There is a hidden OS in all newer Intel chips

Discussion in 'PC' started by wasgedn, Apr 28, 2019.

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  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    quote Gatekeeper43

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
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  3. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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  4. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    maybe someone here can explain me why this weird looking chip or rfid is in my samsung phone case and also the blue pen writing on it
    i know one thing i didnt plant it there
    it was a new s7edge not second hand or refurbished
    so i was wondering if someone here can explain me what it does or why its in there
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  5. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    So are these two things related? Can erase a harddrive? Sounds tantalizing.

    Now silence before ze Germans get this information !
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  6. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

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  7. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    i have grilled the rfid we have in our id card...with hot needle and after that in microwave...:bow::mad:

    future cops or the chosen ones today can see all info bout a human and location on gps map with that rfid's
  8. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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  9. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    its also in youre car tire' usa

    these chips are telemetry for humans...and gps locator and i bet a dozen other heavy things

    i think the real fckt up chips can radiate microwaves for special brain sci fi
  10. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    i guess its from youre personell handler...heh heh...kidding but what job you have ?
    but no that question is overdoing...all ppl get rfid's and not just one
    they want put it under the skin in future..there are brainwashed dumbfcks who cant wait to get them
  11. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    i ask myself when i ever do a thread title right....should be written :
    There is a hidden OS in all Intel chips since 2003
  12. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    LOL, thanks for quoting me. Im Gatekeeper432. And yes unfortunetely what i pointed out is true. The info is out there. Just need to google keywords like "hidden OS intel". Here's a little more:


    If that is not a supreme privacy breach and an attack on all of us, i dont know what is.

    Btw im german and im out to get you, lmao :P
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  13. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Now some people think that if they unplug their computers from internet and from the power supply, that it doesnt work anymore referring to the hidden OS and telemetry, however that's not the case anymore with 5G. Most people dont understand what 5G really is. Its not just to make your internet faster, its a direct and constant connection. The hidden OS will get its power from all those 5G antennas and smart lamps. Doesnt matter if you have your computer unplugged from your power supply. Again, Microsoft is not stupid, they dont make mistakes anymore. They think 100 steps ahead and make sure that no matter what we do, their system will keep functioning. Plugged in or not, doesnt matter. 5G and "Smart Lamps" (google it) are the wireless power supply for everything around it. You most likely have smart lamps in your street without even knowing it. If not yet, dont worry they'll visit your street too in the very near future ;)

    Nobody will escape their system of control as it seems, unless you move into the woods. If not, there is literally nothing you can do to protect your privacy. Welcome to the new world. Welcome to the HIVE MIND.

    - Gatekeeper432
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
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  14. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Do you guys want me to give you a real bitter taste? How many of you know about the occult origins of the internet and computer technology in general? Computer technology is based on occult knowledge, on occult mythology, divination, witchcraft, numerology, geomancy, I-Ching etc, the very woowoo most people dont believe in and falsely dismiss as myth with no meaning behind it whatsoever, thinking our ancient ancestors were primitive and stupid, when these ignoramuses couldn't be any further from the truth. To me personally, after having studied this for over a decade, it has become quite funny to me whenever i see or hear people and mainstream science dismiss ancient myths as being nothing more than meaningless myths, always pushing the notion of how stupid one must be to believe in all that woowooo, not understanding that the very technology they sit on is based on that woowoo. Immovable facts.

    None of this technology is new, the Bible is correct when it tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. Nikola Tesla studied the Bible for a reason and gave full credit to God for some of his discoveries / inventions in the Bible for a reason. Tesla's microwave invention came straight out of the Bible. What if i told you that there is literally no difference between a computer microchip and the ancient temples of old, such as the "Edfu Temple" or the "Temple of Solomon" for instance, only difference is the size, same blueprint, just micro instead of macro. Would you dismiss me as a complete nutcase? You are welcome to do so and i wont elaborate on it either, sorry. I will share this though with you as a starting point just in case anybody should be genuinly interested:


    There is literally no difference between a crystal ball which is said to have been used by a medium and your computer screen. You have liquid crystals in your screen, its based on the same principles / technology. Read the link above.

    You probably think im a complete nutcase. Well "Google Play" seems to think otherwise. Unbeknownst to the great majority, most companies use actual magical sigils of old as their logo.


    "Google Play" for instance uses the Sigil of Lucifer as their logo (somewhat hidden and yet in plain sight) while at the same time we are being told there is no magic, its all just silly and nonsense, stuff only religious and stupid and weak-minded irrational people believe in. Then why are they all using actual sigils? Kinda makes you go hmmm, doesn't it?

    Quantum computing and A.I. is not really what people think it is either. Its a door to the spiritual realm, other dimensions that are inhabited by non-physical entities and not all of those entities are benevolent either. They are summoning entities, the very stuff the great majority thinks is nothing but fairy tales. Sounds crazy? Check the link out below. They are talking about summoning entities and how these entities are not neccessarily going to be aligned with what we (humans) want. His own words. Towards the end of the video you will be presented with an image which is supposed to be a joke, but its not. They are dead serious. The picture says "we are hiring demonologists, and the word demonologists is crossed out and replaced with "software engineers"). Like i said its supposed to be a joke but its really not. And if it really was just a joke, how come this joke is so accurate? Of course only accurate to those who are familiar with computer technology's occult origin.

    Here's the original:

    Note the logo of the "kindred" company. That's the occult ouroborus symbol (snake biting its own tail). Where have we seen that before? Yep AMD Ryzen uses the same logo. How is this possible? No copyright breach here? They both use the exact same logo. AMD and Kindred. They're all into the occult. NASA and Google, both already made their purchase of the D-Wave computer. He keeps insisting that the entities they are summoning are not demons but more like the "old ones", but in reality they are demons, dude is highly deluded and these are the kind of people given great power working behind the scenes while everybody is distracted with facebook and taking selfies of themselves and nobody is talking about it. Magic is a very real thing, in the most literal sense. I'd assume there are less than 10 people on this entire earth who truly understand how this modern computer technology really works. As previously pointed out, all of it is based on occult knowledge, magic, witchcraft, divination, geomancy etc. When you tell people about this they'll laugh in your face but Geordie Rose is telling you straight up in the face what it really is. Tells you straight up about summoning entities from another dimension and invading other dimension to pull in recources from another dimension into ours. I bet you, if more people would become aware of this, they might re-think their current stance on the Bible and they may be interested in reading it, for all of this stuff that is happening right now was predicted and prophesied thousands of years ago. In fact this very same technology was here already, it was the downfall of highly advanced civilizations. The mayans, aztecs etc all worshipped the gods aka entities from another dimension. As you can hear Geordie Rose, the head of "D-Wave quantum computing" himself, they are coming back. Now they are called aliens but they are the same entities of old, just different names. These people dont know what they are messing with.

    In quantum computing they talk about "qubits". Well where have we heard that before? Yep, the Bible. Temples were built using precise measurements, so called cubits. Watch and get your mind blown.







    Whether you can believe this or not, this is true and happening, i know this to be a 100% true due to first hand experience with non-human entities / intelligences. Witnessed it with my own eyes and i know people who are in contact with demons from the abyss. Yes i know how ridiculous that sounds but its a reality. I could even show you videos of real demon contact / communication (the real deal) but im not going to do that since some people who spent a long time watching those real demon communication videos have reported that after spending a long amount of time watching these, they started to report about weird stuff happening to them in their homes. So i stopped pointing out the only two real sources on the internet that will show you real demon communication with technology. A lot of Jesus blaspheming coming from these entities that are imprisoned in the abyss. If Jesus wasn't real, why the need to blaspheme in the first place? The world is not what people think it is. We live in strange times and we really need to wake up. Sorry for taking it this far, now i will shut up.

    Humility is key to discover the real truth. In order to be even capable to see the truth, one must first empty the mind of all programming. Many people have been programmed to compare any new idea or teaching to a “database” of their existing beliefs, rejecting anything that contradicts or goes too far beyond what they currently accept. This happens on a subconscious level and is comparable to a habit and we all know how difficult it is to break habits. It is of great importance to undo the ingrained habit patterns of the mind and bring about moments of insight. The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice. Food for thought.

    Again, sorry i didnt want to ruin your day with this negativity but if we remain completely ignorant of it, always turning a blind eye, well that is not a good choice either. Make of it what you will. Much love good people of the earth and dont forget to spread positivity and to love thy neighbour as you love thyself ;)

    - Gatekeeper432
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
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  15. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    Google returns only results about color changing mood lighting. No articles on Wikipedia for "Smart Lamps." Is there another name for what you're referring to here?
  16. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    ohh ...
  17. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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  18. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    im speechless....

    thats stasi3000.9
  19. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    green party want 5g....unblbl:deep_facepalm:
  20. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    hey mojo777, plz post video of demon. we can take it.:rofl:
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  21. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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