Can any one of my buddies here hook me up with a private tracker invite?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by adwade, Apr 17, 2019.


Good private Music tracker?

  1. redacted

    0 vote(s)
  2. bibliotik

    0 vote(s)
  3. orpheus

    0 vote(s)
  4. waffles

    0 vote(s)
  5. audionews

    0 vote(s)
  6. others

  1. adwade

    adwade Newbie

    Jul 2, 2017
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    I am not that tech savy, not at all a programmer. But I've been a musician and a performer for just over 10 years. demonoid user for 10 years too. That's the only site i downloaded from, and since its demise, and Fozzyd1970's disappearance I am kind of lost. Rutracker and all these sites I am not sure, I've used Audioz and it works well, but wanted to try private trackers too for the first time. recently, I was checking out these private music trackers. And after hours of trying to figure out mIRC i was able to connect to them and chat, the person over at redacted wanted me to close my VPN and come from my real IP, is that really a thing? To reveal your location in order to get in to these trackers? I really can only work around torrents, seeding and install stuff properly. other than that something that's too complicated like setting up mIRC and connecting to server and all that is a little too confusing for me. That is why I wanted to skip this interview process nd straight get an invite, I think I deserve it.

    Are there any other good ones that I dont know of yet?


    Also, can I login to audioz with the same credentials set on this site?

    Thank you.

  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    a lot of private torrents sites do actually open up at certain times of the month, and allow new members to join without an invite, so keep checking their homepage(s) often, usually at the beginning of each month, in most cases you will not be allowed to join a private torrent group when using a vpn, as this can be seen as abusing download / upload ratios, you download but don't then allow uploads, you then set up new accounts once your download limit has been reached, each account requires a unique ip address to prevent abuse of download / upload quotas
  4. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    No! It is no a requirement, at least w/ the best ones you listed. That's just shady.. You should never give up on anonymity (esp if you insist on torrenting/p2p). To have an unique IP tied to your acc you should also have a static one (while most of us have dynamic IP). It is true though, most of this sites states that "cheating" (like noted above) is strictly prohibited resulting in ban.
    No! The sites have completely different purpose. Use this one to learn, discuss, post music, relax,.. and the other one for testing stuff. The only thing that is allowed here (and not so much on other forums) is to discuss warez-related topics. But don't post/request links (short, read the rules if you have to ..;)
  5. adwade

    adwade Newbie

    Jul 2, 2017
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    Woah that's pretty interesting, I was actually reading about this, and indeed most of them don't allow vpn, and if ever you are changing the ips you would have to inform the Admins over there. Little concerning given the fact that we are going to be torrenting and due to some restrictions and copyright issues, we consider VPN a little secure. I would have to research more into this, and work a way around this, even if it means getting a static ip. I usually buy the products i like, and I only need this for Audio softwares and plugins and stuff, not looking to collect Albums and other things. Done those a lot in my younger years. Just love checking the new ones out.

    Taxi driver has a different view on this and considers that sort of behavior shady. And it is sort of a little absurd to me too, but your point is right about abuse of the ratio and its misuse. it's absurd to me because I never do that, but it doesn't matter what I do, but more what others can do

    Thanks for replying to me.

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