the good times are over , also for win

Discussion in 'Education' started by Gyro Gearloose, Nov 8, 2019.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    member: 47286"]hysteria[/QUOTE]
    forgive me but...this hysteria you talkin bout...i dunno...i got none...heh heh..and most here in thread also but neverless there may be ppl which get anxiety yes...:winker:
    but i couldnt care less as noisemaker and engineers who can save time with new products will loss time for update and os headache and cloud protection and shit...
    in the end , in their life statistics they did click 6 months of their life windows security pop up cause they work on online workstation..
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You surely mean they want to spy on us, not every user is dumb...
    Surely Sinus could 've done better expressing his thoughts but...
    Hmmm... Your whole phrase needs some "tuning" mate, lemme try separating the facts from hearsay.
    1. The hidden OS you are talking about has been there almost forever, since the Pentium days and NOT just in the newer cpus.
    2. The accidental discovery you are talking about, is about as legit or original, as when Copernicus discovered the earth moves around the sun in the 16th century, but oops blimey, Aristarchus of Samos in ancient Greece worded the very same thing about 1800 years before Copernicus.
    3. It can't be accessed. Well... it surely can, just not by you, unless you work for Intel or have some serious hacking skill to exploit it.
    4. It can't be turned off you say, hmm... If you can manage to turn off Intel ME, it's off alright.

    5. There is more going on etc etc... Isn't there always more going on ? My mother in law truly believes "they 're spraying us" lol. Now i love my wife's mother but this doesn't mean i have to believe her conspiracy theories...

    So to sum it, just because the majority of people take notice of such things as Intel's hidden mini-Minix OS in hindsight, it doesn't mean other people didn't "ring the bell" when they should. Not getting heard is the side effect of the modern society's status quo. It was only when the vulnerabilities' exploits started hitting those cpus, that some people got really "Sherlock Holmes" about it and the whole hidden Minix OS got known publicly. What they didn't understand as you now (no offense meant of course), is that instead of being Sherlock Holmes about it, they were really being Johnny English. Because scientists had warned people of Intel cpus as much as 25 years ago. And almost everybody laughed and gave 'em a pat on the back: "Sure, cool discovery those vulnerabilites but why should they matter..." And as we 're still here, peering witnesses to these facts, Intel's reign continues...
    The good thing about all this, is that even if only retrospectively, at least some people slowly but steadily start to want to know more about what's really going on with their comps. In other words, i do agree with the message you want to spread, i just felt i had to step in for a bit of a thread overhaul if i may.
    Cheers :)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
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  3. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    are you blind ?
    first its for artificial weather...huurp and tech is no secret...alu in the air and fluorid in many bottled water is great for health
    second check what they did spray in Iraq while the war ..they did use chemicals which react with a area in the brain which is process lower religious can find videos on the net from university where they talkin bout that in class
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Don't we need to make a clear separation here? One thing is the Mini-OS. (I really welcome you to correct me because I don't remember well and you know more than me in these matters)
    If my memory serves, the specter/meltdown are the kind experts have been alerting about. I think they're vulnerabilities that involve CPU speculative execution. They are also present in AMD CPUs. Probably AMDs lesser exposure it's just a matter of statistics, meaning far less people have used/studied/messed around with AMD CPUs.
    Anyway, they're extremely complex both to prevent as discover.
    I'm pretty sure there're thousands of combinations that can trigger another vulnerability both in Intel and AMD CPUs. From there to discover them, realize they're really useful (accessing the RAM) and usable there's a long path. But when it happens, the shit for Intel really hits hard the fan :rofl:
    Anyway, it's still negligence. But the hidden mini-OS/UEFI thing is under authorities/whatever orders. And I stress again AMD also has its version.

    Yeah, I totally agree. It's good to know these things but not over-react (obviously not your case, can't say the same for others here)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  5. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Here's the thing: There are already several copy protection solutions available. And the most reliable solutions are those that cause the most problems for the user. For this reason and also because these solutions are sometimes very expensive for the developers, most developers resort to simple and uncomplicated protection solutions. Now Microsoft wants to open up a part of the market as a provider of protection solutions. Please explain to me what difference that makes. Some here act as if this would mean death for software piracy. And I say:
    No, it's just a new player on playground!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
  6. _taliesin_

    _taliesin_ Newbie

    Nov 4, 2019
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    i realize that many folks here are probably not even from the US, and nor would they want to be... but this sentiment still applies, I think: "Welcome to Drumpf's Amerikkka!"

    willful stupidity is a way of life for many people, now... they'd rather believe what is "easy", and what appeals to their already-firmly-entrenched prejudices, than have to actually do the work of *waking*the*fuck*up*, *looking* at what's going on around them, *thinking* about what they're seeing, *thinking* about what the implications are of what they see happening, and *getting*off*their*asses* to actually *DO* something about it!

    the Orange Arse is infecting and afflicting the entire world with his poisonous attitude of giving people permission to act out their worst, most base impulses... he is *NOT* just "an American problem"!! he is a cancer on what little progress humanity has made to rise above the rest of the animal kingdom.

    tl;dr: as a species, we're pretty much fuckin' doomed...
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Look at the bright side: we're the one that bully the others :wink:
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Yes we absolutely do. I can try to list all the vulnerabilities Intel and AMD are prone to but it would take quite the pages lol. Afaik, Intel's modern cpus are prone to about 80 known vulnerabilites whereas AMD's to about 20. I' ll have to double check, i ' ll get back to you with an edit on this post.
    Laters mate :)
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  9. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Seems to me folk was probably pointing this shit out back in the days of caesar , it funny how our breed is always doomed how ever far back you go but we always seem to muddle on through , we are a just a bunch of fuckin freaks but you gotta admire us lol ...............
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  10. _taliesin_

    _taliesin_ Newbie

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I'll grant you that you may well be correct, Riff, at least as regards a similar sentiment being voiced back in Caesar's day... but I would have to point out the rather significant difference 'twixt then and now that they, back in Caesar's time, did not possess *nuclear*weapons* back then, which we certainly do, now!
  11. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I'm starting to think that getting Wine properly working with most Windows applications is less painful than fine tuning Windows 10 to be any sort of useful. And to top this off, this will happen, as if the dreaded data collection wasn't enough.

    Upgrade experience for Fedora 30 to 31 was quite nice, you'll get asked "Is this OK?" many times, then the OS is upgraded at boot. You'll get a nice brochure what are the changes and how to revert if you don't like one of them (for example the smooth scrolling in Wayland Firefox is not to my taste, so I downgraded to Firefox-X11).
    For Windows 10 (experience from work environment) - updates/upgrades are installed the first thing in the morning, 30mins before you can start your work, and in my case, log in into the roster (so just because Windows 10 has craving need to update, I'll have recorded lateness). The OS shuts down unexpectedly to "install updates", and will not warn you to save any work. Every photo I open is likely sent to MS, as their 'Photos' viewer takes ages to open, and always causes high HDD activity, as if 32kB JPEG needed that much power.

    There comes a point when an individual has to say "Enough" to all of this.
    For music however, it's best to stay with Win7 and not migrate to linux, as that $500 plugin you just bought, might not work well under Wine, and that's probably best experience to avoid.
  12. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I remember years ago, there was a scare about secret cameras put in new TVs that were spying on families as they watched the TV. Do you still believe that one? What about the latest one about webcams spying on us, many people cover the lenses of their webcams because they're scared someone could be watching them remotely. Surely you can see when it is being switched on. The only tech scandal I believe is phones, even before mobile phones the authorities and Police etc could listen in to our phone conversations, phone-tapping is still rampant, and now your exact location can also be traced through your mobile phone. I think there is more to worry about with our phones than our PCs.
  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Taping cameras is not a new practice and I would recommend it to everyone. Microphones in televisions are not myths and were easy to manipulate, at least at that time, with some models. Some devices didn't even need microphones, because the loudspeakers could be converted into microphones by the software. Amazon's Echos are in many people's living rooms. Amazon employees listened to the recordings for private pleasure. Meanwhile there are alarm clocks with microphones, smoke detectors with cameras, etc etc.. And all these devices CAN be broken into, because most of them communicate wirelessly.
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  14. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    yea a player which has ultimate cheats:winker:ever heared of must think bigger ...

    further we dont talk just bout piracy counters these are freedom cuttings...
    ppl who say there is no privacy are so brainwashed...they may be right but the its the fact that we made it possible for the industry to do so..
  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    they do...and they do other hidden stuff...cause its their product..yeh yeh..but it breaks laws which got wiped just a few years back...
  16. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    That's right, but that's another matter.
    Especially since much happens through ignorance.
    For example, did you know that many large photocopier have hard drives where the copied documents are stored?
    Many people copy sensitive documents in shops, copy stores, offices.
    You simply don't expect a hard drive in such a device.
    A small flash memory? Yes, of course. This is necessary for copying. But nobody expects a hard disk in a photocopier.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Or do what they've done in Cuba for years, use what you've got and make it work.

    [​IMG]upload photo album
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  18. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Not gonna happen first of all there is zillions of third party software plugins expensions etc
    Some is protected with a simple bloody KEY if you got a working key you can always dl from dev site..
    Some is protected with a license file some is not protected at all so how in the hell are they gonna keep up which is pirated or not?
    Thrue the webbrowsing you do on your computer??
    LOL many of us uses several comnputers so dl from ONE and transfer the pirated stuff to an offline computer.
    This is just to make ppl scair exactly like virus and malware i have seen this "propaganda" since the birth of internet.
    Yet the piracy continue even if some stupid users made it more difficult beacuse they wants to be online all the time.
    And that is why some dev also have made the protection as "always online" otherwise it wont work.
    If those youngsters where brighter and listen to us old farts this crap might not had happened but they insisted that they MUST be online in order to make music WOW!!
  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    sell 50 of that to a company and you maybe get busted for economy spying or what ever its called in english...but if the companys(industry)does it with smal puplils privat personen its all good...
    ahh i forgot we as legit privat persons have nothing to hide :rofl::woot::deep_facepalm:
  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Privacy is of utmost importance, be it if one is "legit" or otherwise, lest one feels the need to self censor in order to maintain the good graces of those that would take advantage of any at all "infractions" that are imposed by a set of laws, of definition, created to justify the control wished and implemented by the system of complete oversight that is the current state of affairs. Fear of reprisal or a false agreement of an ideology is a great way to set up an ancillary censorship system. If you know you are watched you are more than likely to watch what you say to mitigate reprisal in the the form of blackballing, arrest, imprisonment or all of the above.
