Old R2R Kontakt, or?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Carmen86, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. Carmen86

    Carmen86 Guest

    Hi everyone, what is the most stable Kontakt version? Maybe the old ones from the R2R team? Thanks for any replies, and sorry for my bad English! :)
  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    For Windows it's Kontakt 6 v6.1.1 r4e
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  4. Carmen86

    Carmen86 Guest

    Hi twoheart, Is there a specific reason to choose this version? Thanks for the fast reply!
  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    This version (6.1.1 r4e) is from May. It's rock solid and opens the latest libraries so you are always good to go. Lib adder works fine. :wink:

    R2R is much older and they started a new and "better" way to enable Kontakt by their keygen. Every Lib you wanted to use needed to be included in their keygen. Quite shortly afterwards they stopped to deliver new keygens. That means, you weren't able to use newer Libs with R2Rs release. Last keygen was from end of 2016 if memory serves and that's useless.

    If you have the money for Kontakt, the most stable version of Kontakt is always the legit one from NI of course :)
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2019
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  6. Carmen86

    Carmen86 Guest

    Thanks for all the info twoheart! :)
  7. Carmen86

    Carmen86 Guest

    I tried it, it works well... Thanks twoheart! I have another question about the factory library.. Why is the one on the sister site only 23 GB? On the site of native instruments is 43 GB! :dunno:
  8. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    The NI site shows the original raw sample size. On disk it is NCW compressed
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  9. Carmen86

    Carmen86 Guest

    Thanks boogiewoogie, On this site you know a lot about these things! Sounds cool! :) Excuse my English..
    PS, is it normal that kontakt is a bit slow when I choose the sounds?
  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    It depends on several factors how long it takes to open a lib or to chose different instruments.
    Generally it's a good idea to place the Kontakt Libs on SSD instead of harddisk.

    If you feel that Kontakt loads instruments inside within a library slowly you can perform a "Batch-re-save". But you should be careful to use this option, as, when you batch re-save you won't be able to open the instruments in older versions of Kontakt anymore (given you use 6.1.1, you (and others) won't be able to open the lib with e.g. a 5.6.5 version of Kontakt). If you always use the newest version of Kontakt, this isn't a problem.

    Batch re-save is a reorganisation inside of a Kontakt library.
    To batch re-save a library, open the file dialog (floppy icon top-right of Kontakt) and chose batch re-save from the menu. Chose the original directory where the library resides that you want to batch re-save.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2019
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  11. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    What would be the best way to update from OSX v 5.5.1 then (mavericks restrictions kept me there), I know there is a certain 5.6 release for adding cp'd libraries, and now I know to avoid the R2R releases over the last few years if not up to date with library information etc...

    but about to finaly put the trigger on an update to Sierra or whatnot, and wondering how much of a nightmare it is going to be, ... I have legit NI Ultimate, but obviously like to test some of the libraries (Output etc).... so have a K'd version installed as well.

    Been watching/reading from the corner of my eyes over the last few years, and it seems like it might be a bit of a nightmare perhaps.. (5.6 to add, later version to run etc... and creating/adding snipd's and auditing the ###'s etc...

    Is it that much of a pita? or relatively painless? And in doing so, will i lose all my currently installed libraries in terms of their access in the side panel and have to re add them?

    oh boy....
  12. Carmen86

    Carmen86 Guest

    Thanks twoheart and boogiewoogie for all the answers! :hug:
  13. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I'm not on Mac but what I read about the new version (Catalina) of Mac OS is that they highten security measures a lot.
    They did it in the previous versions as well but you had a workaround for using non-certified executables/drivers by a kind of "whitelist".
    This is gone in Catalina.
    That most likely means that key'd executables won't work as I don't think crackers would be certified by Apple :no:
    There may be solutions for this in the future. So one should stay away from Catalina if possible atm.
    High Sierra or Moyave may work with K'd Kontakt. I would suggest to install one of those in a Virtual environment e.g. Virtual box maybe even on a cheap Windows system of a friend just to check it out before you render your production machine unusable.
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  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    thank you @twoheart , i absolutely will clone yet another os drive to test, (never walk that tight rope without a net you know?), they are just piling up lol... and i'm no apple fanboi at all, just in their eco system for decades, and this is definitely a pita..

    I sincerely appreciate you advice and words ... I have 3 work machines right now, and they all have cloned drives and unfortunately at this point THREE damn OS X's.. was gong to a fourth. and now looking at this fifth, as i know it will have to go through it eventually or i just jump to windows as much as a pita it is for my old labrador ass... :)
  15. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Mmm, looks like v6.1.1 r4e been taken down since this post launched? :unsure: Just wondering, not really in need of it myself at this point.
  16. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    My mistake (prolly due to typing in the dark). :cool:
  17. icecreamman

    icecreamman Newbie

    Feb 18, 2020
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    anyone can PM a link for the r4e repack ,i just found only 6.1.1
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    PMed you.
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