My prog-rock influences unashamedly on display

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by notsoloud, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I have continued with part two of this work. No Avenger has mastered Part 1, but I'd like feedback on Part 2.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2019
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  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    This sounds big. Wonderful.
    Reminds me of classic Rush/Yes/Saga songs that had a distinctive voice on top, singing lyrics that spark your imagination.

    Edit: Just found your track "Shine Shine Deliverance".
    What a coincidence! Who's the vocalist?
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
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  4. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Thank you. There's a few songs on Soundcloud with Jon Anderson from Yes.
  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    it sounds very very nice. Can't judge the mix right now since I'm not properly monitoring but the composition sounds very nice.

    But yea I do think it requires some vocals. The melodies and sounds don't have a progressive nature for them to stand on their own, which isn't a bad thing at all, it's just that it's not meant to be an instrumental. Vocals would do it well...

    Basically what's happening in your track is that as you break and build, it's as if it's trying to make room for something else (most likely a vocal). That's why you may feel it is still missing something despite variation...

    But great job brother :)
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I'm glad others apart from me know this now! ;-)
  7. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Wow. I thought you were super-lucky to find a singer who sounds like Jon Anderson but this is unbelievable!
    If you're still in touch, let him sing! :wink:
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yeah, I got shivers when I heard those tracks! His voice is so iconic and individual. It's a great collab between SL/Notsol Oud & Jon.
    Did you hear 'Water'?
  9. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    nice work! definitely dialing up visions of the ABWH project for me

  10. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    coincidence? was just listning to some classic phil colins and it was like the journey just keep going here on your track!


    i was expecting some guitar solo mid way tho? :)
  11. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    He prefers simpler songs, so he can do it solo with a guitar. Doesn't like others doing rock. I did Love And Understanding on this album.

    Indulge me as I paste this reviewers comment: There is a wealth of great melodies on this album. Love and Understanding, for example, is as uplifting and melodically exuberant as anything Jon Anderson has ever done.
  12. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Nice song. Thanks for sharing another one of your songs with all of us. My friend, there shouldn't be any buts. You are happy with this track and arrangement. That feeling of accomplishment is not easy to achieve for creative souls. Leave it as is, and move on to next track. :like:
  14. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Good advice. At my age I could grind to a halt at any minute.

  15. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I would master and listen to it. :yes:
  16. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    And now thanks to the incredible work of No Avenger, we have a mastered version. And it's incredible!!

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  17. bazingaa

    bazingaa Newbie

    Jul 6, 2019
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    amazing song TH11 coc account can search for more here . i heard some . Good songs
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
  18. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2019
  19. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    It's amatuer mistakes throughout
    Such as things repeat for no reason ,
    Changes happening randomly but not expressing any deep feelings in you.
    The drums don't make sense nobody body rhythm sync like that.
    The little bit of harmony is nursery rhythm TRIADS in the most corny way.
    The transitions make no sense .
    Here is what happened you just took clips
    And peiced them together in random ways .
    You have self indulgence changes constantly that don't do anything.
    The sound is clear but sterile no charactor.
    The ambient sounds ate pry nothing is happening.
    Every single song is boring .
    Nothing is happening.
    The things that do change do so , so randomly
    It becomes pointless.
    The worst thing there is no life to the songs .
    It's dead pointless self indulgent dribble unlistenable accept to yourself ( if that)
    Congrats you have figured out how to splice sound clips randomly move them around. Hit red button green button.
    What you have accomplished is audio .
    Sounds which follow sounds
    You have nothing inside you apparently to express.

    I've only heard music made like that by students the first hour of the first day they download a daw

    I dare you to have the courage to ask everyone you know who has heard your music , to force them to tell you the truth about it.
    Ask them the specific things I'm telling about it .
    Ask them if it is that .and have the courage to force them to tell you the truth about what they think . No lies to be polite or nice.

    I am unconcerned by the comments of individuals. Not everybody likes me or my music, but that's no reason to stop. I write music. I enjoy it and it has brought me success.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2019
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  20. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    So there. Tell me the truth.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2019
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