Audiosex Has Become Vanilla

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DieM, Feb 8, 2019.

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  1. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    The majority of Hollywood for instance suck the cock of the higher powers just to keep their paychecks rolling.
  2. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    If you don't have an argument then just roll out the insults. A soyboy tactic!
  3. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    It´s always positive to speak free about any question.

    Reading this thread, were mentioned some names, valuable users who are not here anymore.

    In my opinion, it´s a question of direction, or the fault of direction. We are here in this forum because creators and owners of this site and siter site simply allow us to stay. From the moment is suggested a recognizement for a user for a great work and you read the reply from an admin who doesn´t like you say there is somebody doing things better than him (maybe because he does nothing), this idea becomes reality. No one will be here forever, but this is the first forum I´ve ever seen in which owner of the forum declines to recognize the work, unique work, of a user. Not talking about me, of course. There is nothing to recognize me.

    So when you are the owner of a forum and simply don´t attend the forum because you think it works by itself and decline to recognize that, not appreciating specially the work of a user who is the one who makes that work, it´s all said.

    I´m not right with user who mentioned the fault of new stuff. Here is prohibited to upload bundles, several companies also prohibited the publication of their releases and in other places there are no much more stuff than here. The most important stuff present in other places and not here, Komplete Ultimate 12 Collectors Edition. 560 GB. Many people can say: "components are already published separately". And it´s true. But there is no option to download if we want. After seeing other stuff from NI, curious this will not be here. But this is only my opinion.

    But the rest of the things are not my opinion. When somebody arrive to 4.000 "likes" only for their WORK, not saying "I´m right with this", this user deserve a recognizement. And administration from this forum has declined to do. And I also know how to do :dont::dont::dont::dont: Save your icons for kids.

    Anyway, with an admin unable to recognize the unique work of an user, simply we are like sheep in the flock. Talking about conspiracy theories seems to me a lost of time. That´s all.
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  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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  5. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    What I find ironic is that this is another "this place just isn't the same thread". Just like previous post where people whine about missing people here that broke the rules, had a hissy fit and decided they should leave. No one forced them to go. Honestly I saluted every one of those self-righteous folk that thought they were above the rules and left. No one here is above the rules. They started wars and ganged up on those that couldn't fight back and I tire of this "I miss you thing". Your speech reflects anarchy. As long as they stay they can belittle, curse or down right disrespect members because they made AS interesting to you. They had a habit of attacking "together" anyone that didn't like or approve of their opinion. That was what I saw when I first got here. They thought that anyone new here should be quiet and had little worth to offer
    if their opinion was different. I saw them attack at will. I can point you to a few instances if you like. Here the Mods had always had their hands full.

    There are rules here. Every one is advised of them when they join. Again, no one is exempt. If that bothered you and just like you did above DieM, cursing and disrespecting this forum and it's members all in the name of folks you miss...why stay? Now, I'm not telling you should go, but I and most folks here still find AS solid and full of info as well as there is a wealth of info in it's history to last one a life time. So why do people keep complaining..?

    I'll tell you why...Because people they liked, had a temper-tantrums and left. A few were Banned. Now, I have been involved with a couple of those fights. Had to learn the hard way to deal better with "those" kind of folks here. I have. This place is Informative and peaceful. But, there are still folks in the world that would rather have every place they visit at war, especially if it entertains them. That is why the world we live in is sick. Too little respect and love for humanity. Everyone wants to be right and no one wants to follow the rules of common decency. I allowed those people you speak so highly of ,to bait me down to their level. But for me that changed. No one here can ever do that again. And we are ALL responsible for our actions as well as our speech and blatant attacks. When people speak with such foul language it normally shows lack of respect for others as well as their level in humanity. No one also is perfect...but when people continue to show you who they are...believe them.

    Lastly, if you think that those same folks don't visit here and re-up with different names, I do. My theory...It's hard to stay away from
    something that gives you a source of info, like very few sites do.

    There are no politics here. Whilst I haven't agreed with every solution the Mods have made, I have come to the realization that
    they make sounds decisions just based on the rules. Not on my opinion or your opinion, but the rules. And something I was
    reminded of when I first got here and thought I could say what I wanted to...I was advised that this wasn't a Democracy, It's a
    Forum with rules. Like it or lump it.

    My wish here and now is that we ALL get to voice our opinions and thoughts...Just and only in a Respectful manner...
    A thought of human decency.:mates:

    Examples of non decency...

    This is the first time I post on this forum you think I give a fuck?
    Every minority is made out to be a victim of the privilaged white male.
    If we stop trying to be offensive then the elites have us exactly where they want us so I say fuck all that and If you feel offended by any of our comments then go and sit in your wee cosy corner and cry like a little baby if you want but life goes on with or without you!
    The majority of Hollywood for instance suck the cock of the higher powers just to keep their paychecks rolling.

    'The emperor's arse is on show and political "correctness" can suck my cock.'

    if someone feels insulted by something that wasn't meant to be an insult, fuck em really

    Yeah and guess what.. they deleted my fucking post already... that was my first post and it will be my last on this fucking forum. Death to the fucking mind controllers. Guess it didn't take long for me to join them, cya all :)

    This is the first time I post on this forum you think I give a fuck?
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  6. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Thank You for your input celtic3342. Much appreciated.
  7. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Good for you blaqmatic! You were very thorough with your digging out of my previous comments. Respect mate. This is what I am talking about. I made this post and hoped for the best reaction and you are the winner!
    A lot of the guys that you mentioned were pretty severe at times but they were also honest and heartfelt in what they said. They also made this forum a unique and rare place to be a part of.
    I dissagreed with a lot of their stuff If i'm honest but they kept this place buzzing and alive with controversial topics. Things have become pretty VANILLA since these guys left.
    Am I complaining? Not really. I just miss the exitement of logging on and being witness to a melodrama with all of its ups and downs. Don't tell me you don't miss some of that!!
    Anyway respect mate! This is what I was looking for when I stareted this post.:like:
  8. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    ***welcome to paranoid fantasyland sir.***

    i can see you are new around here.

    please leave all sense of rationality and human decency at the gate and enjoy your stay.
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  9. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Careful, DieM, someone is going to misconstrue "Vanilla" as a racial slur of some sort. :rofl:
    Seriously? I tried to stay out of a lot of it, mostly, when everything was going down, but I bowed out when Herr Durr and them did, I just kept my account, more because I forgot about deleting it than any real reason.
    I believe that their is a healthy, often unspoken, gray area to everything that few people find they can reside in. If you look at human history, the only time we have ever been a halfway peaceful species is when we have a perfect amount of control held over us, it seems. Too little and we rape and pillage; too much and we take up arms and revolt. The irony is that while we preach our hatred of Orwellian-esque States, our actions often times show us as a species that must be damn-near babysat by, ironically, people in as much of a need of some sort of control as the rest of "us." As I mentioned to someone before while discussing this site, it is a prime case study for anyone majoring in any sort of Social Studies.
    I've studied enough to know that many of the institutions that enforced any sort of control over societies (or specific sub-societies,) throughout history have been brought about by people showing that they cannot be allowed to be entrusted to act civilly without coercion.
    Honestly, I don't know what people thought was going to happen when they called for the savages to be tamed since laws strong enough to tame or drive away savages is inevitably going to be felt by even the innocent bystanders; maybe this--a dull site, lacking in unique characters and risque humor--is what comes of it all.
    Maybe this could have been avoided if everyone had simply taken a moment and remembered why we're all on here....The Music.


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  10. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Yeah man! Society has become so self conscious and so condemning of anything uncomfortable that doesn't fit the new modern nazi feminist criteria. Orwellian ways are here to stay unfortunately. We all have feelings but if you sway to the right of centre then you are classed as a Nazi far right extremist. Antifa are a facist group and if you don't agree with their twisted knowledge then your feelings and rights don't count. If you are a straight white man then you are privileged and now at the end of the line for a job just because of your privileged white skin. Anyway I should shut up now for fear of retaliation because I have a point of view to express. Cheers Mate
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  11. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Dickmatic disagreeing, because everyone should be like him. Reason for forums downslide. I'll bet your fking annoying and sensitive also in real life.
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  12. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    You know I said some of that stuff But only a portionof it. I don't know who said the rest but it sure wasnt me. So backtrack you fool and stop being an arse!
    And olymoon and saint for licking his arse with your winner thumbs up. Yeah thats pretty neat guys thanks.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
  13. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    why do you hate freedom so much?

    why are you so jealous of other peoples success?

    why are you constantly race baiting?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2019
  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    And the consequence is to go offline and live your life. As I mostly do. The interesting AS is gone. May it rest in peace. :shalom:
    I liked those who were not political correct. But they are mostly gone.
    Only a very small minority is saying what they think and you can count down when thy will get their muzzle. Hey @wasgedn :winker:
  15. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I guess you find it hard to comprehend insulting other members?! My name is Blaqmatic.

    I pointed out the quotes you said verbatim. The rest I already separated as others, but as usual the truth speaks volumes Also, you missed the part about me not always agreeing with them...but I do about the rules. As for you insulting SAiNT and Olymoon...Thats a whole nother story. It's a shame the human decency analogy didn't hit home. Good luck with that one!

    Gotta go, I refuse to give this thread one more second of my time. Take care. :bow:
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  16. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    The Europe of nations is over, it is dangerous to say what you think today, you can lose everything on behalf of a broken political correctness :woot:I know something about this, they will chase you like a wild beast @twoheart
  17. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Yea that's an idea twoheart but this place keeps pulling me in i'm afraid. As you say the politically incorrect have left this fine place that I love. Still a lot of good guys here and that's what makes it what it is. :) Cheers
  18. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Well just remember that when you quote what I said don't put it in the same paragraph along with the other quotes. I'm sure you didn't do that on purpose. If you disagree with me then that's fine, I don't mind, just don't try to make me look ridiculous when you do it. That is unfair mate!
  19. Downlo

    Downlo Producer

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Pre-Madonna? :rofl:Sorry........ DieM. I couldn't resist.

    To be clear i agree with you. People have become delicate as flowers.
    But i'm sure the moderators here are just doing their best to keep this forum interesting to all who visit.
    Often discussions are hijacked by people who just spout for no good reason.
    Personally i'd prefer tips and tricks, news about new stuff and tutorials to people just beeing angry.

    That beeing said, we do need free thinkers :like:. I'd say it's crucial.
  20. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Not only is it a broken political correctness but it is a dictatorship of the idiots what we see today in our countries. Those people making e.g. a living out of 'being a minority' are tyrannizing the majority. What began at universities is now bullying the whole society. And politicians are playing their (professional 'minorities') games.
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