We should stay on topic when participating on any thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The Pirate, Apr 11, 2019.

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  1. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    All that's missing from this brawl is some kid recording the screen shouting "worldstar".

    OP is right, staying on topic is immensely important; luckily however, I have not yet been a victim participants going off-topic, but have witnessed such events.

    I believe it is also the OP's responsibility to ensure his/her idea is conveyed clearly that way a structure is ensured which will be a strong determinant of the possibility of going off-topic.
  2. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    btw, must agree with earlier observations, the above soup of letters has indeed the signature of ‘foster troll’ written all over. people are early on detecting him this time

    but Fos..so, its ‘hitsquad’ now. why did you delete your post below with me featuring as nr1 in you ignore list? lol
    and then reposted it just because i uploaded a capture, whats happening Foss :)

    Foster, instead of feeling sorry for me you should try to not hit the world record in becoming banned and kicked out the most on a forum. i dont have anything against you personally, its just your activities and bad habits have sucked so deeply. its so very telling that you chose to make you re-appearance in this particular thread discussing "off-topics" which has always being your prime speciality. you have shown you dont learn to behave and cant stop spamming this place, i as a simple member would love if you managed to stop and prove us all to be wrong, but I must confess im
    totally sure you will not stop
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
  3. HitSquad

    HitSquad Banned

    Apr 10, 2019
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    Sorry for my signature. Bye!:shalom:

    Edit: I just added you to my ignore list to see it publicly that I will have nothing to do with you from now on but I pitied you and wanted to give you one more chance but unfortunately due to your last act, I repent of my mistake. Bye forever.:wink:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
  4. vkris

    vkris Ultrasonic

    Apr 20, 2018
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    No need to write about jazz ... this is enough ... you really are an original Foster.
    Wellcome back!
  5. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    if you let me chime in here a bit pls, why so drama-tic with your "well see if you after i answer would have wanted my response" lol. lay out your thoughts instead and skip the drama, cmon

    instead you could link to posts where Pirate blatantly and consistently posts off topic in such a way that allows you to say its "asinine" for him to want to discuss and reflect around this topic, thats the least one could ask really

    because you see, as far as ive experienced the recent time there is hardly a member who has posted the amount of genuine informative topics and insightful and helpful comments as Pirate has done, certainly not me in any way, and not you either. and beware, its not a crime, just an objective observation im making here

    almost all the posts Pirate has done are adding worthy info or tips or news to someone or to us all. the "off topic" issue you name on the other hand I haven't noticed at all, that probably because if it exists its marginal, unless proven the contrary. and that burden lies exclusively on you since you make that claim. so, asking him to seek "mental help" just because of your until now unproven allegation as for now at least seems again really over-dramatically strange

    now, your understanding of what any mod has tried to say to you in the past, if its unclear you should take it with the mod in question or the administration in general (i certainly take the time when I have the opportunity, and it helps) not with the member Pirate since he and most of us probably dont have a clue of the context. and, im sure you already saw the early comment in this thread where the mod already stated he saw nothing wrong with this particular post, so there goes that

    and finally, your comment about his nick... is really wasted. that certainly has absolutely nothing to do with anything in the original post my friend, so we could probably all agree to call that part a badly disguised and very off-topic personal attack
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
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  6. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    :woot: Wash your mouth out with soap mister ...That's filthy talk :rofl:
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  7. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Ok, here is mine - AudioSex exists mainly because it's different from other sites/forums. Change that, regulate it (further) and you will kill it. It will be just a pale copy of so many others.

    So what is different? Well it's a bit of a mess.. and people that are here like it. Why is that? Well i don't believe that thousands of guys and gals here are all successful producers/songwriters/composers etc.. They are here because they feel at second home (and no home is perfect). They run away from the reality of overly regulated society to relax, not overthinking every step they take..

    But still, we are here for the music-related stuff, right. Fortunately there are many great experts in all kind of fields around. Try buying a 500+ $/€ software and imagine you have a problem w/ it. Turn to dev support and OTH, post your problem here. I think we all know the response time..

    Back to off-topic "problem". It's already taken care of.. at least I think so. Moderators can always warn someone if he/she goes off-topic. And they do it (mostly on sister site, I admit). But I can guess why are they more nonrestrictive here.

    Although music borrows many things from mathematics it is also an art form and therefore not an exact science (and most artists are weirdos - deal with it..;). Many times a thread that goes off-topic brings up new ideas, different solutions, additional information and so on. The last example I recall was "How to start a mix" thread..

    @The Pirate, I have one question for you. Seriously, what did you have in mind when starting this thread? Please, don't tell me you didn't know, it would end exactly like this.. (I believe you are a very smart person). If so, did you get what you wanted? I really can't figure it out..
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  8. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Original Poster, ok, thank you for that :bow:
  9. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I really couldn't agree more, especially after seeing this:

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
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  10. thecastermaster

    thecastermaster Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2012
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  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    OP = Original Poster.
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  13. Yes, there's a point when a thread has died a natural death and it's time for the microbes to feast.

    That said, some threads are dead the moment get posted.
  14. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    And which kind of threads would you like so?

    EDIT: Ahhh...I'm offtopic! I'm often offtopic..In this case I deserve to be banned.
  15. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Sometimes we are offtopic because we react to someone's post.So what do we have to do?Not reply to somebody?

    I agree it's better to stay"on"topic,but....There are problems in our life that are way more important than offtopic comments.At least for me.
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  16. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Best answer!!:like:
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  17. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @blaqmatic I was not even going to reply to your pathetic effort to ridicule me. But that was yesterday. Today is a new day.
    First and foremost (as you said), when you direct a comment at a member that you have on your ignore list, how do you expect that person to be aware of your response?
    Secondly, the one that needs the facts right, and also stop lying to the community is you. If you lie ,at least try to cover your tracks. Let me show you.

    Screenshot_2019-04-11 Ratings You've Received AudioSEX - Professional Audio Forum.png
    Screenshot_2019-04-12 We should stay on topic when participating on any thread.png

    See what is wrong? Look at the dates. My request for an explanation was BEFORE your current rating. How is that possible? Because you changed it in order to come after my request and tell me "get it right" . It WAS a dislike. I am a pirate not Michael J. Fox. I can't go back to the future, bro.
    Third, the one that needs to study the rules is you. You have to edit your comment about the rules ,too. Just to be clear, the rules allow me to ask for an explanation for any "dislike', "nasty" or disagree". Do I need to show you? Here it is: (screenshot, unedited)

    Screenshot_2019-04-12 AudioSEX Rules.png

    Third, if the policy here is what YOU said it is, why didn't you do what the policy you quoted says? Why dint you reported the thread. Maybe you did and you got turned down.

    Finally, since you are so interested in knowing about this "noob" (as you called me) , I will tell you a couple of things...but first, let me show you another screenshot (unedited):

    Screenshot_2019-04-12 The Pirate.png

    How many posts have I rated? 1022. That is one thousand and twenty two. Of those 1022, how many are "negative or neutral'? ZERO. NONE. Do you know what that means? That I don't give a darn thing about them. You are the one who does. Like a teenager on Facebook. That is the reason why every time you decide to give me one of those, I will make you take some of your "precious time" and explain it. Every single one. No pain, no gain.
    Last thing you need to know about me. I am Russian. Born and raised in the Soviet Union. Living 25 years in a Communist country make you stronger and more resilient than all the Popeye's and Mac Donald's you have eaten. Therefore, nothing you say, nothing you do, nothing of your hatred is going to break me. NOThING. I am going to outlast you here. That has been your M.O. in this Forum. Whenever you don't like a member (very often) instead of ignoring said member you bait the member until the member gets banned or decides to leave. Again, that is not going to be effective. I am going to outlast you here. You are the one who should had been banned a long time ago.
    To summarize what I have said, I will use another screenshot (unedited)


    Go regroup, call reinforcements. It is getting serious here.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
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  18. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Holy crap, I didn't realize what a troll he was. I recant my previous statement. Please DO NOT make The Pirate a moderator.
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  19. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    original poster/thread starter
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  20. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    talking real or reacting to a troll makes you a troll aha....how bout just saying bout his comment : its c theory..heh heh..:deep_facepalm:

    who wanted to make him a mod ?
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