Studio One newbie questions

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Esteros, Oct 14, 2019.

  1. Esteros

    Esteros Member

    Aug 19, 2018
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    I switched to Studio One from FL Studio.
    I will hold this topic for people that want to help me start with it.

    I like:
    1. Disable VST (Possibility to have huge template without using a lot of ram RAM.)
    2. Auto mixer routing.

    I dislike:
    1. Asio4All (Can't listen YouTube while S1 is open.)
    2. White line that split bars (It should be more fat white line, not just whiter than other lines in a piano roll!)
    3. No names verticaly in mixer tracks.
    4. I kinda have hard time understanding "quantize, time base, snap".

    1. No names verticaly in mixer tracks. Can this be fixed?
    2. White line that split bars (It should be more fat white line, not just whiter than other lines in a piano roll! Can I change these colors? Is there any good theme maybe?)
    3.How do I pick a scale and highlight it in piano roll, like ghost notes in FL Studio? If not S1 is there plugin for that? (Note, it works in S1, but highlights keys, I want background to be highlighted)

    - If I get more questions I will ask, hope someone can answer these for now.
  3. NitroRocks

    NitroRocks Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    Did you check any tuts on S1?
    I have them all from beginner to pro so if you need any, PM me.
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  4. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    In "options">"audio setup">"audio device">disable "release audio device in background"
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  5. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    I'll help you
    First get your monitors at an good frequency responce.

    Then i will help you further.
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  6. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Also get an real ASIO Sound Card like RME.
  7. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    First :
    Get an cheap RME card. They are in PCI ($100)
    Get an B350 with PCI Slot.
    Buy an AMD 2700x

    You can get an DAW for less then $600

    Search and you will find it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2019
  8. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Also use windows 10.
    Many that are on 7 are 0 in the future.
    FLS is one part.
    The other part is Hardware.
    And ofcourse Drivers.
  9. FREq

    FREq Ultrasonic

    May 28, 2018
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    first u need to buy an Audio Interface (Steinberg UR22 mk2 / 110€)
    better (RME Babyface Pro / 680€)
    then buy good Headphones (AKG K240 Studio / 50€)
    that's enough as a start

    later you can still buy expensive monitor speakers
    as a starter ADAM T7V 180€ x2
    better ADAM A7X 550€ x2

    YES ! like NeverenoghFun say...Buy Presonus Atom !
    Because the integration with S1 with this ontroller is very good and much mouse or keyboard work is taken from you
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
  10. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    I was a studio one fan boy for a very long time now.
    Read the manual front to back (Wich I highly advise super super informational)
    .. im still a Studio one fanboy I guess. If it's PC for me Its studio one.

    Picking a scale if its for Chords use the Midi Effect CHORDER
    I think if i recall there is a small checkbox by keyboard that is for snap to scale but i never used that so not %100

    For really real, Read the manual. Or atleast download it for questions like this.
    It's one of the best put together and most informative manuals i've ever read. It's better then any tutorial.

    But in the man time if you have S1 questions shoot me inbox.

    You dont need a babyface pro lol
    I've been producing, mixing, for 15 years and am just now looking at professional interfaces such as Apogee Babyface UAD.

    When you start getting paid, consider those larger ones.
    For now. a 1 input focusrite, Or even Berhinger(what i use) will do just fine.
    Do not blow your budget on interface yet.
    Presonnus also makes a very nice one.

    Get a atom pad.
    they are the bpmb. they feel great to play, and the intergration between atom and s1 IS AMAZING for production.
    Cut copy paste custom keys not repeat everything. really amazing Pad for that software for only $150.

    and dont STRESS over monitors.
    Yes you should get some soon. But im assuming your room isnt treated so a very nice pair of Monitor Headphones will get you further.
    I use ATH MX40's at $100 I get very good results with these (after learning them)
    I hear the ATH MX 50's at $150 are very exceptional as well.

    If you have a little cash to burn. Open back headphones are the way to go
    Senhieser HD 650
    or if your money roll is fat Beyerdynamic has some dope stuff
    and if your not as much a Audiophile you just wana make some beats
    AKG K240's or Sony MD..something.. nothing wrong with those ethier

    You don't need to spend money to make music man. Thats just the glammor of it.
    I was making music almost as good when i had a 25key vs my 49 and when I was using M Audio AV32 vs HS 5's.

    Learn the strengths and weakness of what you have and you can do amazing things with it
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
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  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    That's a lot of comments that have nothing to do with what op is asking.
    He is exclusively speaking about S1, so please, let's keep it in topic.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
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  12. Esteros

    Esteros Member

    Aug 19, 2018
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    I really don't know what is going of with people on this forum.
    Deliberate trolling or really can't understand questions?

    Thanks to guys with help full answers.
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  13. Gizmoz

    Gizmoz Producer

    Oct 20, 2018
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    For a display suiting your needs go to menu Studio One
    Choose Options > General > Colors (or something like that, I'm not in English in S1)
    You'll find cursors to brighten - change the overall UI colors

    For your other questions I'm not sure right now. (I'm stuck in Bitwig for 3 month and I forgot quikly :dunno: , age maybe ?)
    I'm sure you'll get good answers soon.
  14. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    1. Asio4All (Can't listen YouTube while S1 is open.)
    asio4all is great, release audio in the background
    2. White line that split bars (It should be more fat white line, not just whiter than other lines in a piano roll!)
    in settings you can change colour schemes, no themes as of yet
    3. No names verticaly in mixer tracks.
    thats fixed,cannot be changed
    4. I kinda have hard time understanding "quantize, time base, snap".
    IQ=input quantize = as you record midi notes they get quantized to the set gridline.
    time base = ruler showing beats or minutes
    snap = if on , the selected blocks are snapping to the edge of the block
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  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    well atom pad ...when u use s1 get one--its hell of a tip...
  16. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Imo the piano roll of FL is the best. I tried all Reaper, S1, PT, Ableton. Ableton is close but not as good.
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