category named "Add On Packs"

    In the SD/EZD midi browser "Add on Packs" should have their own category where only Toontrack add ons should show, (Third Party midi should have their own category, not to be confused with the USER Libraries folder) same with the EZX midi and the Superior midi libraries category etc etc, they should all be in their own sub category with nothing else in there.

    It's complicated but here are some general thoughts, there is no exact way because for example, my folder numbers are different than yours and yet they both work.

    If you notice in your folder you see for example "03@_EZX_LIBRARIES" So all the included ezx midi is all listed under that category in the sd3 browser, and you see all your ezx midi has just 2 numbers in front of the name, example 06 Vintage Rock 07 Latin etc etc,
    the numbers are the key to sorting out how things are displayed in the UI browser, SDX's have 5 zeros in front of them in your folder, so if you want it to all look nice and organized in the UI Browser it goes something like this,
    play with the numbers and folders, and when you make a change to a folders name you have to open SD or EZD and see how it looks, then close it, then change another folders name/number, open it again and see how it looks, little by little because occasionally there is some unpredictability where its displayed so it requires tweaking.

    I worked on this for a while but it may not ever get finished because it became frustrating and cut into my music making time, I have some of it nice and organized but there are some strange trial and error things that you have to do, I thought I figured out EXACTLY how to do it but the number scheme can be slightly different so it's not an exact science as far as exactly what numbers you should use in order for everything to display neat and organized in the UI browser., and if you ever figure one out then tell me. If I ever finish it I'll share it but don't hold your breath, maybe someone out there has done this already?
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
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  4. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    mine looks like this:

    Attached Files:

    • mine.jpg
      File size:
      667.1 KB
  5. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    I think screenshots of how the midi is displayed in the SD/EZD midi browser in addition to the folder screenshot would be more telling. It would be like "this is how the folder is setup and this is what it shows in the UI midi browser" it might help to see who has the closest to 100% proper displaying in the browser, it is possible that different users folders that don't have identical names/numbers could still display perfect, so the more info the better, maybe we could all get more clues on how to get there this century.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  6. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    This is really the only thing I hate about EZ and Superior Drummer. It would be great if the interface had a midi manager so you can organize everything however you want.
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks @Mud Jones ! That is great info.
    I'd moved some of those folders out so i could see where issues were and had not realized I'd moved the "03@_EZX_LIBRARIES" Header folder, too. I just moved it back and it "sorts" out the issue that caught my eye in the UI Browsers :yes:

    I have a feeling the number differences have to do with differences in the sources of the packs, and your explanation makes sense of the differences.
    I saved @Daskeladden 's folder for clues as I sort mine and will post results of fiddling with the numbers :)
  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I have a clean portable win10 on an external drive and I'd like to do a fresh install on that for that purpose.
    I could build a library starting with the best sources (assuming those are the core libraries and add-on packs with installers) and leave the most questionable ones (lone add-on folders with no installers) until the VERY last..
    But it's a big task I won't start now, especially considering what you said above, and the fact that someone might know their MIDI folder to be as "correct" as they get (maybe the example by @Daskeladden ) :wink:
  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks :) I saved that as reference.
  10. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA

    The thing is you can't tell if someones folder structure is correct until you see a screenshot of what is being displayed in their SD/EZD midi browser, so I wouldn't necessarily use anybody's as a totally correct example yet, it might be we'll see. Plus to add to the confusion the structure may or may not be the same as someone who installed the legit or a different release, I know there was an issue with folder structures before.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  11. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    ezdrummer midi folder.jpg
    I have been organising a huge collection of all drum midis. Everything installed from proper toontrack installations and comparing them to various VR releases, individual releases, torrents etc and other drum midi's sourced all over. Ive checked most third party midis individually and checked for issues of not sounding right, whether they're type1 or type0 midis, converting midis from BFD, Addictive, etc...checking almost all mappings. Some older midis didnt have proper mappings or has many gaps in the midi, or has multiple layered midis. So far i have cleaned and checked 286,000 midis converted to EZ Drummer and SD3. Also I have organised with custom numbering only for toontrack's midi folder for third party midis, while leaving the default numbering for all toontrack based midis. (so when you get an update it will install in the correct folder.)
    Also removed duplicates such as if you had an add-on pack INDIE FOLK MIDI (000337@INDIE_FOLK) its the same as the EZX Indie Folks midi (1904@EZX_INDIE_FOLK). So far im confident that my folder structure is correct atleast for only for the toontrack based ones.
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  12. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Still not completed though have a lot more to do Groove Monkee, Keyfax, etc.. plus we dont have all of the toontrack's midi packs.
    See this video of my EZDrummer midis. of whats done so far.
    The toontrack libraries have the correct categories, the recent VR release of SD3 3.1.5 had a lot of midis not organised correctly (just see the Music City USA midi, No orange coloured headings in EZDrummer). The VR midis are correct just not organised as the installer versions.
    Also download this txt file to see of all toontrack midi packs available to us so far. drum midipacks list.txt
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
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  13. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    Damn bro! That is pretty impressive sir! Any chance you would upload your midi folder?
  14. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    Does it all display correctly in SD3 too? I found sometimes it will display properly on one but not the other which makes the whole process even more tricky.
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  15. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    In SD3 the order of the SDXs or EZXs midi changes because it organizes it alphabetically not according to the folder numbers 00001@ or 00002@ etc, but its almost the same.
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  16. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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  17. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    someone on the sister said they were getting ready to post a ton of the unreleased packs and they had them all bundled but Pirat is only allowing them to be released one by one, so I guess it will drag on for a while, but hopefully a happy ending
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  18. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks for that! I see right away there are a lot of differences. You have an 00006@Roots and I have 000350@ROOTS instead.
    My Roots SDX did not include Midi, and the update did not either ("unofficial" updates pack).
    So, my Roots MIDI came from "Roots-1.0.2-TT191" and looks official. That seems a bit weird, and I guess it's just different sources, although it seems TT would keep the folder number consistent.
    Your video is very handy to see the GUI. What do you use for capturing?

    [Edit - Hahah I also wonder what you use for seeing into the future!
    "Total 67 Packs available as of DEC19 (the tabbed ones are the ones we have)" ]
  19. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Just used Bandicam. Its limited to 10 min captures unregistered. 10 mins is more than enough for my purpose. Lol.
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  20. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    "OBS Studio" works great for screen capture and it's totally free no time limit no registration
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  21. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yeah, I can see some sense in the arguments. The whole Midi folders can be swapped by those interested.
    I have just gone through and found what i was missing on SS going back to 2012 and found that someone had uploaded their entire Midi folder with some cautions about numbers.
    Looks like a good source for long lost Midi
    I've got a lot of midi drums among preset packs I have yet to extract that include at least some of what I see and in Demha's setup. Some I had in there (Groove Monkee) were actually void of MIDI, although i do have them archived. I am happy with my fairly complete Toontrack library and will get to the rest in time :yes:
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