The idea of getting down ideas?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Maitreya, Apr 26, 2019.


Do you plan your tracks ahead of conducting them?

  1. Yes i hear voices in my head

    12 vote(s)
  2. No, i just feel it out

    11 vote(s)
  3. eh?

    4 vote(s)
  1. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    MMJ2017 you are an interesting soul. I think you are way way way off from where im coming from. Whole other timezone. I dont know how we reconcile this. haha, but its interesting to experience it all unfold.

    Isnt the language of music theory also just another man made concept... Are you one of the intelligent ones who can judge others music because you subscribe to this language? haha what a trip.

    The concept of C major is just a way we came up with describing a sound we find pleasent. What we percieve as a sound is the movement of air, picked up by tiny hairs and the "ear drum", in our ears and translated into a feeling or sense by our brain. That movement of air is produced by the energy of a wave, which is a particular frequency. We have labelled the particular frequencies with our tool of measurement, the numerical system, allowing us to quantify the Hertz of the wave, hertz being just another made up concept to help us understand the world around us. All of this is possible with our thinking mind. But its not our thinking mind that produces any of the phenomena we are experiencing (save for the movement of our fingers via the nervous system to pluck or hit an instrument etc) - those phenomena exist and have done since the begining of what is, irrispecive of man or our interventions. We just observers. I dont believe you need to bother with all that labelling you are so into to tune into these phenomenas, least some dont. And when people dont, they can truely lose themselvesin it all and the collection of these waves that we percieve and call music simply manifest.

    Do you think the sweet melodies of Birds are rooted in the birds tireless years studying the so called "theory" of bird song. nah man they just be.

    Most of the shittest music is made by people with lots of knowledge and no soul.
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  2. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    maaan you guys went waaaaaaay too deep into this. All the OP asked is what's your process of getting ideas down. Fuck me dead this turned into a philosophical debate...
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  3. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Haha, its been fun though :) Your right though, i just wondered how the inspiration hits. Im guilty of going too deep though.. haha
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  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I know MMJ doesn't misinterpret me. He's way more deep in his thoughts than me. But whether I agree or not I always respect them.
    But yeah it's always interesting as long it doesn't go too far away from the initial topic.
    I'm a professional off-topic-er and I have a slight hungover so take what I say with a boulder of salt.
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I really can't make the joke I couldn't help but pop in my brain...
    Ok time to go to bed... :rofl:
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I just felt like it not ne
    No the language of music is not man made anymore than the physics used to be an engineer is man made or the way the human body works that doctors go to school to learn is man made.
    Music works a certain way ( more than one also )
    It's weird to me
    Nobody argues that they want a man off the street with a white lab coat but no training doing their surgery . They want a person dedicated to learning for years the way the body actually works .
    Nobody argues for the town drunk to build bridges to save money, they want one built that will hold up.

    Yet when I bring up that music deserves the same consideration ( and historically did have till 65 years ago when corporates record labels took over)
    That music deserves the same amount of dedication and professionalism.
    I get weird accusations of being elitism
    ( Must not seen my last 50 threads where I give away the totality of music theory on here step by step for free for everyone to learn (
    What a musical Hitler elitist I am saying nobody should be allowed to play music while simultaneously giving them 25 years of music school to anyone away for free asking nothing in return)
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I believe if we do something
    We take tackle it
    " The best we can"
    Then in return the result is valuble no matter how imperfect
    " Put your best effort"

    Is your best effort with making music
    Refusing to learn how it works, it's history, the tools involved, techniques, people involved ?


    Finding a away to learn
    as much as you can to make yourself better at making something you say you love .

    If I said
    " Oh I have this girlfriend I love her do much that I refuse to learn her name age where she born anything about her life what she been threw her point of views what her interests are.
    I just love her so so much that is how I express it.
  8. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    I feel what you are saying MM - i just think we are crossing wires a bit. I am very much dedicated to my music, maybe not professional in some peoples eyes. We have a different outlook, its been fun discussing it but i think we have made our points several times now :) I wish you all the best, and if i should ever find myself in a situation when im engaging with music theory i will surely think of you and this discussion haha :)

    At the end of the day, if it sounds good and feels good then it is good. All subjective, as this thread has highlighted. Ill keep jamming, you keep doing what you do.
  9. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    If I said
    " Oh I have this girlfriend I love her do much that I refuse to learn her name age where she born anything about her life what she been threw her point of views what her interests are.
    I just love her so so much that is how I express it.[/QUOTE]

    hahaha man this thread could bring joy forever - im not trying to mean. Thats just such a jump from where im at man. ha ha its a funny analagy. i just dont think its the same as what im getting at.
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    hahaha man this thread could bring joy forever - im not trying to mean. Thats just such a jump from where im at man. ha ha its a funny analagy if i was indeed saying what you seem to think i am saying.[/QUOTE]
    That's what my brain understands
    When I get this argument ( not from you )
    But from society
    That to really love music and be a " music maker"
    The best approach
    Is to get something that makes noises ( preferably a computer with red button(
    Now make noises
    Now record it

    That is fine in the way that playing basketball on side of garage is fine .
    But we now live in world were
    Lots people think thats a " musician"
    And subsequently what we call " music"
    Will never be paid for again with money
    Our society says all 2 billion " boom click weekly weekly"
    Albums are FREE.
    After all what are they paying for ?
    If I put a white lab coat in am I instantly a surgeon ?
    ( What if that is how I identify?)
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  11. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    six pages!
    now that gives me an idea...:rofl:
  12. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    MMJ you are the undisputed champion of wild analogies
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    hahaha man this thread could bring joy forever - im not trying to mean. Thats just such a jump from where im at man. ha ha its a funny analagy. i just dont think its the same as what im getting at.[/QUOTE]
    Just a question, for you personally
    Are you treating music " the best you can? "
    In other words putting in all your effort ?
    If you ask me the answer is yes when I day " I love music"
    Those words mean I do " the best I can "
    If I did more I would suffer in other areas of health
    That's just me .
    But I believe the phrase
    " I love music"
    Coming from a " music maker"
    Means they treating it the best they can effortwise

    Is that weird?

    I mean when I say " i love you "
    To a person I mean same thing

    But I hear thousands times from people
    " I love music"
    Then they go on to describe hating it is not caring about it .

    I guess I'm weird then.
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  14. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Play a C major chord (c, e, g) in your DAW, and then play the notes from the C major scale on top. Notice the difference between the chord tones (c, e, g) and the non-chord tones (d, f, a, b).

    Now add an F major chord, maybe a simple progression C - C - F - F and continue to experiment. The F chord tones are (f, a, c) and the non-chord tones (g, b, d, e).

    From the simple starting point above you can keep on expanding your musical knowledge, but the concepts will remain the same. Once you understand the contrasts, you understand music. It's as simple or complicated as you want it to be.

    You can hum a tune in your head, but you still have to know about music scales and harmonization, so it's better to learn the fundamentals and know about the relationships between notes, scales and chords.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'll give anyone a way to learn something and do something instantly musically , which took me 5 years to learn and figure out , where they can use it right away whatever they desire .
    I just belive in quality music

    (A person perfectly expressing themselves through music )
    But imagine if that person was aware of 5 options
    When 5000 really exist for say a Melody.
    They just pick the best one out if the 5 they aware of .
    What if it was one of the other 4995 options that best expressed but they didn't know so they didn't pick it.
    Learning music is to learn every option
    It's just like a 6 year old with spoken language they know 5 phrases and puck one but the adult that gas larger vocabulary can choose from 5000 options that is my entire point.
  16. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Just a question, for you personally
    Are you treating music " the best you can? "
    In other words putting in all your effort ?
    If you ask me the answer is yes when I day " I love music"
    Those words mean I do " the best I can "
    If I did more I would suffer in other areas of health
    That's just me .
    But I believe the phrase
    " I love music"
    Coming from a " music maker"
    Means they treating it the best they can effortwise

    Is that weird?

    I mean when I say " i love you "
    To a person I mean same thing

    But I hear thousands times from people
    " I love music"
    Then they go on to describe hating it is not caring about it .

    I guess I'm weird then.[/QUOTE]

    MMJ, you are equating "the best" someone can with your idea of the best being to learn music theory etc inside out with 9 years plus to earn your stripes or whatver. That doesnt fly in reality friend.

    I dont want to annoy the rest of the board by us going back and forth(though it does make for an entertaining read, and id still like to hear their takes on all this), but i can keep going.

    You are equating not worshiping theory to "hating" music and not really caring about it. im sorry you feel this way. that seems way to cynical - and thats coming from a cynic.

    I very much do care about my music. I spend every moment of free time exploring it. genuinely, unlike yourself with a love of movies, i dont watch anything, no tv, dont go to cinema, i dont go out - i work, do my family and stuff and every other moment therabouts im honing my craft. Im not equating that with what it takes to take music seriously. im just trying to explain to you that music is very much my life.

    All i have been saying is that i dont pre empt my music. I experiment. Im getting lost for words now. I feel like ive said all i need to say.

    I stand by my point on the birds - do they know music theory? are their songs not beutiful? Do you think music theory came before the act of making what we label music?

    I respect the way you do it. I respect anyone that takes all that time to learn by rote. I would argue such intense focus on that side of thing conditions the mind too much and least to bland expressions. But again, ive already covered that.

    Being into music so much im trying not to get offended by your insinuation that im a babbelling moron devoid of any musical talent. Our ideas of talent obiously differ.
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  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Going back specifically to the OP

    You want to be able to improvise and precompose equally and use both at all times.

    When you say record a " song"
    That just a frozen captured set of choices you chose one of a million every second .
    You need to first ( best you can )
    Expand your awareness of what choices you have
    To select from either while writ8ng out, humming precomposing , improvising etc.
    Basically it not a choice between one or another they both 2 sides of one coin.
    You have the conscious brain with 5 objects in short-term memory , vs the subconscious Iarge storage bank to draw from.

    But ideally it's like driving a car learn it so well to store it in autopilot subconscious do you don't have to parse each action in thought process.
  18. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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  19. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    MMJ2017 - Collab bro?

    sorry getting delerious now. Peace
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    MMJ, you are equating "the best" someone can with your idea of the best being to learn music theory etc inside out with 9 years plus to earn your stripes or whatver. That doesnt fly in reality friend.

    I dont want to annoy the rest of the board by us going back and forth(though it does make for an entertaining read, and id still like to hear their takes on all this), but i can keep going.

    You are equating not worshiping theory to "hating" music and not really caring about it. im sorry you feel this way. that seems way to cynical - and thats coming from a cynic.

    I very much do care about my music. I spend every moment of free time exploring it. genuinely, unlike yourself with a love of movies, i dont watch anything, no tv, dont go to cinema, i dont go out - i work, do my family and stuff and every other moment therabouts im honing my craft. Im not equating that with what it takes to take music seriously. im just trying to explain to you that music is very much my life.

    All i have been saying is that i dont pre empt my music. I experiment. Im getting lost for words now. I feel like ive said all i need to say.

    I stand by my point on the birds - do they know music theory? are their songs not beutiful? Do you think music theory came before the act of making what we label music?

    I respect the way you do it. I respect anyone that takes all that time to learn by rote. I would argue such intense focus on that side of thing conditions the mind too much and least to bland expressions. But again, ive already covered that.

    Being into music so much im trying not to get offended by your insinuation that im a babbelling moron devoid of any musical talent. Our ideas of talent obiously differ.[/QUOTE]
    I don't understand where any of what you saying here has went
    I don't understand why you suddenly think that which you describe is my stance or what I think
    Not sure where the misunderstanding came from .

    But music theory is one component that exists not everything but one important part of music.
    Just in same way that a Dr learning at school how body works to get surgeon it's not everything but an important part.
    I'm not sure where things went off track though sorry if my 100 comments didn't clear it up for you I guess no other effort which I have clearly made is going to make a difference from your point of view thank you for the conversation mY friend .
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