The Secrets of Music. Hard to Find Info Techniques

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There is a difference between
    Musical musical language.
    ( Where a song comes from)
    And the specific things a song is doing
    ( Choices made in a singular moment if time)
    How this escapes you is beyond me.

    I had described the deeper level musical language from where that song came.( What all my threads been about)
    I didn't list out what was been done in the song
    ( Boring and tells you nothing about the music language and possibilities (
    It just so happens the song is so empty space and ambugious .
    You can make it fit in most keys .
    (It's because it's empty space mostly )
    However if you pay attention to what notes are resolving where in the vocal melodies you can tell what is happening at the deeper level.
    This is why is described the deeper level musical language portion
    ( There's no interest to writing tab for a song
    That's 4 mind of work and tells you nothing about WHY music works the way it does )
    Again your misunderstandings
    Cause you to embarrass yourself horribly say ignorant things ,
    Not be able to distinguish your imagination from reality .
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There is a difference between
    Musical musical language.
    ( Where a song comes from)
    And the specific things a song is doing
    ( Choices made in a singular moment if time)
    How this escapes you is beyond me.

    I had described the deeper level musical language from where that song came.( What all my threads been about)
    I didn't list out what was been done in the song
    ( Boring and tells you nothing about the music language and possibilities (
    It just so happens the song is so empty space and ambugious .
    You can make it fit in most keys .
    (It's because it's empty space mostly )
    However if you pay attention to what notes are resolving where in the vocal melodies you can tell what is happening at the deeper level.
    This is why is described the deeper level musical language portion
    ( There's no interest to writing tab for a song
    That's 4 mind of work and tells you nothing about WHY music works the way it does )
    Again your misunderstandings
    Cause you to embarrass yourself horribly say ignorant things ,
    Not be able to distinguish your imagination from reality .

    What you claim is happening in the song does not hold up .

    You explanation for what is happening in that song does not make sense.
    It's not applicable to entire history of music

    It's like taking a sentence then inventing it's own spoken language just for the one sentence .
    A language has to be applicable to every sentence .

    Every chord can be expanded to be its cadence

    V to I
    ii V I

    Those 3 are same thing just incrementally more detailed .

    I V ii
    Has no basis
    It means no sense
    Take GBDF G7
    Going to Dmin7
    The notes don't resolve correctly

    Listen to that songs vocal melodies
    Each note resolves somewhere
    Listen to it.
    It's right inside
    The notes go from one place in the vocals resolving to another .
    If you haven't figured that out by now
    It's no wonder why you behave as you do here .

    I'm beginning to wonder if I should stick around .
    I can spend that extra time
    Doing other things
    Not dealing with people's weird thought processes
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
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  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Secrets of music ( how to series)

    How to take a song and make music out if it with limitless creativety!

    We will take a simple classic
    " Take the A train "
    By the Duke Ellington orchestra written by Billy strayhorn ( 1940's)

    We will look at all the attributes of the music structure , then see how to make music out of it!

    ( Music any style any genre of your choosing including any sounds any timbre any layers any drumbeats rhythms any number of instrument layers there are no restrictions it can be your own personal signature style )

    The song is A A B A form
    It means one section , a different one , then first one again.

    Section A
    C6 CEGA for 2 bars,. D7#11 for 2 bars

    Dmin7 1 bar ,G7 1 bar , C6 1 bar ( Dmin7,G7 1 bar)

    Repeat A section x2

    On second time through right before we get to section B we change the last bar of section A to be
    (Gmin7,C7) this is cadence of Fmaj7 the first chord of section B

    B section

    Fmaj7 for full 4 bars

    D7 2 bars , Dmin7 1 bar, ( G7,G7b9 1 bar)

    Then back to our original section A .

    That is our chord progression now I will list the chords in order of appearance and show the 7 note scales for the chords ( where all 7 notes can be used on the chord )

    1.C6 CEGA..........Scale C Lydian CDEF#GABC

    2.D7#11....DF#ACG#...scale Dlydian dominant


    4.G7..GBDF...scale G altered GG#A#BC#D#FG

    5.Fmaj7..FACE........scale F.lydian...FGABCDEF


    (Same as before for G7 above)

    For the end of section A leading into section B the cadence to Fmaj7 in beginning of section B 1 bar of



    Now we have the 2 song sections.
    The chord progressions.
    The 7 note scales where all 7 notes fit on the chord.
    This is everything we need to know in order to make music from it.

    Part II

    Actual ways of using this information.

    1.Guide tones .

    Start of playing the 3rd and 7th of each chord through the progression for example .
    C6 CEGA. We play the C and A ( even though A is 6th here. For Dmin7 DFAC we play F and C 3rd and 7th and do on do it every chord.

    2.common tones .
    Comparing the chord to next one the scales
    Look at what is same and what is difference
    Practice carrying over notes which the chord changes share to hear a minimalistic melody.
    Example first chord C6 and it's scale CDEF#GABC
    Second chord D7#11 and it's scale DEF#G#ABCD
    It's only one note in the scale different so all them other notes can be used over both take your take through progression doing this common tones.

    3.Arpeggios .
    Play the chord tones for 13579
    For the chord as a Melody ( pick out from scale)

    4.Scales use a forward and backward direction starting on the notes in chord that travel through the scale for that chord.


    Now I'm going to give you a advanced technique that's very easy it is called Triad Pairs .
    You create 2 TRIADS and go up one down other and different directions .here are the triad pairs for each chord in the whole song .take one triad pair then once used to it pick another.take your time.
    Triad Pairs for each chord.

    1.C6 chord triad pairs.


    Chord 2
    D7#11 triad pairs


    Chord 3
    Dmin7 triad pairs


    Chord 4
    G7 altered triad pairs


    Chord 5 triad pairs

    Fmaj7 triad pairs


    Chord 6 triad pairs.

    D7 Lydian dominant same as chord 2 triad pairs.

    Chord 7 triad pairs

    G7b9 same as chord 4 triad pairs

    Chord 8 triad pairs

    Gmin7 triad pairs


    Chord 9 triad pairs
    C7 altered


    Now we have all our structure explained
    Our chords, chord progressions, scales for each chord
    And finally every way to play all of those.

    Enjoy my friends.
  4. @MMJ2017 my friend I want to say:
    What you teach are:
    1. Note groupings
    2. Progression from one note grouping to the others
    Note has other characteristics like duration, pitch (c4, c5, etc.). Harmony has other characteristics too like rhythm, texture, etc. I think your view to music disregards almost 90% of the music's specification. Music is way more complicated than you are describing in your tutorials.
  5. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    What do you want, an failproof short text to make you the best musician in the world? You are right, rhythm is not accounted for so what? Do you really think it would be advisble to teach harmony and rhythm simultaniously, in the same text?
  6. I want to say playing notes in MMJ's styles is an incomplete way of dealing with notes. What he teaches is just the implied and reduced form of particular types of harmony and mostly in dissonant sonority.
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    What are you expressing my friend?
    I'm typing from a phone , on a forum in a thread.
    Rhythm is not a characteristic of harmony .
    Timbre is not a characteristic of harmony
    They are separate things .
    Rhythm and timbre are not things you can show in text from a phone on a text forum .
    I thought this was obvious .
    Why the attempt ( but failure ) at attacking ?

    Who do you think needs to be shown rhythm and timbre and texture?
    That's a personal thing
    Which has nothing to do with
    Music language

    Now with that said if you read this thread from beginning you will see me tell you how to shape texture and timbre .
    Lol why the weird attempts at attacks?
    It's so idiotic and bizzarre think before you speak
    You are way off base with this comment and didn't think it through .lol
    I keep getting these weird impulsive and not well thought out attempts at an attack
    • ( But it's misunderstanding every single time
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  8. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    There, you said it. That was to the gain of exactly noone. Now please stop stalking and let people who get something out of this topic a chance to enjoy it without having to deal with your unhealthy obsession.
    No, absolutely not, just for the completion of your instructional materials.

    You describe everything with notes' names, block chords and scales. They are insufficient to reveal the music's all secrets.
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It's like the clown is trying to convince me that it's my responsibility to not only cover entire language of music .
    I have to create the sounds the rhythms textures.
    Record the instruments for you, sing on the track , give you a backrub and a fresh pot of coffee

    Clown shoe number 7
    Self responsibility
    Meditate for a month on this concept mofo.

    You need to design your own sounds textured timbre
    Sound layers rhythms drums
    Your just making generic garbage

    I'm getting so tired of the hundreds of clowns every ten mins pretending their attacking me

    Saying things that semantically sounds like an insult, however when you look at the information of the situation itself they are misunderstanding then blaming me .
    Cowards. No honor. No responsibility.
    Weak brittle spirits. No spine
    I appreciate the constant messages thanking me and positive support that outweigh the clowns 1000 to 1.

    Imagine if someone asked
    Can I learn the English language.?
    Now can you teach me every individual sentence I will forever speak ?
    What, are you a damn robot homie?
    I think your old enough to decide what rhythms to have. You have graduated far enough to decide timbre and sounds .
    Don't be afraid to make decisions
    The point of learning music
    Is NOT to be force fed what textures to use and copying people's beats and timbre.
    ( That's making generic music )
    Don't you wanna have some things be yours?

    However you change rhythm , timbre,texture ,sounds,sound layers

    The music language is identical.
    Those are surface traits and must be personal to express yourself with .
    There are tutorials millions on those surface level
    Things if you don't know how.

    Don't miss the point if this thread

    The secrets of music

    " The surface level impulsive glance at the category we name in general music"

    I know you get it farao it's just somehow morbidly comical the way some these people behave and impulsively interact . Lol
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  11. Did not want to emphasize the importance of the rhythm, @farao did.

    Once again, describing the music with only the notes' names, block chords and scales is not a good way to help people to picture their musical ideas and concepts perfectly and impeccably. They need more than that that seems you are not very interested in them.
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Are you that much a bonehead?
    That's applicable in the process of writing and playing you use harmonic rhythm while your making music!
    I'm describing music language the deeper level !
    You can't fathom this?

    You are responsible for the sounds that come out your monitors with your band name attached!
    I'm not here telling people what things to play!
    I'm describing the deepest level structure itself where things you play come from!
    It's some type disconnect you are having friend.
    You need to create the sounds you hear and label your music .
    I am just showing you the language .
    If you cannot even connect with the concept of music language .
    It's identical to comparing English language
    To a specific spoken sentence chosen in a moment about a topic .
    Does it click yet?
    You learn the language to create your own sentences

    Music is identical

    If you take just this portion of musical language

    { CEGBD}

    There are literally 10s thousands different ways to play that maybe more .

    That's up to you
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
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  13. You are setting out just a small portion of the music's language or languages that I don't know how you have acquired them, maybe by juxtaposing notes with each other. Juxtaposition of notes is not called the music's language.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2019
  14. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    @Jake Newell @Radioactive Fallout @Ad Heesive
    The last couple of posts you have makes it completely clear that you have no interest in a serious discussion, but that your goal is being disruptive without adding anything of value. This topic is not forced upon you. If you don’t like it you don’t have to participate. To over and over oppose to someone’s educational style or what is being taught is only disruptive and not acceptable. Another member recently did this which resulted in a ban from our forums. Any more of this and you will probably face the same result. The choice is yours. Enough is enough.
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So a company recently came out with a software which shows the music language structure like I explain in my threads .
    ( This evidence demonstrably shoes thesevtrollz and clownz and kacksukkers)
    Wrong period.


    This is the language of music
    Same information I share someone is making it in software you can get 1000 books in it pay private lessons other people to learn it
    Millions of people know the language of music.
    Check it out

    Now I have exposed you .

    Millions of people teach the same thing I do on here millions.

    7 or 8 ignorant hateful jealous trollz
    Vs the entire history of music
    You decide

    A couple clowns can't figure it out it's too hard to handle so they throw tantrums.
    Ohhh it's the whole worlds fault you don't want to take the time to learn what millions have learned.

    Face the facts your trolling because your angry that you are jealous instead using information all around you to learn your ego is bruised .
    Wah wah

    You can now purchase this new program
    And pay money to learn what I been giving you free
    Clowns .
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
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  16. @MMJ2017 my friend never wholly trust the applications. In most cases they will hinder rather than help. Those applications are not made with the most professional musicians but just some general-theory readers and implementers.:winker::wink:
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    True but my point millions separated people across time and space came same conclusions as what I share here .
    I'm not forcing anyone accept it they come here my thread or leave . Ignore me my comments
    Problem solved .( If they have some alternate music understanding fine go leave use it then
    There 7.5 billion human beings .)
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Reposting this demontrable info I shared today because things are getting buried right now.
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Secrets of music ( how to series)
    Part II

    A breakdown of Triad Pairs
    In the context of the song " take the A train"
    Starting with chord 1

    1.C6....CEGA....scale C..Lydian ...CDEF#GABC

    Triad pair #1

    CEG, DF#A

    We will look at specific application if a triad pair in this instance.

    Let's begin with the inversions of each triad .

    Let's travel up 1st down second

    Let's travel down 1st up second


    Let's look at 1st triad
    Let's surround last note with notes from 2nd

  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I suggest all posts except the educational ones by MMJ is deleted (approx from when Beth started being rude in this topic like 10 pages back).
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