I've had a lot of good moments with hemi-sync in the past, nothing of similar sort comes close. It's an effective tool for mental work, albeit off-topic considering the differences of application and technology. Rife's tech requires a lot of laboratory experimentation with different frequencies and of course other tools like a tesla transformer built following only original patents with the argon "neon tube". That's about the limit of my own understanding of the topic.
I have only good things to say about hemi sync! Who knew godforsaken bass could find muh marbles as well as get muh twark on. Very balancing I definitely think there is something to this also. I plan on having one machine clamped to each nipple to cover all bases.
One of the original Brainwave programs was called "Holosync". It is an ongoing brain entrainment program and seems to have had a measure of success among many of it's participants. This program however, is very expensive but can be downloaded freely via torrents. I tried the first couple of levels and found it to be rather powerful. There is a downside though! As this program restructures and strengthens your brains rythms it can also overwhelm you especially if you try out deeper levels too soon. Think of it as a brain workout and if you overdo it your brain becomes overwhelmed and you can experience serious mood swings. (Just like exercising too much you can burn yourself out!) If you go through the program at the right speed that suits your personal makeup then you can overcome mental disorders. It's like a shortcut to the benefits of meditation.
Lots of interesting info in this thread. I came across this vid which helps shed some more light on frequency generators effects on cells
That was a good presentation. They need to keep researching this. Lately I've been using AD Sound Tools, which can be found on sister, to create sine wave based binaural beats using the techniques from research like this here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5487409/ and getting some really good results! Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2019
In the image I posted above, notice how the right frequencies are 250Hz, and the left 256Hz. Wearing headphones, this will give you a binaural beat of 6Hz, which is within whats known as the Theta brainwave level. Theta has been successfully monitored during REM sleep cycles, and during deep meditation. Here's are a couple of articles about the functions of these brainwaves: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-the-function-of-t-1997-12-22/ And another: https://brainworksneurotherapy.com/what-are-brainwaves If you set AD Sound Tools up like that, take the right, or left speaker off of your ear, and you will notice the beat vanishes, having only one speaker on one ear. It's a "phantom" beat cycle that takes the sum of the two frequencies to create. And only your brain can "hear" it. You can also record this using AD Sound Tools into a wav file, then embed that into a track of music for therapeutic sessions if so desired. I've tested it, and it works great. Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2019