3k Computer and still dropouts and cpu Spikes - what am I Missing?

Discussion in 'PC' started by ThugLife, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Easy man, there's absolutely no reason for you to apologize. i appreciate everything you do. you are taking your private time looking into all of this and we all have our real life tasks, so it is just nice of you that you do it.

    I would now first follow daskeladdens advice and set bios to default once again, making no tweaks, if that turns power mode on, i'll leave it enabled, if not, i'll leave it too. then i would try to complete the missing update also mentioned by daskeladden and afterwards start latencymon, running it for like half an hour? and give you the results.

    I now just realized that i have magix low latency. i recently installed samplitude, before that i didn't have that one and never tried it before but definetely will do that too.
    After all that i will follow the image line optimization link you posted.
    EDIT: Magix low latency giving me no sound at all :)

    i hope that's the right order

    @Daskeladden imagine a world full of people like you. thinking of this is giving me the illusion of a peaceful planet :P
    Thank you, i will do what i said and after that look into your guide. this is really so nice of you

    UPDATE: @Daskeladden again followed your link, downloaded, tried to install and the same message popped up, so this won't even let me make it show up in the device manager.

    I skipped that for now, before i clicked on your link, i restored default options in bios, which indeed turns on power mode again. i left it now as it is as these are my default settings and now started to run latencymon. I will keep it running for like half an hour and come up with the results.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I don't think it was anyway - turbo mode is 4.7 Ghz - exactly what CPU-ID was reporting.

    Those results look fine.

    Not really. Distribution is a bell curve......your 90+% out of 000s of tests is not extraordinarily bad or anything. Someone has to be slightly below average, right?

    Why bother? Wait til you have a stable system first? Maybe worth looking into to check your BIOS settings are fine, but they appear to be anyway......until we have confirmation they are not.

    When you use FL ........you go to OPTIONS--->AUDIO SETTINGS...........and do what?

    In the dropdown list for devices it is split into DIRECTSOUND DEVICES and ASIO devices. Which are you using? With what settings?

    *ETA - you don't need the Intel GFX if you are using AMD gfx card too. Make sure AMD drivers are up to date. Worth maybe switching off (disabling) AMD AUDIO device (included in GFX card if it has one - in SOUND CONTROL PANEL in WIN).......and likewise onboard sound (in BIOS settings).
  3. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    New latencymon run with default bios settings(Turbomode enabled)





    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  4. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    So.......other than your subjective view (that the PC should be able to handle more audio/VST).....is there any indication of any issues?

    [wdf01000.sys ..........could just stop the service, see if anything stops working.]
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  5. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Get CPU-ID, and post your results on tab 1 (CPU) and tab 4 (MEMORY). Maybe SPD too (for installed slots).
  6. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    wdf01000.sys kernel modustreiber-framework microsoft corporation could have something to do with USB and your Audio Interface. To test this just plug your Audio Interface out of the USB port, restart pc and run Latencymon again. (So do the latencymon test without the interface plugged in)
    When you say turbomode enabled what exactly do you mean? What are the CPU showing in task manager? More than 3,7 GHz?

    hmm strange, it is not important for the time being but important to solve it so you have a back up graphic card.
    Please try this before you give up, it is probably a very simple bios setting enabling like this:
    Here is more information about enabling internal graphic card in Asus:

    When you have confirmed it is working (showing) and updated it you can of course just disable it again. But then you have to remember to enable it again when you need it :)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  7. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    hard to say. you may have read what i wrote above. maybe you can tell me if my expectations are just too high but i didn't think i would reach close to 50% cpu usage in average and dropouts on 100% for like 4 times in 30 seconds on a project with just like 10 patches of kontakt libraries, even just an action strikes pattern, no automation and no compression or other fx. i thought this system would leave me way more headroom. but of course, if these are the limits, i'll have to accept that.
    that's why i was asking this question. I didn't even know i was having performance problems, until i asked myself if this is already the limit but nevertheless, at least latencymon seems to have kind of confirmed that there at least was something wrong.
    the only strange thing i don't understand then is, why my system wasn't suitable for real time audio and is now but again, like you said - in this case very subjective feel like it hasn't increased, although latencymon seems to have noticed a performance difference
  8. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Ok thank you i will do that.

    By Turbomode i mean this


    Someone said this is the reason why my cpu is Already overclocked and this is enabled by my default bios settings.

    Thats what task manager Shows me

    I will now Reboot, plug interface of and do another run. Which Page of that do you need then? So I wont need to upload another 13 images if you just need to have a look on 2 of them
  9. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    That is a safe decent overclock so keep it like that, if your system seems unstable (crashing and stuff like that) try and do a lighter overclocking. I don't think you should go any higher than that.
    just post one screenshot of the first driver page in latencymon, this:
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  10. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    @Daskeladden ok thats Great to know :)

    I plugged interface off, rebooted, opened fl, chose ASIO driver ran project an ran Latencymon
  11. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Looks like the USB audio interface is your last "bottleneck", but not bad anyways. It's a pity Asus Z370-P does not have a thunderbolt header so you could get rid of that last "bottleneck" (Z370-A have a thunderbolt header). Anyways you could always go the pci audio card route or change the motherboard in the future. The main site in Latencymon had great numbers without the audio interface plugged in? Can you post a screenshot of that too without the audio interface plugged in?
    You have probably done this but update your firmware and driver on the audio interface. Just test your system for awhile and take regular latencymon tests. But I don't think you gonna get any better results before you switch to thunderbolt or pci audio interface
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  12. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    upload_2019-2-14_15-36-58.png upload_2019-2-14_15-37-13.png upload_2019-2-14_15-37-30.png upload_2019-2-14_15-37-40.png
    dumb question: can I take RAM to 3200MHz without overclocking? or is 3200 the limit of overclocking?
  13. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Sorry another dumb question but if you know how to, where do I do this?

    Sure my man, here you go

  14. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    ThugLife maybe try to turn on the XMP in bios. That is overclocking memory, but again if you experience sudden shutdowns or unstability of your system turn it off
  15. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    might seem strange, but for me that seems to be great news because I wanted to grab an apollo for like 5 years and now finally i have a reason to hurry up with that. and if this is going to make my problems disappear, great - the audio interface and the performance i always wanted.
    but another dumb question. do i really have to go for another mainboard then or would i have the same improvements, by buying a thunderbolt or at least firewire (depends on which one but i think i would def go for thunderbolt) PCI/PCI-E extension card? because that's what i was originally planning to do.
  16. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Yes sadly your Asus Z370-P does not support a ThunderboltEX 3 add on card which is the standard Asus uses. Every motherboard brands has it's own type of add on cards for thunderbolt. Some motherboards have internal thunderbolt built in, so if you gonna buy a new motherboard in the future, these two are a good option: Gigabyte Z390 DESIGNARE or Gigabyte Z390 AORUS XTREME both support your CPU and also future proof if you wanna update your CPU. And be sure you grab the Apollo X so you don't have to use adapters and stuff like that. And if you buy a new motherboard in the future, uninstall all motherboard releated drivers before you shut down your pc for the switch, and do the same thing (update bios, realtek audio and so on) on the new motherboard.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  17. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Well, SFAIK that chip has memory spec only up to 2933

    "System Memory Specification : 2933MHz"


    So, I suspect it might not boot, but you can try...........

    ---> change your BIOS settings.......specifically enable XMP (probably under RAM settings somewhere, or ADVANCED, or .....something.) It will set RAM timing automatically. Then reboot. [Of course, if you can, backup your settings beforehand. Otherwise write them down, just in case you need to return to them. OTOH, if you know BIOS is only using defaults, you can just reset to defaults if it crashes or won't boot and needs returning to previous state.) If you feel uncomfortable about doing any of it, then don't do it. ;)

    If you are going to do it, also make sure you can get back to BIOS settings first (in case you are using a FASTBOOT program or some such which skips the pause for pressing a key for BIOS). If it doesn't boot, or crashes, you will need to go back into the BIOS and disable the XMP setting (or simply rest to defaults (if you know you haven't changed BIOS defaults)).

    But it looks like 2666 is probably as good as you'll get (won't make much difference anyway......RAM is so fast that it's rarely a serious bottleneck.......in a system the RAM is contributing tiny amounts to the time taken to complete any tasks, so reducing that time is almost irrelevant: halving a tiny number (time taken to do X) only saves half of a tiny amount of time. People fret too much about RAM imo.)
  18. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    damn, this turns it into a nightmare. I thought that mobo was future proof :/ really, i would have built this thing from ground up but i never touched such things, i never changed mobo, installed cooling system, processor and stuff.
    and the next thing is, this would lead me again to reinstalling everything, clean os install wise.
    just in case, would it be possible and a good idea to then make a dual boot system based on whether win7 ultimate official, win7 lite, win10 ltsb and a hackintosh and how much of my 2tb c: drive would that cost me installing things on both os and so on. sorry i'm asking so many questions but i think you feel me, if i have to again build everything from the ground up, i want to do it once and forever, to have the best system performance i can have. anyways, buying an apollo, new mobo and so on would take me some time since i'm on budget now, especially the apollo x.
    to be honest, and that's the last lil hope i got, i didn't want to go for the newest one, maybe even a desktop version, since i can get one for 500 bucks. also the mk2 series but the apollo x is exactly the one i tried to avoid moneywise.
    and now to the point... could i avoid all this mobo thing if i go with the old firewire rack apollo?
    Should still be way better than a buggy usb2 interface since rme has good firewire interfaces too, is way cheaper and of course i know the newer apollos have way better ad/da converters.
    i mean no problem if that's what it takes, i'll go that route, but then i guess i would have to ask another 1000 questions, cause when i just look at the cooling system, chipset and stuff, i don't see myself putting this in the right place
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  19. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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  20. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @ThugLife To be clear, Wdf01000.sys file is component of Windows Driver Framework ("WDF").What is WDF? It is a set of Microsoft tools and libraries that assists with the creation of device drivers. Wdf01000.sys is a driver associated with the WDF that allows communication between hardware and connected devices. Some malware love to disguise itself as Wdf01000.sys. Make sure Wdf01000.sys is in C:\Windows\System32\drivers folder. You can stop it from Services, however, there is a potential of experiencing a failure in you Windows 10 OS Deployment process\ seeing devices in Device Manager that you know have drivers available to them, but aren't properly installed.

    There is one thing that I don't think has been suggested, and I want you to do before we jump into 3 more problematic areas that you currently have. I should have made this suggestion from the get go. Boot the computer into safe mode, and run LM. Post the results and individual sections. I will be waiting.