The idea of getting down ideas?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Maitreya, Apr 26, 2019.


Do you plan your tracks ahead of conducting them?

  1. Yes i hear voices in my head

    12 vote(s)
  2. No, i just feel it out

    11 vote(s)
  3. eh?

    4 vote(s)
  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Your going to hate me ,but.........

    I don't hire a random hobo to fix my pipes I hire a plumber . I wouldn't ask a friend of mine to blueprint the home I want built I seek a architect.
    This is the reason that " music"
    Is worthless in sense Boone wants to pay for it.

    I'm going to make a motion picture.
    1.take out my 6 year old phone
    2.hit record on the video camera. gibberish.
    4.upload to boobtoob

    I am just like Steven speilberg right?
    You want to purchase my motion picture on boobray?
    It's a joke.
  2. electriclash

    electriclash Guest


    ....but I don't want to interrupt the inquisitive nature of this line of questioning; by all means please carry on
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    To learn to be a film director or post production executive or screenplay writer , takes years of learning insane amount to get a pro,
    Music is the exact same amount to it .
    It takes 65 years to master and perfect every aspect of music.
    It takes 30 years to be highest level
    It takes 15 years of learning doing everyday to be a pro
    It takes 9 years to be knowledgeable and xapabile of doing something valuable.
    It takes 5 years of either schooling or self taught to be at a point to create anything amateur level.

    Every day there is 500 million ( dead serious)
    Albums that come out of the caliber you are describing.
    500 million albums per day
    Means you can spend every second left of your life downloading but never even listening.
    It would take 500 years to listen to the albums which come out in the next 7 days across the world .
    To put into perspective

    What the difference between what you are describing as how you make music, and 500 million others with the same process of turd polishing entirely ignorant of what music is how it works?
  4. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Im not sure what you mean. Do you mean that you would rather someone who is trained in music to make music, rather than just jamming etc and not knowing the tecnical names of the chords etc you are playing?

    Sorry if thats not what you meant - just what i made of it... correct me if im wrong. And no hate here :)

    If it was, I get what you mean - but im not talking about making incoherant noise (tho i hear theres a few scenes for that). and im not talking about having no plan or idea atall. I guess im refering to the seed of a composition.

    I find it more satisfying to just "noodle" and find a vibe then build on it. I guess if you have a serious plan of attack or if you are making music for other people (or even yourself i guess) you would think "ok, im going to do x y and z" but i just feel that that kills that initial spark. Just me though :)

    Haha but yea, id get a plumber and an architect too..
  5. CaptainJackSparrow

    CaptainJackSparrow Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2018
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    I just hear voices, that's why I voted.

    I completely agree with your post. We are just the channels.
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  6. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Haha, oh man i wasnt talking about polishing turds or being ignorant. i was talking about jamming. I have been at this a long time and i understand a lot of it. i understand all of what you say regarding how much music is made. But i am talking about finding your own voice.

    Haha, im imaging what my music would sound like if i was doing what you think im doing. Nah man. im just talking about the beggining of the whole process. it takes a lot of talent (not saying i have it, but some of the greatest do) to just vibe out with an instrument. You really think some of the greats were thinking the whlole time they were playing about the chords progressions etc. Nah man, many of them talk about going into a trance like state, no thinking whatsoever and losing themselves. thats what im talking about. And i think as much as that can be done on guitar, or drums or keys, it can also be sustained when composing music in a daw.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Music is a language , just like your spoken one.

    How do you approach speaking a sentence ?
    1. Composing each word and constructing the order of the words till it seems right then speak it?
    2.think in your mind the idea and let your subconscious construct the sentence on the fly ?

    The answer is both at different circumstances
    If talking to friends or normal life then just think of the idea what to talk about let your brain construct syntax from the unconscious.
    But say creating a wedding vows or writing a book or a screenplay or rapping
    Then building up price by peice is good
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  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Well music is a language .
    Music is not different than being a brain surgeon 9r architect .
    Yes you spend everday for years about 7 just getting the music theory down and into your subconscious like when you a baby and start learning ypur spoken language
    In just trying to express that music is just as complex as anything in life whether a car mechanic ( what you sit there and memorize every size wrench and how every part from ever make and model fits together?)
  9. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Something in last 50 years ruibed music and devalued it.
    This idea that anyone can press a button and with total ignorance any bozo can strum 3 chords and fart Inyo a ton can now you have an album that you worked so hard on ( working hard means got drunk
    And passed out pissing on side of garage and your drummer painted a dick on your forehead you didn't notice till 12 hours later when you woke up)
    In the mean time other people calling themselves musicians also spent 6 years never leaving the house practicing every single note combination and articulation I .every key and EaR training 7 hours a day etc.
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I love cooking so much that I have no intention of learning the names of ingredients , what temperatures to use, what flavors mix well what utensils help with different tasks I am a chef.


    Equivalent to.

    I love music so much that I don't want to know how it works at all in any way on any instruments,
  12. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Thats cool man. Im with you on that, it is a language and has many regional dialects within it. Its very technical and you can continue to learn for a lifetime. And i changed my post as i misread your comment and you werent being hostile. So aplogies for that. I guess what i was trying to ask is if people are in that mind frame when they start - or wheteher they just jam it out. I understand your comment as i said about not knowing what chords im playing etc. I know a couple, but its never what im thinkng. Infact im rarely thinking, but that doesnt mean its babbling, out of key jibberish im making, its usually decent enough (if i may say so haha). Guess we all work in different ways. i just cant be bound by that thinking. it sets you on a path and produces predicted results. i like to wander. I think a lot of great tunes were probably made like that - and equally tho, by sitting down with all the musical spanners and a blueprint for the finished item.
  13. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    ...its the practice

    ...muscle memory? perhaps... just knowing inside and out how to navigate by chance (read:
    soul), leads us to stream of consciousness playing, where the very best stand & deliver..

  14. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Man, i agree but thats not what i was talking about. haha. im no bozo :) Music is an energy and there is a balance between the logical mind and that somthing more etheral that we tune into when we compose. haha this got wild. Honestly i get you.think its just a misunderstanding. Its all good.
  15. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Pretty much what im trying to describe - doing a hack job of it
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    By the way im not directing this toward you .OP
    I'm just expressing a philosophical stance on music itself I'm not making any judgments or assumptions about you and what you know , do, or don't know or don't do.
    It's just the phrasing of your comment and thread itself that brings this philosophy out of me
  17. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Haha i get you. But what im getting at is that beacause music is an energy and cant kill you if undercooked, is that we can afford to explore. I never say ok, i have this type of bass - i will now use this type of rythm instrument because that is what must go with it. I just explore and mix it up (in key, in tune, in time etc) - i just dont believe in recipies for emotional musical expressions. It can be done by the subconcious, the soul, with enough meditation in it (practice). Again its cool though. its interesting how different minds approach the creative arts. But thats not to disvalue knowing what chord would compliment the last etc, or what combination would set a particular tone. Just talking about achieveing that by just knowing it and not thinking too much about it. Im sure if you practice that much you must have these moments yourself. You will know it enough that you can just express yourself and enjoy it. :)
  18. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    I believe this is understood but good on ya sunshine [​IMG]
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  19. Maitreya

    Maitreya Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2019
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    All good
    All good :) It was a very wishy washy OP haha
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Here interesting thought regarding a spoken language.

    Do we value a 5 year old vocabulary and expression in same way as we do a 17 year old 22 year old 47 year old or 50 year old?
    We reconized that it simply takes time for such a complex task to get encoded 8n the brain such that after years and years finally you can articulate using that structure if the spoken language as a tool to perfectly express the emotion and ideas living inside of you.
    It's not because what 5 year olds are not important and we don't care what they have to say.
    It's because it takes years and years of learning for that language to be a conduit for emotion and idea expression ( fluency)

    Music is identical in the same way.
    A totally musically ignorAnt person cannot express what is inside them in the way they will be able to after 12 years studying everyday all day.
    This not an analogy either I mean it literally.
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