Ryzen 3800X for a DAW?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Bunford, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    You know what i hate on those motherboards?
    The fan on the chipset.
    That sucks some dust.
    I'm on an B350 and 2700X on 4Ghz Locked with 32GB 3200 DDR4. and got 5000 scoren in CPUz. 1t 455.
    CPU @ 1.28 - 1.3v MEM @ 1.375
  2. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    SOLID STATE IS THE FUTURE (no moving parts)
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Always value your experience and input here. :cheers:
    Yea. you are right about everything, the thing with upgrading is, i have had this system running for almost two years now and dont feel like upgrading, its just not worth it, new OS, takes way too much energy and time.
    Did buy 10 and will now upgrade to 10.5 but still using 9.5 because it works so well and the constant upgrading is ughh.... wont make anything easier for me, the system is already 100% stable.
    But yeah, with the next build i will probably be forced to go with win10 and C11 and the current rig will be added to the server farm rack.
    The biggest issues to me are organization and fast workflow.

    So you are saying win10/c10.5 is more evenly distributing load over the cpus?
    They have been claiming a lot of things for several years, but it still feels kind of bloated and heavy on the cpu, could really need some fresh new code to lighten it up and make it fly.
  4. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    There is a problem with that.
    The more you write or read, the quicker it will weare out.
    Future is Light Discs.
    Just like CPU's, GPU's
    Optical "Light" devices.
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  5. virtualsound100

    virtualsound100 Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Sell your graphics card MSI GTX 1070 Armor 8GB OC (buy a smaller one) and buy the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, then you have a 12 core / 24 treads. :wink:
  6. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    What always amazes me is how they did put us here on this earth.
    All those diffrences.
  7. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Yes, AMD is also better for DPC Latency for your DAW.
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  8. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    I'm waiting for the 1 CPU with 1T800
    @999999999999 Mhz :)
  9. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  10. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    True but same goes for a hdd. In particular the spindle, the (read/write) arm and the actuator are all mechanical parts that wear out through time. Taking for granted "academic" values doesn't do justice to either technologies, in real world usage there are very few pro/semi-pro or even enthusiast users who will use a particular drive more than 3-5 years, and even if some did, the vast majority keep an offline backup of their most important files. Most Pro oriented drives, both hdd and ssd will give you a 5 year warranty. My 250gb Sandisk Pro Extreme & 500gb Samsung 850 Pro came with a 10 year warranty. They 're still rocking used as system drives in a couple of my secondary machines, just like new 4 years later.
    The storage market is clearly divided to entry level, mid-tier performance consumer drives and pro drives (which are again segmented to sub-markets because they 're aimed at different tasks). You may find a newer consumer SSD outperforming in some metrics a "performance oriented" pro SSD from 2 years ago. This though, doesn't take away anything from the Pro drive's value because on the particular Pro market users are looking for both endurance and performance, not just the latter. Taking the time to do some research for the correct drive that suits a specific use, is the best way to ensure the user's needs are catered for.
    At the bottom line, you will get what you paid for :) I mean i maybe drooling all over this https://www.liqid.com/products/composable-storage/element-lqd4500-pcie-aic-ssd , but drool is all i can do, this costs an arm and a leg and probably a kidney or two lol.
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Essentially yes. Just note Win10 is not a prerequisite. If you are already on Win10 then Cub10/10.5 is the only way to ensure full multi-threaded performance. If you are on any other Windows OS than Win 10, you can use whatever Cubase you have been using with no worries.
    MS limited the MMCSS max threads to a 28 usable (that is 32 minus 4 reserved by the system) starting with Win10. Previous Windows versions are not affected by this. Supposedly this value as i mentioned can be tweaked via registry but atm i haven't been able to do so. Practically when showing the aforementioned value you get two numbers. One shows the max number of threads and can be tweaked, but the other which cannot be tweaked, at least not in this particular registry string, is the processor affinity, which for instance at a value of 20, it indicates that the system will allow 20% of cpu resources can be allocated for low level priority instructions. So in my mindset it wouldn't make much of a difference to tweak the max threads if i am limited by a 20% of cpu. Unless this value changes dynamically and i didn't understand it correctly, which of course is possible and i am leaning to believe it is this way for real. Anyone with more knowledge on this, feel free to add your input here please:)
    I haven't had any complaints about the chipset fan so far on any of the x570 boards i installed. TBH when i first saw that fan on the chipset i had the very same instictive hesitation 'bout the x570 series. But so far the latest bios updates have proved to rectify any problems some users have been complaining about. Let's not forget this is still very new.
    On a secondary thought, the x570 chipset consumes about 11-15 watts. As someone in YT very well put it, we had northbridges in the past passively cooled that consumed 30w of power. These though, were placed where most boards nowadays put an m2 slot, that is the middle of the board whereas the x570 chipset is on the right part of the board, just before the sata connectors.
    My opinion and where i believe AMD sort of screwed up, is their chipset is made on a 14nm variant of the 12nm i/o die found inside any Ryzen 3000 cpu. If this was made on 7nm just like the cpu cores, it would probably consume less power thus outputting less heat, which theoretically would make the use of a passive cooler viable. In short, AMD needed to keep their release timetable (competing with a company like Intel is no feat for the reluctant), so to keep operation safe they went a step backwards implementing a fan on the chipset. This may very well be eliminitated when x670 (or whatever its name maybe) arrives next year. But atm, we 're stuck with the fan and for those who are picky on this, even the upcoming TRX40 chipset on the new TR3 cpus is again using a fan :( . For those who want to go x570 with no fan out of the box without resolving in DIY swapping the chipset cooler (with unknown outcome so far), there's only the Gigabyte Extreme which is fully passive and top notch mobo overall, but costs about 800 euros. From a pro audio user's view, the number of pci-e lanes on x570 doesn't justify such a purchase, but hey, if you want passive out of the box that is it for the moment. Or AsRock's Aqua for 1000 euros lol. And add to the latter the cost of a custom liquid loop as well and you end with a board costing as much as a regular user would pay for a full audio pc.
    On the other hand and being the devil's advocate on my own opinion, since you can use 3 nvme drives with any x570 premium board and with very little compromise of the maximum Sata slots, it could be a viable option to enthusiasts who want a bit of the best money can buy. (Quote: To those concerned, all premium x570 boards have 3 pcie x4 nvme slots, the first 2 nvme m2 slots don't sacrifice any Sata slots whatsoever, while the third one negates 2 of the given sata slots).
    Imho, it is videos like this that give AMD a worse name. A guy in a room with a laptop behind him speaking about proper builds, or in another video the same guy in front of a subpar untreated home studio, explaining pro audio builds and such... He doesn't say anything wrong in the linked video but if you are a seasoned user of any sort you woudn't take him seriously. I mean bro, my Dell displays cost as much as his whole effin studio lol. And every minute or so he keeps saying how his company builds comps for pro audio, the dos and dont's and blah. He might be of good intentions but i have to be reluctant on the particular dude and his channel. This is not how you build repute imho and i wonder how he even got 26k subs.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
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  13. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    You refer to SSD's?, even tho they wear out they should still last longer than most HDD.
    Even if they would last shorter, I would prefer anytime a SSD over a HDD.

    Anyways, with Solid State (no moving parts) I didn't meant storrage.
    I meant cooling, like fans, pumps etc.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    In general i agree, but it is not so simple, as it is much easier to cause an ssd to fail than an hdd.
    For instance, QLCs have a higher failure rate in SSDs, because users think they can do everything with them constantly, so they end up "bricking" the drives after a relatively short period, usually from 6 to 18 months (companies don't disclose that these products are prone to a series of malfunctions due to wrong usage). On the other hand, a cheap QLC SSD like an Intel 660p comes with a 5 year warranty, whereas the typical WD, Seagate etc. hdds come with 2-3 yrs max maybe and you have to go for a performance hdd like a BarraCuda Pro or WD Black to get 5 yrs of warranty and even then you won't get the performance of a nvme drive like a 660p (that is in most but not all cases).
    So the best way is to think smart about your storage needs. Mix & match according to your needs since the main aspects of the two techs are different as in: SSD = performance, HDD = capacity.
    Seeing how all major hdd companies are well and thriving business-wise and knowing that they have hdd roadmaps for the next 5-10 yrs, it is safe to say hdds are going nowhere atm and in the near future. HDDs could go extinct only if someone like Samsung (who make their own memory), decided to sell their products at a 400-500% cheaper. Then a 4tb ssd that typically costs around 450dlrs would match the price of an hdd, practically rendering the hdd tech obsolete since atm its only "advantage" is more space per dollar. But do you see something like this happening anytime soon ? I don't think so :)
    Err, perhaps but which future you mean? The year 2075 future ? If so yes, but i don't think Moonlight was talking about "that future" mate :)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
  15. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

  16. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    another difference is heat, vibration, noise
  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Ok, it is beautiful, game changer and clearly futuristic. The reason i don;t share your enthusiasm is just because to go there there has to be a transition period which is probably silicon photonics. As it is Intel, AMD, ARM, along with Samsung and few others rule the semi-conductor business. Among them, Silicon Photonics is something Intel knows and sells applied tech based on it. So there has to be a transition period which the existing tech in components will complement the newer photon tech. I am guessing this period will last 'till all major manufacturers involved in computing have made the transition of their factories to fully support light based computing. That should be approximately 30-50 years.
    I mean look at us man, we 're still stuck with fkn slotted bits and pieces since the transistor was invented and all soft is always beta lol.
    So for pure photonic computers i'll stick with 2075, and even if it was 2050, chances are half this forum will be either dead or too old to remember.
  18. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    First of all it's not futuristic, it's already here.
    They are developing this while i write.
    2075? well... If you are 50 now, maby you can't see that revolution :)
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Why is it when you say futuristic people think you mean something that borrows from sci fi or the deep future...
    The first two explanations describe what i meant.
    Anyway we have a very different understanding of what "already here" means. Yours would mean that quantum computers are already here as well, but mine says they are not if only on a lab level.
    As for the last part, i'm already 53 man hehehe...
  20. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Charts without him talking for 30 min.
    It seems in Video and Photo editing, and 7zip compression AMD is very good.

    In gaming however, Intel i9-9900 KS seems better.

    I don't know which one is more similar to DAW benchmarks.

    See benchmarks in this spoiler:
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
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