The NI Maschine 2 Factory Library Project

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by The Pirate, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    No more talk, I let these speak for themselves:

    My Source Files for Updates:

    01 Source.png

    1. Contents of Maschine 2 Factory Library.iso, V 1.0.0:

    Maschine 2 Factory Library ISO.png

    2. Content of Maschine 2 Factory Library 1.0.0, Part 1 (just the Projects for now). There are 24 Project files in it. Maschine 2 Factory 1.0 Projects.png
    Maschine 2 Library Update 1.3.2 adds 24 more, so here are your precious 48 Project Files:


    But if you convert and merge the Projects from ALL Updates, including Maschine 1, you get the following 86 (The color coding shows which project remained after each update. Orange and Red ar converted from Maschine 1's mprj to mxprj):


    If you still think my Maschine 2 Library is not legit, then I guess you'll never find one. If you want it, PM me, along with a nice apology.

    Have a nice weekend!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  2. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    Bro, Maschine 2 Factory Library 1.0.0 does not install 86 project files. Are the rest from Maschine 1 or Third Party libraries? They all certainly are not part of the Maschine 2 Factory Library On the original thread I included the changelog of every single one I have.
    1.0.0 - 2013-10-31 First edition.
    1.1.0 - 2013-11-19 IMPROVED View content with improved tags and bug fixes.
    1.2.0 - 2015-05-18 ADDED Presets for the new drum synthesizer
    ADDED Presets for the new “Reverb” plugin
    ADDED Presets for the Distortion plugin
    ADDED Presets for the Limiter plugin
    ADDED Presets for the Cabinet plugin
    IMPROVED marking
    Corrected mistakes
    1.3.0 - 2016-09-29 ADDED 10 new projects
    ADDED 41 new group with group macros
    ADDED 62 new presets for MASSIVE and 82 MASCHINE Drumsynths presets
    ADDED 524 new samples
    1.3.1 - 2017-08-21 ADDED Presets for a new device Bass Synth
    1.3.2 - 2018-07-25 ADDED Previews for Kits and Sounds

    But that's what I am saying,Maschine 1 library(before 2012-2013) last version of program 1.5..., maybe the additional project file come from there!?

    Are for Maschine 2 Library, or am I wrong...

    Anyway, do you saw what I send you?
  3. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    These are the 48 Project files that should be in the Maschine 2 Factory Library. The ones in red are the ones that got added with update 1.3.0
    1. Anti Blocker
    2. Bar Upstairs.mxprj
    3. Big Stream.mxprj
    4. Blow.mxprj
    5. Bone Breaker.mxprj
    6. Breeze.mxprj
    7. Chances
    8. Come Into My Disco.mxprj
    9. Control Universe
    10. Crenshaw Beater.mxprj
    11. Crush
    12. Cube.mxprj
    13. DJ Jam Meister
    14. Don't Cheat.mxprj
    15. Dutch Bomb.mxprj
    16. Fantasy Island.mxprj
    17. Fast Cash.mxprj
    18. Final Stage.mxprj
    19. Freefall.mxprj
    20. Frontliner.mxprj
    21. Grime Time.mxprj
    22. Hang Solo.mxprj
    23. Hanoi Hilton.mxprj
    24. Island Life.mxprj
    25. Like Water.mxprj
    26. Lost.mxprj
    27. Maschine Jam Example
    28. Mr. Marabow.mxprj
    29. Night Sky.mxprj
    30. Nozob
    31. NuStyle.mxprj
    32. Pick-Me-Up.mxprj
    33. Plate Tectonics.mxprj
    34. Psychokinesis
    35. Ravenous.mxprj
    36. Ridin in My Maybach.mxprj
    37. Shituations.mxprj
    38. Sita.mxprj
    39. Slammin'.mxprj
    40. The Beach.mxprj
    41. The Pursuit.mxprj
    42. The Upside Down
    43. Time Traveller.mxprj
    44. Unified Beats
    45. Walk With Me.mxprj
    46. Wasted Youth.mxprj
    47. We Could Be More.mxprj
    48. Whip Crack.mxprj
  4. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @5teezo you seem to be barking at the wrong tree here. Those extra files are not part of Maschine 2 Factory Library and that is what we were discussing here. I don't care about anything prior to October 31,2013 because they are not part of the Maschine 2 Full Factory Library. What is so hard to understand about it? BTW, when and where did I say that your library is not legit? And who cares? All I said was that your Maschine 2 Factory Library was suspect because it contained extra project files. I never said they were non legit. Who cares?

    Edit: Dont hold your breath waiting for an apology. If I had disrespected you, you certainly would have received one by now. As for the Library, other members have offered what they have. Moreover, as I stated earlier, if it comes down to me buying it, and sharing it, I definitively will do it...and I don't even use it.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  6. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Sorry, I sincerely don't know what your problem is and what you want exactly in terms of files!

    I can tell that you don't know how the software and the library works. Otherwise you could comprehend that there's no difference between Maschine 2 Library vs. the Full Library you care aspiring to own other then the name! You've seen the screen shots and the capture did you? Did you count the 48 Project or didn't you? Did you see the iso and the updates? I also have the Windows files, btw.

    If you install the base 1.0 factory and apply the latest update you have the complete library - that's it. It's not rocket science - its called incremental updates! No need to have every version number separately - every following update includes the files of the previous uodates which makes it "full". Otherwise N. I. would provide it on their support site for download.

    As far as files getting deleted on install on non-legit libraries that's not my issue to handle. I just wanted to provide an iso.

    But since you declare my library as not complete or "full" enough for you, please go ahead and buy it so we can compare the files.II'm eager to know what (if at all) I've missed all these years.

    In my honest opinion: I think your chasing a ghost.

    Much luck
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    A ghost? How about all those files that I don't have, and neither do you. Not a ghost unless NI is wrong and we both, you and I, are right. Look below at what NI considers a Full Maschine 2 Library. This is not me talking, it is the developer! How much clearer do you need it to be shown to you in order to comprehend it? If you had read my original post carefully, it would have saved us a lot of unnecessary discussions. All you needed to do was compare the table to what you havd in your folders. Bottom line is, both of us are missing something here. And I will find out the "what," the "where," and the "why" and then share it just like a good pirate.

  8. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I still want to know why installing the Maschine 1.x factory content ON TOP of the current Maschine 2.x factory library results in more project files but LESS samples and sounds....

    Since all project files are simply containers that are comprised of the libraries samples and sounds.
  9. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    dude, two legit Maschine owners have already pointed out to you the discrepancy between your library and the 2.x library.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    We should not be concerned with those project files because they are not part of the Maschine 2 Factory Library. Very simple. In fact, I cant not even use his library as reference for that same reason. If we start discussing Maschine 1 here, this thread is not going to get anywhere.
  11. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Indeed...his library is not accurate anyway. So it's all moot.
  12. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Okay, time to end this NON-SENSE for good, I told you you don't know how the Library works and I'll prove it.

    Since I am a legit user, I just re-installed Maschine 2 Factory Library fresh from Native Access.

    Freshly Re-Installed via Native Access:

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-06 um 01.28.28.png

    Here are the DETAILS:

    Size: 8.114.934.419 Bytes
    Objects: 23.937

    CONTENTS (actual Folder Structure, only 1 level subfolder shown here, though):

    Bass Synth Presets: 4 (hmm…) >> Look at "Sounds" Folder
    Drumsynth Presets: 104 (hmmm…) >> Look at "Sounds" Folder
    Kits: 486 (+previews)
    Loops: 409 (+previews)
    Multi FX: 55​
    Massive Sounds: 262 (+previews) (They are not mentioned in the chart, so having these is a bad thing now too, I guess?) :)
    Projects: 48 (Told you)
    Drums: 8.275 (in 9 Subfolders)
    Instruments: 288 (4.935 Files)
    Loops: 4.775 in 17 Subfolders (off by 9)
    One Shots: 3.219 in 24 Folders​
    Sounds: 700 (+previews) in 14 Subfolders (no mention at all in the chart… hmm. I guess having Sounds is a bad thing in 2019, or is it?… Oh wait a minute, what is this? Oh snap, there are 2 Subfolders in there, holy cow, this cant' be real, there's actually a "Bass Synth" and a "Drum Synth" Folder... OH MY GOD!

    Bass Synth: 46 (makes 50 in total)
    Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-06 um 03.14.46.png

    292 (104 of them are identical with the ones in the folder in the above level)

    Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-06 um 03.15.00.png

    As you can see, everything is there, just not where you expected it to be. The chart is incomplete and does not represent the current state and contents of the Maschine 2 Factory Library! Are you all done now discreditng me? Done with chasing ghosts now? Goood. Have a nice Weekend.

    Case closed.

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    What I'm done with here is replying to you. I'm not interested in anything else you have to say. If you have one scintilla of self respect do the same. As you stated, case closed. KEEP IT CLOSED. Even assuming, arguendo, that you are correct your attitude sucks. Take it elsewhere.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I came here to help. I was willing to share.
    But no one beleived me due to your and other repliers ignorance. And that really aggrevated me because I was treated like some noob.
    I proved that you were chasing ghosts..
    There is no other, more fuller, more complete Maschine Factory 2 Library in existence than this!
    But let's assume there is - where is the official Link to buy it or upgrade to? I don't need an answer. It's just something for you to marinate on!
    This time around I'm really okay with being the asshole, because I cleared up the mystery of this mystic incomplete library.
    You should thank me, that you don't have to waste any more time this now.
  15. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    I think you don't understand.
    You didn't make an offer in the first place!

    Then you downgraded the maschine 2 factory Library in Value, and said, the expansions are more reasonable for being Original....
    That makes no sense, this is a maschine 2 Factory Library Threads, and the op stated that he has no interest in expansion and a like....

    Third:Then you talked about the maschine 1 Factory Library and the 86 project files,
    Where no interest the expansions and a like, and sure that made it a little suspect, cause we talk about the Maschine 2 Library
    and there are just 48 Project Files....

    Fourth:You didn't make an offer in the first place, and F***t the hole threat up with your anger for no reason...

    So tell me, who is ignorant, you or us....?!!!
  16. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @albert001 When a member is trying to help in a thread like this, that member does what you, @Pinkman, @Bump, and @ZUK did. Very simple. Nothing else needs to be said. We will will accomplish what we set out to do with this thread so let us keep this thread on topic. Time to put an end to the back and forth with 5teezo. Nothing to be gained by it. Let us stay ON TOPIC
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  17. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I accept this criticism. I was ignorant in the beginning and Iam sorry for that!

    First off, I believed the idea was to have a library as complete as possible which included all existing Project Files from V1 and V2.

    After I realized that Pirate is looking for a vanilla V2 Library I put in a lot of effort comparing files with his chart.

    I still stand by my findings that:
    • the chart is incomplete and incorrect/not up to date as shown above.
    • It does not include any massive presets and the loop count is slightly off by 9 Files. For a couple of years now, Massive is now included in Maschine so that users can take full advantage of any Expansion they might buy because most of them make use of Massive.
    • The chart is a bit confusing and misleading because it does not follow the terminology of Maschine (ie not mentioning of the term/category "Sounds" which leads to misconceptions)
    I've shown how files where moved around and that the folder structure changed as well as some inconsistencies in the file management - like the bass synth and drum synth patches being located in 2 levels of the Folder structure.

    These are ALL facts NONE of you accept to be evident!

    If this is the way you handle facts, you will never be able to complete the library because you are looking for 9 files which don't exist!


    I exported the compete list of files and folder of my vanilla Maschine 2 Factory Library to an Excel Spreadsheet (.xlxs):

    EDIT 2:

    On N.I.'s site, there's a support site with a Download Link for Maschine 2 Factory Library (v.1.10) which can be reached without login. It's written in german, unfortunatly. The article is meant as support for older Operating Systems which cannot run Native Access to install products. The download link on there leads to google drive.ür-ältere-Betriebssysteme

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  18. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    It's ok man, I accept you apologize!!!
    And I am not downgrading your effort by any means, but everything is in the op...., just read it twice next time, I have done it just to make sure I understand it right!
    I think, anything beside a proper offer, has to be talked in private, just to make sure we stay under the radar...!
    I just saw a threat about R2R and others, where a member from AudioP2P stated the same thing, and I agree with him.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
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