Sound engineering and music production education

Discussion in 'Education' started by DexterSR, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. DexterSR

    DexterSR Newbie

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Hello and greetings for the first time!

    I am new to this forum and also new to the world of sound production, so I'm looking to get some education, for which, I would need your advice!

    I am 26 y.o. guy from Serbia (southeastern Europe), I've been a guitar player for 9 years now, and I've decided to make the living out of music, so I want to enroll to audio engineering or music production studies in some of the universities in Europe (in Austria, Germany, Czech republic, Spain... or any other country) since many countries in EU provide free education (or very affordable) even for foreign students!

    So, could you guys give me some advice on what would be the best university to choose for my education, and which of them are free, since I'm having hard time finding them myself? I am also ready to learn another language if need be!

    Thank you all very much!
  3. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Depends on the languages you speak... If you are a good german-speaker I could help you find a place to learn audio engineering...

    If you are looking for free education you have to watch out for online tutorials, maybe some online courses...
    Check this out, may it will help you get the food (do you even say that in english??!??) into music production and stuff:
  4. DexterSR

    DexterSR Newbie

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I am not really a fan of online courses, I don't think they can provide everything I need, plus a diploma from an official university would mean a lot more to me!
    I will begin to learn German again, since I haven't spoken a word of German in 4 years, I've forgotten everything, but I was considering a University of Vienna, or something similar in Germany or Czech Republic... What would be your ideas?
  5. audiodessey

    audiodessey Banned

    Sep 8, 2012
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    be a good music writer or learn it by yourself by hanging out with other musicians. Many successful music producers in U.S are self-taught. So do many successful composers.
    When you go to college, you will find that you simply don't need to pay for doing such things. You don't need to pay money to write good music and play good music or produce good music. Trust me...
  6. xsze

    xsze Guest

    If you are planing to return to work here you don't need some diploma from foreign country, you have better chance getting knowledge and job here bringing coffees, find some studio near you and apply for assistant, it's a safe call...or learn everything by yourself and invest in equipment.

    If you want to escape from motherland than just forget what I wrote :wink:

  7. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Hm, if you think you can handle it... I mean german is a complex language, and talking in a complex language about complex stuff is hard. Learning in a complex language about complex stuff is very hard for a non-native speaker, I guess... But there are always these language-wonders who seems to be able to talk nearly perfect in every language...

    If you want a diploma it could be very difficult, Im not sure how universitys handle students from other countries, since they dont graduated in a german school (germans are kind of serious about that stuff... even due the fact that we learn nothing but bullshit in our last school years :snuffy: ). There are also "advanced technical college" (dude I have no idea if you have any use of that wording, its just how a website translated Fachhochschule). Its less hard to get in there, and there are some where Audio-related stuff is teached. But I would have to make researches how you get in there...

    Theres also something that could be more useful for you, you dont need any graduation to go to that school. Its called the "Deutsche-Pop", if you think your german is good enough check out their website:
    Its quiet expensive, but its not a full-time school, you could easily have a job simultaneously. They have a bunch of courses related to what you want to learn. Note that you dont have a officially recognised german graduation there because its a private school, but you learn what you want to learn and they have a very practical style of teaching, other than on many universitys...

    I think he is more into learning all that tech-stuff you just have to learn from a professional... Hanging out with other producers (or musicians, in my case producers) is always about talking much shit... I mean you can learn from others, no question. But many of us learned things wrong, and also many of us arent teachers and maybe teach stuff wrong. I see a big chance in getting a dangerous half knowledge when you learn that way. Maybe not when it comes to composing or playing an instrument, but for Sound engineering and professional music production you should go and learn from a professional. And that comes from someone (hehe) who learned everything by himself, and someone who defiently knows that is knowlegde is nothing compared to a person who went to a special course or school...

    True, but sometimes a diploma is like: "Well, he have a diploma that sais he can do it, so he will do it". For many people thats more important than actual skills (at least its like that in germany, god sometimes I hate this country for being so affixed to officially recognised pieces of shit... :snuffy: )

    Oh come on, Serbia isnt THAT bad... or is it :dunno:
    Or at least I thought its easier to move away now, since the fall of the communism in europe...
    But when I see that many eastern-european people work in germany for all those jobs we dont like to do (harvest helper, geriatric care, whores (many whores are from romania, dont ask me why :dunno: )) I kind of get the feeling that its not that easy for eastern european... Maybe its a wrong impression :dunno:
  8. xsze

    xsze Guest

    It's hard and it's good, depends how strong are you and who you actually are, there is no money, there is slavery and pain, whole world against you including your own leaders and politicians, if you know who you are than it's challenge to make it happen and fight for better tomorrow, other way around just escape and live the life you want in first place, peace was never lived on this land, always slavery, so find out how to survive or go where life is easy :wink: off topic but why not :rofl:

    To not go further off topic, dear Someone I'm from Serbia, you noticed well for emotional side, but it's just overcoming all bad things with love, staying away from hate and thinking clearly, trying to stay positive and strong, but knowing who you are and not giving up despite everything :mates:
  9. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Are you from Serbia or do you have friends from there? Just curius, because you seem emotional by talking about that country...
  10. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    dont come here to the United state because the best place here for a Music education is the art institute But the tuition is outrageous :grooves: :snuffy:
  11. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    I would recommend you start trying to learn stuff out on your own for as long as you can do it. You'd be surprised on how much knowledge and help is available in forums,books,and videos. I also agree with Audiodessey, surround yourself with people that are active musically in all aspects of music production. Im very positive that the minute you start to learn on your own, you'll completely lose interest in attending a school for what your trying to do. If anything, working as a runner for a studio would be much better in my opinion. Either way, good luck to you!
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