Acustica audio Titanium BASSTARD for FREE

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    I've installed all my Acustica plugins (have almost all of them) to my 100% offline hackintosh, as it is in a studio where wifi and 4G cannot pass through...
    If you on mac I can definitely help, If on PC, can give you hints and it should work.
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  2. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    Well here it is for both platforms :wink:

    In both cases you *must* install the desired plugin with Aquarius on an online computer (I use my laptop). Say you want thee Basstard, you chose your preferred format and it downloads and installs itself.

    You need to know what and where you have installed. The components or vst or Dlls have .XML, .ENG, .N2S, .Acqu, and a folder of the plugin name MUST be copied. Do not copy the AUT file, it's tied to the offline PC!
    On MAC, I copied these two files as well from Library/Frameworks: Nebula.framework and NEBULAFRAMEWORK.aqu

    These are the files you need, if you miss something the plugin will not load.

    What we want to do to is to create a .SER file when the DAW is launched. it will be created next to the pluging Dll, au, VST etc. On PC you MUST open your DAW with administrator privileges!
    On Mac, this is how I did it (exemple is for AU component) : change permissions to the Components folder: in Terminal: sudo mkdir -p -m 777 /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components enter password. Works with all folders that need to be changed to receive a SER file.

    Once the DAW is opened, a SER file is created, and no as for both platforms, you need to take this file and upload it on the Acustica site and will receive a AUT file in return. copy it to the offline computer's folder where the SER file must remain, your done!

    It's not that complicated, I do not have choice and do it all the time and changing permission happens only once, There are just a bunch files to copy,
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  3. stefodis

    stefodis Producer

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Thanks a lot for your answers! :mates:
    Sadly seems like digitaldragon is right : it's possible to install & authorize all their paying plugins on an offline computer, but the free one aren't shown in the "order" and the "License" section of your account on the website, and therefore can't be authorized via the "SER" file of the offline comp.

    Short story : if you want to use the free plugins you have to connect your computer to the net. It's quite a shame, and it's almost offending to have to spend more than one hour trying to figure it out, while they could state that clearly in the first place!

    So I'll pass on this one, and even if I liked a lot Nebula3 and think that their plugins are great, they won't count me as a customer. I won't trade my studio-pc's security for a free plugin, and honestly I'm a little pissed with them... But no big deal, I have plenty of other very good plugins and won't complain!
  4. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    dope.....thx for sharing
  5. Jeff*

    Jeff* Kapellmeister

    Dec 14, 2018
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    Hmmm... I will have to double check Basstard and Ceil if that is the case... I got everything working from N4 to the latest Purple 2, might have not opened the free ones maybe.. Will check ASAP!
  6. Evo

    Evo Kapellmeister

    May 30, 2018
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    Can someone tell me if is CPU friendly?
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2019
  7. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I know what Tubetech is,that wasn't my question.Isn't Basstard a Pultec emulation,instead of a Tubetech one?
  8. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Its part of Titanium which I thought was more towards Tubetech. Has similar higher gain range and robust sounds when compared to the Pultec which is what I read on the back of a cereal box somewhere. What do I know I've never actually touched the real thing...
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