Stay away from the new Official Windows 7 ISO

Discussion in 'PC' started by The Pirate, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Gegge

    Gegge Guest

    Are there any plugins that don't work with Win 7? Also feel free to pm the ISO you think it's the best one, Danke Schon!
  2. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    On this website, all the images, win 7, 8, 10...
    Are those the official MS images one can eventually download, if we need, eg, to reinstall our computer? ( happened 2 years ago, i needed to format @ reinstall win 8, couldn't find the iso, had to go through a lengthy and complicated process, on ms website, before i could download the iso)

    Or are all those patched images, let's use the word 'pirate', that don't need to register and authenticate using the MS servers, and instead, can simply be installed (or vm'ed), and they are ready to work, while being capable of receiving all updates (i guess, manually, as opposed to using the win update stuff) ?

    I will sound like the biggest idiot ever, but my win 7, win 8 computers, i never installed 'cracked' windows... because i was afraid of compatibility issues... or microsoft scanning stuff, uploading to their servers, and suddenly, popup 'you are using a non legit windows, bla bla'...

    One of the problems I've had, was the fact that i had used like 5 or 6 win7 licenses a friend had taken from his work, like volume licensed stuff...for example, his company had received 400...800.. maybe even 2'000 licenses that could be installed even outside the .corp.... and so it was cool, too use those s/n to test vm's, test laptops, test diy jukebox (had built a great win7 based nano-itx computer, fanless, with a 24" dell touchscreen, and albumplayer app... but one day his company started running out of licenses, and started controlling where they were at... which ones hadn't been used since xx days... and i started to panic...
    i should have installed a nice cracked win7, i guess .

    Regarding the win7 panic in here, if i understand well, the problem is, people using legit win7 with all updates, etc, are being popup'ed to install windows 10, and users no longer can disable the autoupdates stuff ?

    Also, in one reply, a user says 'as long as there are millions of users using win7, they will continue updating their plug-ins to work with win7'..... really ?
    I am sure ALL devs are waiting for the first good excuse, to get rid of win7, to only focus on win8 and win10. That would remove like 30% of the updates/dev consumed time.
    No way devs will keep supporting win7 forever. Don't know when MS stops supporting all win7, but that day, devs will simply announce 'dear users.. bla bla... win7 only represent 6% of our user base, and yet they require 33% of all our windows resources, bla bla... we won't be supporting win7 after xx month '... THAT, will inevitably happen, sooner or later.

    Regarding windows 10 ( haven't installed it on any computer, only use win8, totally ignored the free win8-win10 upgrades), i wonder how is going to evolve. So far, each new win version, vista, 7, 8, etc, would bring a ton of new things, interface, explorer, security, etc etc. If win10 remains win10 for the next 5 or 10 years, until an eventual win11, what kind of new features, options, etc, will win10 users be getting, these next years? Will win10 remain 'as is', forever ?

    Sorry for the long comment/question :)
    Thanks for reading.
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  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    My robot ate them all.:rofl:
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  5. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    microsuck microfuck microscum microshit...keep them comin :rofl:
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  6. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Total: 315 (members: 33, guests: 243, robots: 39)
    maybe some of them 39 robots can do something useful and test zorin os with all DAWs and ALL VSTi and VST::how bout that , robots ?
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  7. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the info @The Pirate. I think I installed this version because it is going to get the Slot patch. I did not have any issues with drivers but a lot of Programs from the sister site had issues. Steinberg stuff manly.
  8. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    They are. Same SHA 1. In other words, you would need a license or go Windows 7 Lite which is pre activated.

    Yeah, really. Don't take out of context what I wrote. I never said it is not going to happen, what I said was "as long as there are million of users with W 7, developers will continue to supply us". Indeed, I explicitly stated "keep on using W7..until the day comes." In other words, don't expect an sudden end of support for Windows 7.
    We can write all we want but numbers don't lie. As of today, Windows 7 user represent 37.2% of all PCs and 43.1% of those PCs running Windows. It is estimated that at retirement Windows 7 would account for at least 30% of all Windows PCs. Those are healthy numbers which no developer is going to ignore. Of course, with the end of support from Microfuck there would be a shift to Windows 10. And of course, "the day" in which developers stop supporting Windows 7 will come. When? Nobody knows. What we all know is that is not going to happen overnight. Maybe by that time there would be another Windows, or a new OS, or developers decide to fully support Linux.:like:

    Note: After the Windows 7's retirement Microfuck would still be offering security updates to Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Enterprise, albeit for a price.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
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  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    YW. You can always go Lite or use the original Windows 7 ISOs. I can throw ANY Vst or AAX and I wont have ANY problems. In fact, I never had ANY issues. I have the updates that will improve performance and that's about it.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Another user supplied the links to the ISO
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I think I am going to stay with win 7 for now. Maybe in the future I will upgrade.
    Again thanks for the information.
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  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    To finish the thought: "...cause you could get shot through it." :)
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  13. StolenShine

    StolenShine Kapellmeister

    Dec 1, 2018
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    anyone a windows 7 that can use 3.0 USB My Pc Dose not have 2.0
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  14. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    the nfo you seek will be found with search slipstream win7 usb3

    if you intel may be this tool
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  15. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    relax..nothing out of context. It is obvious win 7 will die, 4,5, 40 years from now.. but it will happen.
    and the hardware will help it. When we buy a motherboard, it's rare it can support more than 2 generations of windows.
    if we dknt want to have a computer that doesnt have the latest hardware improvements, it's a matter of 4 or 5 years max, beofre we need to upgrade.

    for example, i have one system with an old 3770k. I want to use a m.2 drive. Of course, no m.2 slot. I dont have usb 3.1 either.
    if i want usb 3.1 and m.2, no choice: getting a new system, with a new motherboard. Not all motherboards will have win7 drivers... if any..?..
    with intel and their fuking ridiculous tic toc upgrades, where the new cpu is barely 5 or 6 % faster, but still requires a new motherboard and socket, every 6-9 months, it make things worse.

    thanks lord amd is there, forcing intel to release cpus other than the 4core we've had, during 10 years (of zero desktop competition )

    don't know when, but the next pcie4 will force everybody to replace their motherboard. That makes a bunch of people that will be willing to upgrade to win10.

    Another thing, you say win7 represents like 30% of all win installations. Among those 30%, there are probably 20%, that are just biig companies, with hundreds and hundreds of in-house apps, and they need 5 to10 years to upgrade their 3000....5000... or even 10'000 desktops. Those companies long as their apps work, no need to upgrade. I knew 5'000 employee companies, that would always skip one windows version... ex, if they run windows vista, they will ignore win7, and will only be interested in win8..
    i guess there are a bunch of those big companies, all over the planet, that account for dozens and dozens of millions of win7 installations.

    And microsoft.. they must be super active, trying to convince all the top ceos that, if they install win8 or win10, they are going to make 4.37% more money, employees will be 7.38% happier, computers will use 3.29% less energy, and will save 6.38% of the IT budget. Oh, also, their skin will look better.

    this might sound like old stereotypes, but, how many pirated win7 must be in use, in countries as russia, china, brazil, india, pakistan..or other countries with several hundred millions citizens. .. schools, governmental institutions. ..many got caught using entire office suites, windows servers, windows... lol.

    anotherthing to take into account... there were so many people still using windows xp, that microsoft had to support it for many many years.
    windows vista was so bad, almost everybody upgraded to windows7, and have used it for many many years, with the same hardware, as there wasnt7really too many new technologies, these last 5-1p years. Maybe microsoft will have to support win7 another 3,4,5 years ?

    then, there's the 'trend' factor: if one big company, like native instruments, or waves, used by hundreds thousands, if not millions of users, announces 'we stop suporting win7', that might push other smaller devs to do the same...

    I personally don't like win7, and i hate the interface. As soon as it was possible to switch to win8, i did it (main systems)

    but it had good & stable drivers.
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  16. VintageDOC

    VintageDOC Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Strawberry Fields
    Question is: do the updates really matter other than increased "security" and other issues related to being on-line. I imagine if one does NOT put the main audio-work computer on-line, most if not all the updates are irrelevant. Well, I have had a problem with RME Hammerfall updates that don't work with my un-updated WIN7, so I had to revert to an earlier version of RME, which made no difference at all in the work. They added a lot of bells and whistles which are really quite useless (marketing, you know...).
    Other than that, so far, so good. I use a separate computer for online connections and do off-line registration which most, if not all, developers honor. So far, that is.....
    Comments appreciated.
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  17. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Not all updates are necessary for every user. Not all updates will slowdown your system, as many people say. Conversely, some updates will improve performance while some will adversely affect it. This was discussed in Windows Thread
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  18. VintageDOC

    VintageDOC Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Strawberry Fields
    Extraordinarily helpful. Thank you in spades.
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  19. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I'm not tying to be rude but based on your statement you are in the wrong thread. This thread was created to advice members of the problems with the new Windows 7 ISO from Microfuck. We have a Windows 7 thread We also have a Windows 10 thread If you use Windows 8 you should create a thread educating us, Windows 7 users, of all the advantages of such OS. We don't have a Windows 8 thread. With that said, this is an open Forum and any member can participate in any thread including this one. The only thing I request is to stay on topic.:like:
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  20. Warped Effect

    Warped Effect Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The Pirate Would you recommend installing the Windows 7 Convenience Rollup (KB3125574) on the original Windows 7 SP1 x64 ?

    Windows 7 Convenience Rollup basically contains most of the windows 7 updates from 2009 - 2016, along with some telemetry, it's the closest thing to a Windows 7 SP2.

    My plan was to integrate the Windows 7 Convenience Rollup into the original Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 ISO, and disable all of the telemetry/spying crap after installing it, and never install any other windows 7 updates.
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