The Secrets of Music. Hard to Find Info Techniques

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Could you give a little bit of background for the music , your influences, culture, what it means to you etc.
    I'm just having a hard time connecting with it in those ways . ( That could be down to cultural references and your specific intentions with the music etc.) It's entirely possible that you and myself don't have a lot of culture overlap .
    I'm just trying to make a connection I'm those ways get to know about it and your connection to it.

    Now I'll tell you some things I def like .
    Real nice sound quality.
    Real nice sounds and variety of sounds .
    Real nice Dynamics.

    I just need a little help with those other things .
    Thank you my friend.

    The music sounds deliberately formless in 4 categories structure ex. AABA, ABAB, ABAC, etc

    It may be like how you posted that meditation chant
    Where your influence and possible intent
    Is an ant music quality * formless

    ( Which is completely fine if it is deliberate )

    Just bad if it's on accident.
    But those formless aspects make it where I don't know where to grab a hold of it, its like water falling through fingers trying grab a handful of water)
    Could be your culture and influences .

    Maybe explains your attitudes expressed in your comments
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I don't hear any music there to work with at all it's just a meditation sound .
    I mean it's fine to work with something which has just a small tiny music aspect to build off of, but that is just a sound .there nothing to grab onto

    It's deliberately formless ( which makes sense for a meditation excersise (
    But music is opposite of formless.
    Music is 3 specific forms.
    And then a song has a form
    (Such as AABA, AABB,ABCD,etc)

    That meditation sound is formless . It's anti music
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  3. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    You don't have much of a grasp of subtle irony. Of course an hour of one tone isn't open to interpretation.
    And judging by the other comments above you've never produced other artists. You don't get the chance to tell a band or singer that you like "real nice sound quality, real nice variety of sounds, real nice dynamics" and regardless of cultural differences or similarities, you must be able to interpret what is best for the song and what will allow the artist to sound the best. You may have an extremely well developed knowledge of theory, but your knowledge is akin to knowing everything about one type of tree while having no concept of a forest.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    We'll hold on now .
    You sitting there telling me what I am , and what I have or haven't done ? You literally inventing that in your imagination creating a strawman of the person I actually am in reality . You have no information to say what you are I have worked with hundreds of artists.
    You are psychological frail and brittle and shallow in that specific behavior to suddenly burst into accusations tell and stranger what they have or have not done.
    Well since you have thrown consideration and politeness out the window
    I guess I don't having to worry about hurting your feelings.
    Your music which you posted the links to
    Has no depth ( connection to yourself) it's not about anything.( No life experience comes through)

    It's amatuer mistakes throughout
    Such as things repeat for no reason ,
    Changes happening randomly but not expressing any deep feelings in you.
    The drums don't make sense nobody body rhythm sync like that.
    The little bit of harmony is nursery rhythm TRIADS in the most corny way.
    The transitions make no sense .
    Here is what happened you just took clips
    And peiced them together in random ways .
    You have self indulgence changes constantly that don't do anything.
    The sound is clear but sterile no charactor.
    The ambient sounds ate pry nothing is happening.
    Every single song is boring .
    Nothing is happening.
    The things that do change do so , so randomly
    It becomes pointless.
    The worst thing there is no life to the songs .
    It's dead pointless self indulgent dribble unlistenable accept to yourself ( if that)
    Congrats you have figured out how to splice sound clips randomly move them around. Hit red button green button.
    What you have accomplished is audio .
    Sounds which follow sounds
    You have nothing inside you apparently to express.

    I've only heard music made like that by students the first hour of the first day they download a daw

    I dare you to have the courage to ask everyone you know who has heard your music , to force them to tell you the truth about it.
    Ask them the specific things I'm telling about it .
    Ask them if it is that .and have the courage to force them to tell you the truth about what they think . No lies to be polite or nice .
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
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  5. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    You're an amateur and a fraud. You have no experience in the music industry except inside your own head and all of your words on paper. I suggest you leave the music for the composers, performers and musicians. You are none of these. You are not a musician if you are not making music. I am and you dare to tell me the fault is mine and you deign to imply you have some superiority over me after my forty years as a professional in the business?? I'd be insulted, but your attitude is laughable. Go and write about jazz theory on a suitable forum and stop bothering us.
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  6. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Your music which you posted the links to
    Has no depth ( connection to yourself) it's not about anything.( No life experience comes through)

    I composed this and it was performed at my fathers funeral 2 years ago. Are you saying it's a failure because it's about nothing? Your views are obnoxious.

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  7. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Is this song I co-wrote drawing attention to the world's dwindling fresh water supplies to third world countries another meaningless song?
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  8. A real piece of music.:yes:
    And R.I.P.:sad:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2019
  9. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Well said.

    I have the recipe for embiggening your water song.

    It's all about THEORY of course. It must surely be presumptuous of you to write a song about water without the right theoretical background knowledge. You can't sort out what's going on with flowing fluids without using the Bernoulli equation, named after Daniel Bernoulli who published it in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738. So, come on, it's been around long enough for you to study it!

    I suggest a month studying this will enable you to play more fluidly and produce a remix with a more subtle flowing quality.
    If you're struggling with the maths, ask MMJ, I'm sure he'll be able to provide a 236 page summary.

    Apart from all the 100% valid criticisms above...

    I thought it was really great :like::like::like:

    Edit: had to re-host picture after tinypic host disappeared.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
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  10. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    What causes me genuine grief, is that I continue composing and producing music. MMJ2017 does not. Yet he feels he has justification to tear down somebody who actively is engaged in musical creativity as opposed to just talking. And talking and talking. TALKING IS NOT MAKING MUSIC. You have no business criticising music when you don't produce any yourself.
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  11. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    You can listen to endless theory and never make music or rubbish people who do make music. I don't care, but I won't be engaging in the process any longer. I have enjoyed the company of many but MMJ2017 is simply cruel and doesn't know the harm he has caused.
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  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I agree it is the best out of what you posted, but sadly in this case it's just not as horrible.
    It's incredibly boring.
    There is nothing happening
    Things repeating for no reason
    And the changes that do happen make no sense.
    It's lifeless .
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Listen. I put up with you coming here to my thread and constantly attAcking and accusations over and over .my threads are the remedy to your problemst very things you need to correct your garbsge music.
    And time and time again
    You embody impotent rage in the way you communicate to me .
    It's time you heard the gods honest truth about your music . You need to be chopped down homie.

    Big dog big nuts.

    If you want to get in the pen with the big dogs.
    My friend.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I live in a world of daily funerals , it's no excuse for me to wine and cry
    And scream with impotent rage at anyone I'm seemingly jealous of.
    You made conscious desciscions over and over
    To show nothing but arrogance and cockiness
    Don't turn around and play the helpless victim to cry for and feel bad.
    You have taken my kindness to you as weakness for the last time.
    You wore out my patience .
    I told you before what game you playing?
    Imaginative insults divorced from the reality of the person your talking to?
    Attacking the very person giving you FREE information which you so desperately need.
    Don't play the funeral card with me.
    We all live and die.
    It's no excuse for arrogance a lack of consideration.
    And lacking respect someone attempting to help you at no cost to yourself.
    I spend more effort and hours
    Making for you this very thread to help you.
    Than you have on your own music.
    Stop walking around like a badass.
    Attacking and insulting.
    You are a amatuer world brother.
    Don't mistake my kindness for weakness
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I have made more music in the last 5 days than you have in your life my friend.
    This is that impotent rage again .
    Let me invent a character of s person in my thoughts which I can beat down as if I was beating down the person which exists)
    It's like you think your accusations connect to the real being who is talking to you somehow.
    That's a clown s life.
    Your walking around witha rainbow color chain and clown shoes as if your some type of gangster.
  16. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    There are no winners in the 'who's music sounds best' arguments.
    You're just back to the fiasco of "I think strawberry tastes better chocolate" versus "you think chocolate tastes better than strawberry".

    And there are certainly no winners in slanging matches.

    In contrast, honest criticism of ideas can be really valuable.

    So, I am NOT saying to MMJ, "your way of approaching music is wrong" (because for you it really is fine)

    I AM saying to MMJ, that constantly telling everyone else (accidentally or otherwise) that your way is the only way is inevitably pissing people off.

    In several places in this thread, MMJ, you have demonstrated a passion for regarding the richness of the underlying architecture as being the thing that seems to excite you the most. i.e., for you, it MUST have intricate structure, it MUST have complex harmonies, it MUST have complex melodies, it MUST have complex rhythms, etc. You have explicitly described music that doesn't fulfill those criteria as 'not really music' but merely components of music. I think you would actually claim that drummers are not 'whole' musicians; and then you would feel fully vindicated (in your own mind only) explaining that opinion whilst simultaneously not noticing how ridiculous the definition of musician would have to be to sustain that opinion.

    It's impossible to list all the artistic features of music, that other people regard as important, some mentioned in this thread, which you just seem to ignore. For you, if it's not mathematically describable, then you seem to dismiss it as irrelevant.

    Additionally, you have asserted many many times that there is only one viable path to achieving all the grandeur you allude to.
    It MUST be by intellectually absorbing abstract music theory, no other way.


    and there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with having those personal biases within your own private world of producing music.
    Whatever works for you really is fine.

    when you repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly, imply, or explicitly tell, all other musicians that their approaches are bankrupt in comparison to yours, then you are just expressing a stunning kind of arrogance matched only by an equally stunning kind of ignorance.

    An honest observation... You are steeped in something called 'confirmation bias' (as are we all) - look it up.

    It would be a good idea to pay more attention to the glaringly obvious truth, that many brilliant musicians do not need your one-size-fits-all solution to being creative with music, yet alone life, the universe, and everything else as well. You seem to be demanding respect and recognition for your (not so unique) insights, but showing very little respect to anyone else that approaches the rich world of music from completely different directions.
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  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Are you f*kking joking or dense?
    For what your saying to be true
    There could not in reality be a thread existing which your commenting on with 10s thousands of views
    Thumbtacked to the top of the heap by SAINT
    Which every day new people read.
    The reality of the situation , the evidence of reality
    Does. NOT match the assessment of your comment here.
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Ad heesive,

    The picture that you are painting about me, is that I am some obscure user that is going around to popular threads and telling the OP that they don't know what they are doing and are not capable of anything.
    But LITERALLY that is YOU two knuckleheads.
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Here is the truth I am STILL willing to help you two knuckleheads get better for FREE.
    Please read through the information of the thread take a humble approach , and recognize that the reality of the situation here is that I am a person dedicated to helping people for FREE with music.
    And you or anyone else here ( which I am happy to have even no matter how nasty you treat me I can take it) showed up to my door came into my house.
    Let's get this crystal clear I am not showing up to your threads and throwing feeble hand jabs which do not connect.
    I am not exhibiting any negative behavior.
    I am giving people (with free will to be here )
    Free information about music.
    And tens of thousands of views show that people are responding positively to what I am doing here.
    So let's not get it twisted .
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Making bad music in the past does not define you.
    It's part of growth and advancement .
    All of us go throw this because it takes effort and dedication to improve.
    I told you what was wrong with your music .
    Now I am going to tell you exactly how to fix it.


    Form is the thing we build off of.
    Form is what the listener connects with familiarity
    Without form , nothing is happening .

    The ways in which your music can be improved relating to form below
    1. Song structure AABB, ABCD, AABA, etc
    The listener need a song structure to follow to connect with it could be
    Intro, verse1, chorus,verse2,chorus,bridge,chorus,outro
    For example but there many options.
    2.melody .
    The listener needs melody for the subconscious to get interested in the music.
    The listener needs excitement to have their internal body rhythms connect with the soul of the song.
    This is the scaffolding which your bass lines, Melody's, and chords attach , it's the location which you express yourself to show creatively .

    Those were form.

    2. Connection.

    The listener NEEDS to connect to the author through the have to express your inner feelings life experience through the choices you make in transitions little details and expressions with embellishments

    3.sound quality .
    You want to have clarity but to be sterile is to have no character no original sound to make cohesive idea expressed.

    The listener needs a contrast of stillness and motion to have the song not be boring .

    Please ask me more if you need clarification on any of these. Let's focus on advancing you and growth .
    We all have to build these areas up to make good music.
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