Why are you or people still interested in the orchestral sounds?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Calm.Down, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    I don't find anything special in those sounds but seems people still don't want to give up downloading hundreds of GB of samples being uploaded daily to AZ. Why do people do that?

    I'm not talking about the scores but the orchestral sounds. Orchestral sounds are very old and what's the point of hearing them all the time again and again? Do you really enjoy them or just use them for the sake of the masses that are unaware of other sounds?:dunno:

    Orchestral scores are so deep and nothing can compete with them but their sounds are getting boring and repetitive after listening a bit to them.

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  3. Daz

    Daz Guest

    I noticed the title in the AZ feed and immediately thought, now who could that be...
    They are still popular because they go well with guitar sounds...:)
    It's not just about the sounds mate, it's also what you do with them, musically.:winker:

    What sounds do you think the masses are unaware of?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2019
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  4. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I've wondered that myself. I do some short film scoring and I don't need 150GB of horns. Many of these libraries seem to promote themselves as "this is the identical sound you hear in Game Of Thrones" which is indeed enticing, simply because who would think little old me in my bedroom can sound like that!!! I'm guilty of collecting more libraries than I know what to do with, but I have in the past been asked to do some full orchestral scoring, so I'm anticipating an email or phone call from someone asking me to score a ballet or an opera. But then how many people here are waiting for that phone call?
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  5. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    There are still movies comming out and people still have dreams about beeing a composer and making music for film etc.

    key word : dreams. people clinch on to them :P

    edit; i only read your question on the title and not your thoughts on it.
    why do people still use piano and guitar or drums? or any other instrument ?

    you dont have to approve of people downloading whatever GB oversized product, as long as you sweep at your owne door, its fine i guess?

    its like asking, why do dogs bark? because they are dogs :D
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  6. Edi

    Edi Member

    May 2, 2018
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    EU for now
    I must admit there's some truth in what Calm.Down is sayin...copycats are all around us. I think we are all aware of this, if we all keep it 100.
    But on d flip side I could never say that orchestral music's boring...no Sir.
    I've been using various orchestral instruments in my work - modern compositions for modern dance performances, since '98...yeah, I'm old mf.
    And I must add, so far so good...there are bumps on d road from time to time, but hey that's life, right?!
    Better to do that / make music, then fighting..with arms
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  7. The Mazeman

    The Mazeman Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Orchestral Music now-a-days has been transformed in to a mass commodity. Every time I hear it on ads I think people who use these should kill themselves. That include composers too. Composers made music to transform the masses and I am not denying there wasn't a monetary part to it. Their primary goal was to extend what the past composers have accomplished and lead it into the future to elevate humanity. Just look at your average "composer" today like Junkie, Hans, Greenwood, Desplat, etc. As Ben would say...fucking pathetic.
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  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    inb4 all the orchestral guys on AS start commenting :disco:

    *WARNING: THEY CAN BE BRUTAL* I have dealt with them before :rofl::rofl:
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  9. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    well synths sounds are the same.. you know it is a synth.. of course with synth you have more options.-.. but.. mm.. I think.. the point is "the instrument" it is not the same playing a "piano synth" than a "bass guitar" or "a "guitar-- OUD.. from the old days.. or percussions.. etc.. for me.. electronics MUSIC bores me.. and CLASsICal or.. HOLLYWOOD orchestral music too.. i think in the end.. it is more about.. "the song"..__ "the notes":_ with or without melody.. the rhythm.. or with or without rhythm.. i know tempo.. REAL STRINGS .. are not the same as .. a SINE Wave .. when you playing.. with your hands,, drums.. are the same.. perc.. etc.. I love synth.. organs.. etc.. but not the way everybody use them,... today.. but anyway..
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  10. Pharaoh41

    Pharaoh41 Ultrasonic

    Feb 22, 2019
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    I like them because I like my music to sound cinematic. I'm a huge fan of movie scores.
  11. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    Come to think of it, the same could be said about tonal music, so where's your twelve tone music at bro :bleh:
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  12. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I could argue that also guitars and drums sound the same since a massive period of time, yet they're considered pretty essential in music production.
    Not to mention classical music, performing all those "boring" instruments.
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  13. How much music would you lose?
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Classical music is forever. :wink:

    Says the EDM/Industrial guy. :rofl:

    Well, sometimes you need some classical instruments in any kind of music. I personally love the sound of classical string instruments. They can give your track a certain seriousness, emotion, organic sound to it, especially when the track is all synths. People appreciate more organic sounds these days, or at least that's what I want to think they like. :winker:

    But I agree that having hundreds of GBs of orchestral libraries is kinda pointless. Choose a couple you like, erase the rest. Admittedly, it is a bit trickier if you're making film scores. Then you need a nice variety of classical sounds.
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  15. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    The orchestra and its sounds is just a tool and thus everything depends on how we use it. We can create completely different soundscapes using exactly the same sounds. Compare the sound of Bach with that of Ligeti, compare Beethoven's piano sonatas with Henry Cowell's The Banshee. The basic sounds are the same. They are produced by the same physical instruments. But do they sound the same, or even similar?
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  16. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    well ..there are so many ways to play an instrument - all the articulations, techniques.. I agree, libraries can't cover everything. This piece by Cage from 1950s for instance certainly needs a good real deal.. enjoy 4'33'':

    and this "old" instruments can still provoke deep and fresh emotions..
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  17. Kundalini

    Kundalini Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Huge and very serious problems of another fosters..
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  18. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    To make better sounding orchestral music :)

    One could ask

    "Why are you or people still interested in Trap sample libraries"
    "Why are you or people still interested in synths"
    "Why are you or people still interested in drum beat sample libraries"

    and so on
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  19. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    ..a serious why-is-the-banana-bent-problem we need to solve the next days.

    For me, personally, nothing can compete with classical orchestral music in a live setting. That can always touch me to tears.
    I like most other and love some musical styles, but classical orchestral is special.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
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  20. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Because a real Cello will always sound a hundred times better than any synth. Meanwhile I'm asking the same question about synth packs and electronic drum packs which all sound the same.
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  21. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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