How to avoid being Brainwashed?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Helvetica, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. Helvetica

    Helvetica Producer

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Hi all. I moved from a non-western country to Belgium a year ago. Never been a fan of modern consumerism media just like you guys. Since then I have been struggling with keeping my own self way of perceiving the world and not be absorbed into daily THROWAWAY way of life. Everything feels so fake and temporary, people don't giving a shit about you and planning more over nonsensical media. I don't want to watch the typical soap opera of here every day, get the news, eat super processed food and go to sleep. And repeat, and repeat. If you move here, specially as an immigrant who doesn't know HOW TO ESCAPE THE SYSTEM, everything is thought to be a passive thinker, or not to think at all. Not to discuss, to debate, to question life. To criticize, all you get is really weird looks and that you don't fit with these modern lives.

    Any advice on how to preserve critical-thinking and INTELLECTUALISM while still living here filled with inescapable brainwashing government/public transport/radio/tv/fair/SCHOOl way of thinking?

    Thanks in advance. I felt I needed to get this out of my chest. Thanks for existing!
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  3. Only 1% of people question and never get satisfied. The rest live in the everlasting satisfaction.
  4. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    go live in a ranch?
  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    also I'm calling it from now this thread is going to lead to 1000 word essays and trolls. If it happens u can kiss my majestic hand in the chatroom...
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  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Very good question. Unfortunately, it's not easy. The more detached you are the more perspective and critical thinking you preserve.
    But easier said than done.
    Sometimes you can't help, because of social life, work, be influenced and dragged to some issues of the political-correctness of the culture you live in.
    Well, I'd say the media is one thing you can improve, especially with internet. Go to the web of one left/social politically controlled media. Then go to another right/conservative controlled. And make your own conclusions.

    Anyway, good luck!
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  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This may seem a joke but is half-truth in my book. detached.
  8. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    being detached warps reality too. i think the keys is to preserve that critical thinking by educating yourself.. still go and play with the world. it's good for you
  9. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
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    First step: avoid pop music, edm in particular :)
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  10. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    If they pay me well, they can try to brainwashing me every day :rofl:
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  11. [​IMG]
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  12. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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  13. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Living in Liquid Modernity
    How to make sense of ourselves, of Davos, of Trump and populism—all at once.

    ❝Under conditions of ‘liquidity’, everything can happen—yet nothing can be done with confidence and certainty. That’s because ‘we presently find ourselves in a time of “interregnum”—when the old ways of doing things no longer work, the old learned or inherited modes of life are no longer suitable for the current human condition, but when the new ways of tackling the challenges and new modes of life better suited to the new conditions have not as yet been invented.’❞
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
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  14. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    the genre not the whole electronic dance music field...
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  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    he is showing that he got a forced cellphone antenna on his roof top , a pretty big one ...

    rent a garden with a well or even a greek and grow some food...
    find real people i kno its hard , most ppl are fake these days and there even dont kno it anymore
    also ppl have to be locked in their routine to get along with all...
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  16. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Find a good yogi. And no, I don't mean the bear. Asking for advice from those who are already brainwashed is not the way. For a quick fix, go down to the Amazon and participate in a few Ayahuasca ceremonies. There's a lot of really interesting things currently going on over there.
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  17. electriclash

    electriclash Guest


    @OP- nice line of questioning

    • get off all social media. no facebook, no instagram, none of that shit. It's ALL garbage. no exceptions
    • read books
    • revisit your acoustic instruments, possibly add something new to your existing collection
    A few years ago I renovated a bathroom in my place and I've never let anyone use it. Instead I transformed it into a psilocybin mushroom farm. Nothing too crazy but a fresh, healthy supply for whenever things get too hectic/noisy. Not looking to trip the light fantastic here but have found a few caps or stems can really change my outlook and perceptions while also acting as a natural flush of unimportant considerations. Travel to exotic locations has also expanded me further.

    Sorry to hear you're having a tough time adjusting to Berlin. I also live in a big city and feel the strains much more than I'd prefer. Best of luck!!:mates:
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  18. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    the only correct way of preserving critical-thinking is participating in and on the themes you choose.
    look, I don't want to break your balloon, but your questions shows how easy it is to scream from the sideline like a football supporter,
    who thinks he would've made that goal that Ronaldo misses on occasions.

    did you really "get" the news when you've only read it from one source? or does getting the "news" means getting a second and third opinion from different news outlets? you are free to start one if you feel one side of the story is not "lit" enough. If you don't feel like it, you are a part of the problem. (in your mindset, not mine)

    example? ok: start to appreciate processed superfoods
    “Twice as much food using half as many resources.”
    "reduced dependence on water for key crops by as much as 90 percent."
    "elimination the use of chemical pesticides on plants in general but especially in greenhouses"
    "livestock producers cutting their use of antibiotics as far as 60%"

    people grow older than ever. Try to match some life expectancy graphs to your (biased) opinion.
    the real question is: let half the population starve to death, or have superfoods. you are choosing the first option. I would choose the latter.
    the problem definitely isn't superfoods, since people voluntarily stuff there face with frying fat and sugars on a daily basis..

    without being too bold (I hope) somewhere you have made misinformation of the "bad-losers" of society your own, and are tricking your mind as them being fact.

    this can be deadly dangerous: children around my hometown got the Measles that way. essentially they tried the KILL mine.
    Please let that soak in, they tried to kill my 2 daughters. Because the thought they would be better doctors than actual doctors from the sideline.

    I also want to point out that life isn't been set up to be "fair", and it shouldn't be.
    it makes us who we are. we also have tried that in the past, rooting for equality of outcome is a bad thing to do. it ends in misery.

    you can try like you suggest, not participate in the "system", but then you take away what essentially is the greatest gift you can get: Responsibility in any sense. Right now, as you said in this topic, you are dodging it. And (a wild guess) it is not making you happy.

    thanks for sharing, conversations can lead us to enlightenment.
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  19. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    you're the one who chose what you're doing, reading, eating, getting involved in... it starts there.

    why would you have to be a part of something that doesn't concern you ? if tomorrow an asteroid destroy earth, all the opiniated out there and the energy they've spent on making a point won't matter anyway.

    try meditation, learn how to cook and eat healthy, stay away from social medias, the best way to be "social" is to find what really drives you and make it your reality.

    the rest is pure waste of time, and time is, with a good health, the only luxury we have.

    take care.
  20. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I try to stick to only reliable news sources like Facebook for info on important topics like voting.
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  21. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    The Infinite Game Theory

    also on another level : "be present"
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