A few questions regarding studio monitors and an audio interface.

Discussion in 'Studio' started by flguy, Apr 28, 2019.

  1. flguy

    flguy Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2019
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    So I finally splurged on some nice monitors, and have a few questions.
    I connected the monitors through a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 2nd gen, and there seem to be two knobs that effect speaker volume. A main monitor knob, and a knob that has "input" to the left, and "playback" to the right. These both effect the volume of the monitors, so I'm wondering if there is a specific knob I should use, or if I need to get a good level using a combination both knobs.

    That brings me to my second question. How loud should I turn up the volume on the speakers themselves? I have them at about halfway now, and if I need to make them louder I use the monitor knob on the audio interface. Might be a silly question, but I just want to see how people with some knowledge in this area do things.

    Lastly, the monitors are sitting flat on my desk. I've heard people say I should raise them up on something a few inches, would this be a worthwhile suggestion?

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  3. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Best Answer

    Hello @flguy welcome to AS. Now I could get deep about the volume you should listen at...but try this to keep it simple...get a decibel meter app for your cell phone be it iPhone or android. Set up your monitors around 80% (if your speakers aren’t professional the louder you turn them up the more hiss you will probably hear) of the volume and slowly tweak the volume from your audio interface starting at 0 til you get around 75 to 85 on your decibel meter. Depending on your room, speakers and your ears try to “feel” what’s comfortable for you. Protecting your ears from damage to extreme volumes is something most musicians don’t treat seriously enough. Your ears will thank you in the long run!

    As far as lifting up the speakers it should be at ear level and in a triangle relative to where you will be sitting centered
    and turned inward to your ears. Left toward left ear, right toward right ear. It doesn’t hurt to have them sitting on pads designed for the speaker as well. But seeing that you have a relatively prosumer set of equipment all my suggestions are up to you.

    As far as the Focusrite interface here is a video that I deem worthy of getting you started and on the right path. Hope this helps.

    Now make some good music! :wink:
  4. flguy

    flguy Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2019
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    Thank you for the information!
  5. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    You're welcome!
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