Does no one have anything to say about X4?

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by filtersweep, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    there is hardly any mention of it on the Samplitude forums.
    it's very odd. i was expecting a torrent of negative responses to the fact this is possibly the most insubstantial update ever made for a daw...
    automation lanes???
    that's it pretty much apart for some minor tweaks which you would miss...
    beyond disappointing.
    not even bezier curves for automation.
    any other opinions?
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  3. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    i only know
    the nerds did stay with x3...x4 is to buggy..
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  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    U shouldnt look for torrents on here :hillbilly:
  5. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    With a busy project loaded with plugins where X3 was at 95% CPU usage, X4 only showed about 50% CPU usage.
    This is quite enough for me to give 5 stars to X4.
    As for bugs, the only 1 that I've found so far regards Melodyne, and it's a tiny 1 not worth mentioning.

    Well, ok.. I'll mention it.. When/if on same project I open a second instance of Melodyne, the window opens showing the content of the previous/last track edited with it.
    All I need to do is close the window and open it again and all is sorted.

    So (so far at least) long live X4 :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
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  6. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Performance improvement is definitely important to some. it seems negligible to me on my system.
    in fact i have had very small amount of bugs which would cause problems.
    but i fail to understand how you get a whole-number update which has, apart from the plugin browser ( actually, there are some bugs in that for me) and automation lanes, very few real tangible improvements. even the interface could benefit from a lot of work, as it stands as wonderful a DAW as it is, it lags behind many daws and it puzzles me for that reason. it's the same thing with Acid and SForge, both programs are just rebranded and stocked up on Magix plugins, and, granted there is now a 64 bit version which is great for some but again does not make any difference to me. the help for SAM is still extremely difficult to find ( it seems that Kraznet is the only real source of help with SAM). i just fail to understand their strategy. i am currently looking at reaper as an alternative, i don't see much point in sticking with SAM when it's development is so lacking.
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  7. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Just upgraded using Magix Auto Update after trying to download (multiple times) Samplitude Pro X4 Suite v15.0.1.139 from sister site.
    Updated without incident. Another noticeable improvement in performance.



    Now able to use mastering effects on master bus in Linear mode without dropouts, pops & clicks.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
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  8. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I said my opinion about. I will not say it´s a crap. Samplitude has lots of little things not helping you, but after 3 years using still being my DAW. I don´t like first changes saw in Pro X4 version according to an approaching to Windows 10 graphic way. It´s horrible for me the new system of plugins scan (when you have over 400) but I didn´t check enough for a solid opinion. I hope at least they will accurate the huge amount of repeated menus.

    But it´s so strange that people don´t talk about Pro X4, next generation it´s supposed, in the forums of Magix. Hard to believe.

    Anyway, there is a long time I read in some places Magix was thinking in stop developing Samplitude. One old friend was betatester since 17 version if I´m not wrong and also with Pro and Pro 2 and said me had sent about 87 corrections to Magix in Germany and in later versions including first releases from Pro X3 they didn´t apply no one of them so himself decided to retire from betatesters team (obviouslly he received original copies with S/N). He used only first Pro version, never updated to Pro X2.

    Maybe Pro X4 will be the last. Sure I´m wrong, but he said to me Magix was more interested in Music Maker and other products than Samplitude/Sequoia.

    Who knows....
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  9. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    there's hardly anything about Magix recently,
    since they bought SoundForge and Vegas, they are torn deciding between burying their own products or burying bought products,
    meanwhile fresh competitors like Reaper offer everything in more efficient and useful way - that said Samplitude is not a bad DAW, just not being able to become any better since Pro X (1) literally
  10. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    That's my point. Sam is great. but it is lacking in any sense of trying to forge ahead in the DAW market place.
    it looks outdated in some respects, enough for me not to have given all my effort into it. the lack of marketing and of clear and concise help is the worst thing. and their own forums are bizzarely almost empty of any posts regarding this so-called 'update'.
    i suppose it was to be expected that the Sony/Soundforge stuff would only get a tiny amount of changes if any.
    there is no reason to upgrade those yet if ever. But Sam and Sequoia are supposedly flag-ship products. but still i find it almost impossible to find solid clear info about them. Sam sounds great, the object editing is superb and nearly enough to justify using the program as everyday workhorse. but nearly everything else about the app is old and neglected. the interface alone would attract new users if it was overhauled. the automation system is in need of this also ( still no bezier clips or automation clips).. the new automation lanes are great but it's to little. and the browser is as cluncky as when you just had a plugin explorer.
    it's only my opinion of course. but i don't see any feedback addressing these issues. so what do i know?
  11. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    To me it's just too expensive to upgrade from Pro X3 Suite to Pro X4 Suite. So I stay with Pro X4 for now - until I 'll get a better upgrade offer.
    It also seems to me, that this update should have stayed within Pro X3 and not jumped to Pro X4 - and it should have been free imho.
  12. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Samplitude Auto update again using last scene release:

    02/19/2019 Samplitude Pro X4 - Version

    * buffer error with multicore enabled - playback to several outputs - fixed
    * first playback start- missing buffer with multicore enabled - playback - fixed

    plug-in browser:
    * missing favorites after rescan - fixed

    * corrupt display of manufacturer's name of VST3 plugins - fixed
    (maybe rescan is nessessary)
    * project - incorrect handoff of samplerate during offline processing - fixed
    * issues during repeated using offline plugins - fixed
    * VST paths couldn't be edited via keyboard -fixed

    * MIDI record didn't work with enabled option "Retrospective MIDI Recording" - fixed
    * extending a MIDI object to the left could lead to erase adjoining object - fixed
    * sometimes "$" was display in tooltips instead of the shortcut - fixed

    * missing optical feedback when touching an object in "link objects ..." modes - fixed
    * crash when pressing "g" in mixer - fixed
    * time edit boxes: -1 Frame was automatically changed to +1 - fixed
    * corrupt display of "lock marker" buttons in WAV projects - fixed
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2019
  13. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    Currently, with the last update, and for me and the system I use, Pro X4 Suite runs much better than Pro X3 Suite (I was forced to skip Pro X3 to use only Pro X1 because too much strange big problems with Pro X3).

    So I'm definitely happy with Pro X4 Suite.

    The new plugin manager helps me to better manage the insane amount of plugins I use (Airwindows plugins, all Acustica Audio plugins and some N4 third parties plugins, and of course Samplitude Pro X4 Suite plugins and some others).

    Generally speaking, Samplitude has a lot of useful features for me (Comparisonics waveform colors, Object level editing... etc...).
  14. [​IMG]

    KIng wicked man.
  15. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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  16. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I am beginning to like x4 (suite). The 32 bit bridge on it works, and unlike reaper, it is fairly easy to work with midi on x4. Reaper's 32 bit bridge works too, so I can run Hypersonic 2 (a fav of mine), but I have found reaper hard to work with MIDI. I have read the manuals, and can't for the life of me figure out how to asign midi out on reaper. On X4 I can run Hypersonic 2, and it's easy to work with MIDI. So I am liking x4 ATM. It's a pretty decent system. I have not found it buggy. Running win 10 pro (64). So far it is doing what I want. Big thumbs up! I saw someone mention the spectrum analyser/display on x4, so I want to check into that. I was considering a move to reaper because of the 32 bit bridge, but the extremely difficult MIDI system is a game stopper for me. X4 is better in that area. I am also thinking the Acid Pro Next content is the same as for samplitude so I believe I got that going too, in spite of problems with content d/l problems.
  17. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    The Acid content is the same although it appears that some of the stock effects plugins have a different gui ( In Acid Pro that is the case anyway). apart from that all the other stuff is the same as SAM X4. Not suprising that magix spread out the same stuff over all their innumerable product... I still think the whole program needs a total interface make-over. and bezier curves for automation to name a few things. I would certainly use it but i think it's unlikely that will happen. all of the updates recently have been underwhelming to say the least...
  18. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I have found a video on using reaper with MIDI that opened my eyes to a good amountof what I have been missing. It is counter intuative compared to what I am used to but once you see it explained it gets easier, so I guess I will focus on reaper, for a bit, especially since it has been noted that samplitude needs a total make over. There is a lot to be said for persistance. Finding this one video tut, really helped me. I was lost until I found this.
  19. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    samplitude/magix has horrible gui designers. i mean c'mon reaper is more user-friendly
  20. babuk

    babuk Producer

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Reaper is anything you wanna be. Sure, what comes out of the factory is ugly, i wouldnt use it even if you pay me, but with my custom layout is friendlier and nicer than any DAW i know.
  21. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Well I just posted in the reaper forum about this. It took me a very long time to figure this out about how to work with MIDI in reaper. It is so much different than anything else I have ever used for MIDI with it's freaking "routing" schemes for MIDI. Just assigning MIDI out with reaper has been a nightmare. In samplitude I found this and was using it immediately. I will say that once I found the "build 16 midi tracks" thing in reaper, it got easier, but for months I have tried to figure this very simple thing out. Now that I know about this, yes reaper is better. Before then..... samplitude was better (for me). This one thing has been a huge obstacle with me using MIDI with reaper. I overcame this obstacle which changed the game for me. I never saw anything about this in the manuals. I know it is powerful but it is way too complicated IMHO. Not intuative. Still I do have to say that once I learned to "build 16 MIDI channels" in reaper, it came to life. Never saw anything like it before then. I am happy now that I know this, but for months I cursed it!