What I need to buy next with $ 700

Discussion in 'Studio' started by WIMA, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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  2. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Me : ...overall I feel there is no big problem except in a few small details ... One of them is like a guitar sound that is less thick not like Metalcore reference....

    I mean about one of the small problems is, the sound distortion of the guitar that is not thick as I expect...
    Any sugestion about that? maybe from the size of the guitar strings or from how to mix? Because I really want the sound of the distorted guitar to sound thick and solid

    By the way... Which one is better....
    I bought HS8 for $499 with the condition of my room is small and not treated acoustically? Or I stick with my old speaker (DS5A) but I can still buy good headphones like HD 280 or else....

    I think so far I mistakenly thought that my Audio Interface needed a DI Box....

    Hi Rudolph.... Noted..
    I have checked, She is very beautiful, and I have screenshots for my entry into the list of instruments that I have to buy in the future...Thank you...
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    :facepalm: My fault, sorry.

    We have some true metal guitar experts here, so maybe you'll ask this question in a separate thread here https://audiosex.pro/forums/guitars.95/ and provide a sound example of your current sound/track.

    Mixing and mastering with 5'' is a bit difficult, unless they're pretty expensive like those old Focal CMS 65.
    The HS8 need some space to the rear wall because the bass port is on the rear. So, in a small room I can't recommend these.

    I wouldn't recommend the HD-280. They're closed back cans and this isn't good for long listening sessions, also closed backs often have a higher pressure on the head.
    Furthermore, although they're good for the price, I would go for headphones that cost 1.5 - 2 as much.
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  4. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Okay, later I will try to make a thread about the guitar matter in that guitar subforum....:guitarhero:

    Absolutely right, the CMS 65 Focal is very expensive... Are there headphones at affordable prices that sound close to flat?
    ATH M40X or ATH M50X? DT770? MDR-7506? What do you recommend? What headphones are you using now?

    It seems like any list that I will buy is almost clear ... Between mid-end PCs, cheap midi controllers, or decent headphones....:invision:

    Thanks Everybody :beg:
    But I am still trying to calculate and searching which one is the best that I will prioritize ... Moreover, I am still uncertain about the brands because I have not experienced with music production instruments ... :knock:

  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    When it comes to sound and wearing comfort, in your list, I'd say the DT-770 with 250 Ohms, or even 80 Ohms is #1, the ATH-M50 X #2.
    I'm using open HiFi headphones Sennheiser 598 (were once best <200€).
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  6. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Noted... :wink:
    Apparently, price range between DT770 and M50X is quite far... But Thanks for your advice.... :shalom:
    Your headphones are cool... Looks very comfortable to wear... :grooves:
  7. swavenation

    swavenation Kapellmeister

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Kinda confused why recommend the A49 if you think midi controller isn’t needed? Its so damn big and bulky i would say that would be the last midi i would recommend lol. Dont get me wrong it has a great keybed but youll have to sacrifice your whole damn table for that haha if its about having knobs, etc i would go for arturia.
  8. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I'm intrigued by this Vocaloid! I'm Japanese American BTW :hillbilly:

    I hope I didn't make it seem like it sounds bad, everything sounds clear and dry which is cool but a bit thin imo. I've noticed you already have lines of communication with better advisors on the mixing topic here so others might have some more applicable tips.

    I'm not familiar with those headphones. Currently I'm working in less then ideal room acoustics so I mix with low volume on monitors and crosscheck on a few different soundsources.
    I was thinking of the Roli Seaboard Block Wireless in the 300 range. I had no idea the 25 MPE was 800 though.... :wow:
    Regarding the Oxygen or Graphite controlers I'd say Graphite looks like it has more features, they cut down the drum pads to 4 to make space for a lot more assignable switches and knobs giving it double what Oxygen has. I don't have much experience with either though, I use an Maudio Axiom.

    Good luck!
  9. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    That doesn't make any sense to buy a 800$ Roli keyboard 25 keys when you are on a budget.
    Personnally I would buy the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol A49 (219$ in US,179€ in France,I don't know in other countries).Or the Novation Impulse 49,a bit more expensive.
    And with the rest of the money upgrade your computer.

    Next find used monitors from well known brands like Adam,Focal,Genelec...
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  10. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Please look into any other monitors.. most people would go from M Aduio to KRKs then realize they should have gotten the yamhaa hs series all along
    With head phones i have ATH MX40s and am alwayd pleased. Save a big chunk off the 50s but i absolutely hate the collapsing ear cups
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  11. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    This makes me suspect you're not from Europe, because

    And yes, I can wear my headphones for hours without any problems.

    A netpal recently bought this
    and became a huge fan of it. It takes a bit of getting used to, but the control options are enormous.
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  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That's totally right. Ask me anything. :disco:

    ... and I'll ask @metaller on your behalf...
    (sorry, couldn't help myself :rofl:, it's @No Avenger 's fault anyway)
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  13. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Over here in England and our new PM, that $700 will have to be be the food budget for my family for the next year. Chlorinated chicken yum yum.
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  14. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I actually started digging around to find where I heard it mentioned. It must've been on one of the YouTube channels I watch. SpectreSoundStudios, Produce Like A Pro, something like that. I think it wasn't a separate video, just a recording guitar guide or a Q&A. I think the name Metallica was mentioned but would have to check. Basically the idea is if you don't use half of the strings why not just tape them down for that single take of the solo so strings don't ring around.
    Well, you couldn't get new NS10s for the longest time yet people were passing them around. My point was it's better to get higher-tier older monitors for half the price used instead of getting new budget monitors for the same price. If you can find a deal, you're better off with getting something over your needs but still in your budget right away. And really, speakers don't break that much if they aren't blasting 24/7 at full volume, which is usually the case. Unless you're getting them from some gangsta rap kid "that likes it boomin". But they rarely have good monitors, so it shouldn't be a problem :)
    M40X are more towards general-purpose listening on your commute. HD280s are industry standard tracking headphones. They are a bit more sturdy and have a lot more isolation. You can work on both with great success, if you ever think of recording HD280s would be the wiser choice. M40Xs seem more portable though.
    That's no news to anyone. ROLI Seaboard is a series of controllers that are niche and positioned as luxury items. The biggest appeal of them is the new polyphonic touch experience, and they currently are the only ones doing it because they did it first. You don't need a MacBook to do music, and similarly, you definitely don't need a Seaboard to do music.
    You only need a preamp if you're recording stuff. Like, actually singing through a microphone. And even then the difference is not much, really.
    Not really if OP mentioned just using Vocaloid.
    Exactly. The more strings, the harder is to play without making accidental noise.
    Native Instruments keyboards only make sense if you're using their software a lot. If you're on a budget, a generic MIDI controller will suffice. Outside of NI's software you'll be using your mouse anyway. Nektar Impact GX 61 can be had for $120, and I would definitely recommend getting at least a 49-key.
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  15. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    The NI keyboard I was talking about is a generic midi keyboard.It's not the big one with NKS support.But it's NI and I am pretty sure it's far better than a Nektar keyboard.And it has 49 keys.
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  16. robotboy

    robotboy Producer

    Aug 23, 2016
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    New Motherboard, cpu, and RAM. And SSD. Use existing case, get new PSU if necessary. Then go from there.
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  17. Lou Ulfark

    Lou Ulfark Producer

    May 30, 2018
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    Just buy a Joué :wink: watch the full video ...:yes:

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  18. WIMA

    WIMA Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Have you ever tried the M50x series? What if compared to the M40X?

    Exactly, I'm from the Southeast Asia region...
    The price of the M50X in Europe seems to be similar to my region... But why DT770 price in my region reach 193.5 €? I have no idea... :dunno:

    Roli is not familiar to me... Maybe I'll find out more about Roli ...

    Hahahaha, I will ask you more..... :hahaha:

    I was a little hesitant to buy a new monitor speaker because my room was small, not treated acoustically, and also a bit noisy because there was no damper in the room ... But let me think about it first... :speaker:

    Btw, I am still confused to determine whether to buy the M30X, M40X, M50X, DT770 or HD280 with a very limited budget ...

    Wow, the DAW Impact GX 61 Nectar looks interesting ... let me googling first whether in my area it's available

    Too bad in my region the brand is not available :facepalm:
  19. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Thanks for considering me as metal guitar experts:metal:.

    To get a good metal guitar sound you need an external amplifier!
    I have tried all the amp sim software, and none of them is what you will hear when you play through a real gear! Even your external Zoom multi-effect should sound better than VST software.

    So if you want to improve your guitar sound consider buying a real amp. Recently I am doing some research to choose proper gear for recording (I have moved from my home town).

    If you are low on budget, I recommend "Boss Katana - 50". It is a combo solid-state amp, that has an extra DSP for simulating effects It has a software to control its sounds, and it is very versatile.


    If you wanna pay more I recommend "Laney Ironheart 60" (I'll get this personally among others)

    or "EVH 5150III 15W Mini Lunchbox Head".

    or "PRS MT15". It does not sound so crunchy in the high end, but it is very good price.

    If your budget is beyond this, I recommend buying a cabinet and an SM57.

    If you wanna play shred, I recommend buying a good guitar from Ibanez. Their RG series are very good priced and very high quality.

    I don't recommend buying headphone or putting money on mix stuff before you improve the source sound. No one can fix a weak guitar sound in a mix.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2019
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  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    The flatest analytical neutral headphones that i have tried are the k701 from akg, they are bright and a bit harsh sounding but translate very well to speakers and i have more expensive headphones as well.
    They are brutal in revealing bad recordings hence only the best mixes/masters sound good on them.
    I would get those and genelec 8010a monitors, since i assume your room is untreated and wont affect that size of speakers that much.
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