Exactly. Benny is talking about an old paul mc cartney vinyl from his father he found, and he wanted to take a listen to what sound they had back then. He had to admit, paul mc cartney is the worst rapper ever. Veronika tells him that paul mc cartney dont make rap, he was one of the beatles. Benny sais that the beatles dont ring a bell. And he's confused why cartney calls himself a mc if he dont make rap. BTW Nice Pic Frito
Hey, sorry for offtopicness, but i just found this strange thing while i was wandering on the internet: This is his real Twitter: Jack Bothern I don't know how fake it is, but he seems to post regulary.
maybe a Mandela moment for you, I altered this fine moment in cinema history coz it fits my reality....
That made me laugh really hard I pictured it with wild imagination since I arrived to the "bearadise" word Last edited: Nov 29, 2017