The Secrets of Music. Hard to Find Info Techniques

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    To play though pain until your hands and fingers cramp up is ignorant. To train in ways so that you find your practice gruelling is ignorant. Your attitude towards people here is ignorant. I wish you good luck on your quest learning about music theory.
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There are 7.5 billion people in the world .
    That means many many people better than me with music ( no matter how good I get).
    However I try to think of it as , working to advance and become better than I previously was incrementally ( better than myself as time progresses) I hope to get a chAnce to be exposed to and be around the many many musicians way better than me, to learn from them .
    Everyday I find out the secrets of music till the end of time.( Information which was previously unavailable to me and unknown )
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    If you have a highly developed knowledge more advanced in particular areas
    Please add to the thread share some of your insights and skills I'd love that and everyone would love it. Thank you for your time.
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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I would like to share o e more of my drummer heros. Please watch through this video .
    It can be useful to anyone.
  5. For classical trainees it's a norm for reaching perfection in their performances. For Jazz, perfection in improvisation and for classical, perfection in exact playing and precisely carrying out their taught stuff.
  6. @MMJ2017 I have these questions in mind:

    1. Despite all the dramatic changes in musical styles over the centuries or decades, why do some ones survive while many other compositional techniques die out?
    2. Music theory (other than some approved facts) is mostly a bunch of survived compositional techniques been practiced and their success has been ensured by many people. What makes a new compositional technique successful to become an added part of the music theory?

    Do you know the answer (from the technicians' view not the trend-following masses')?:dunno:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2019
  7. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    No, it is not a norm to play though pain until your hands and fingers cramp up.
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  8. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    you right ...maybe....
  9. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    he loved this comment...dont do him favour and go..put all you dont like on ignore list and do youre own thing with your ppl
  10. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    Germany was missing here....applause applause

    i kno..same as me..i kno i kno..
  11. I hit the love on her first paragraph not the last sentence. I also asked her to stay to make more headway and celebrate her possible artistic accomplishments with ASers.
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Musical styles are about what people do and how they do it .
    Music language is about music itself.
    A style is a surface level cultural phenomenon
    Subject to all the things culture is subject to .
    Many reasons why certain movie genres are popular at different historical times, along with the type of techniques like say a old black and white horror movie genre, which uses techniques like ketchup for blood and shadows bouncing of the wall to create suspense.( All that much different topic than " film making" as a language)
    Music styles are the same .
    Music styles genres are just a surface level phenomenon all about things people do and why they do it ( related to songs)
    You have everything thing from the limits of the technology influencing styles , how much money a style can get from demographics .
    When it comes down to techniques .
    That means first copying the form someone else did and make some changes to make it feel new but familiar .
    All these things though are about people. What people do how they do it and the result of how it turns out.
    That's surface level.
    ( Broad category of things made with sound ,songs etc and call it " music" the surface level category )
    But deeper down . Music itself works a certain way it has language deeper than cultural styles , deeper than a choice in a moment for a note added to song or composition . There is a language ( a few)
    That no matter what style you make , no matter which specific choice you make for a note to be put in a place in time, there is the way music itself works. Every possibility .
    Think of English language.
    Any particular made sentence is just one out of millions of choices.
    But every possible choice to make a sentence about " store" is the " English language"
    Where as saying
    " I am going to the store "
    Is just few choices made in moments.
    It's surface level compared to every possible choice.
    So I guess my question to you is why are you more focused on a surface level shallow phenomenon like " music styles ", compared to the deeper level and more meaningful " music language"?
    ( Which encapsulates every style which has ever or will ever exist?)
    For your next question.
    Again you seem to be mixing up surfacing level phenomenon like " compositional tecqniques "
    That really just means " a way of doing things "
    Which is connected with music styles , which is just a surface level aspect. That is related to human beings culture .
    Again this is desciscions about form .
    However music language is deeper than that.
    " How music works "
    Or " music theory"
    Is not about people doing things why they do it and their reasons or choices.
    " Music theory "
    Is the way music itself works ( before entering a person into the situation )
    And again I'm just wondering ( there are reasons to focus at shallow level I'm not saying there is not)
    Why do you happened to be more focused on what choices people make? What forms they decide to use?
    Rather than the deeper level itself?
    ( Comparing the sentence " I am going to the store"
    Vs every possible sentence which could be made to express the concept of "store" { that would be at deeper level of every possibility}
    Now if you are wondering why certain excersizes are used to teach with , why certain postures are taken why we name things one thing rather than another. ( Basically those aspects of the type of music theory which are cultural related human aspects)
    Well the answer is the same as any culturally related phenominon because this lives in the category of human beings , what they do , what things influence why they do, what things live on etc. That's many factors . However once you leave the category of music itself and enter into the category of culture . It does not even matter to associate music with the question at all it's the same for styles of movies styles of clothing styles of anything tied to culture .

    Take the English language. Why does someone choose to say a particular sentence over another?
    Why do some phrases last while others die?
    Those are not questions about the English language .
    It's culture. Someone hears a line in a movie or on yv thinks it sounds good and chooses that configuration to express the concept .
    Questions about the English language would be what words fit together which ways. How the language itself works at deeper level than the surface level of a particular phrase . The language is every possible configuration a subject can be expressed " store"

    This is not to say the category " human beings"
    And the subsets ( culture) etc. Are not 7mportsnt or interesting they are .
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
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  13. Thanks for the full and rational explanation but I still think music theory is not a very fact disconnected from humanity. It's some practices by some people been studied, established or defined and being taught in the schools to imitate those practices.

    The only thing out of humanity is the absoluteness of the term "note". Anything other than "the defined notes" and "performing some mathematical operations on the intervals" is relative.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Yeah, but you are just looking at an aspect that IS connected to humans.
    And I as m asking WHY are you doing that?
    ( Because by doing that your not seeing the deeper thing which is meaningful " music how IT works"
    You focusing on the trivial things not the meaningful thing down deeper.

    Let's say we take the c major key and relative a minor key connected 2 cadences traveling cycle of fourths. ( As the structure exists in music language)

    Bmin7b5 E7 Amin6 Dmin7 G7 C6

    Now we ask a question.
    What is every possible melody which outlines this harmonic stucture!?

    You see this situation has nothing to do with people or opinions or culture or choices made it's a deeper level about
    " How does music ITSELF" work?

    And if you answer that question , then apply it to all 12 keys . You will now be able to do anything possible ( this is where the human enteri g in is important )
    You take this knowledge and make decisions from every possible melody which represents that structure ONLY NOW can you make the best choices to represent what is inside of you not based in restrictions of knowledge ( assuming you already know it in the situation)
    Your criteria for selecting which melodies to use 8s going to be based on your free will (
    Instead of being ignorant if how much works )
    The end results is endless unlimited creatively , and never have writers block or create garbage.
    Never have to make a more generic version of someone else's work for ideas to express yourself .

    However if one is ignorant of every option
    What are they supposed to rely on in the selection and prioritization process?
    Random chance? ( That they are even aware of the best melody to express inside of them?)

    It would be like saying
    " There is no such thing as the human body "
    Only what the Drs and medical schools teach and label things.
    Well there is something underneath that level.
    If your a Dr someone comes in dying your trying to deal with the body " the way it actually works "
    The labels and descriptions are just a tool for thinking to access information to deal with situation and heal a actual real human bodies.
    Surely, you don't believe throwing a person off street with no training has just as much chance as a trained Dr?
    Music is no different .
    There is something there underneath the words and terms are describing . It exists on its own terms independent of our opionions .
    ( Other wise if it was based on opinion I could make a rule " any combination of notes I make is always sound amazing to everyone that hears it at all times "
    If music was subject to opinion that would be possible to do .
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
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  15. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    forget about the theory of music.. scientific crap..
    3 simple chords.. and all your theory goes nowhere...
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  16. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    for you yes
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Ignorance is bliss, as well as the ability to use the IGNORE button. This thread starts on post #12 for me with our old and wildly famous, cuddly troll farmer Foster even hitting the brakes and skidding into a wall on the merit of certain content. Whodda thought?
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  18. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    I LOVE this! Simplicity does not equal inferiority. Complexity does not make something better. 99% of the content here ignores this fact.
  19. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    Thanks Lois! I just discovered the ignore button. In the meantime I will ponder the various possibilities of "going to the store" within an existential meaning of the word "store" and how it applies to music. How does this guy not know how funny he is?
  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    @Lois Lane Why did you disagree? Tell me a school where they teach to play until your hands and fingers cramp up. I will contact them and verify.
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