u-he Special Offer (Native Instruments site)

Discussion in 'Software' started by thantrax, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Apparently you get redeem codes when you buy this way, as opposed to serials, which is exactly how it works on 3rd party sites like pluginboutiqe.

    If anyone is considering getting this and already has colour copy, message me. Ill put up some money for that. I have everything else in the bundle
  2. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Too bad they don't offer the FX separately. I already own repro and diva...
  3. Someware

    Someware Ultrasonic

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Hi Cav Emp, I currently have colour copy and I am just in the decision process of working out if I want to buy the bundle. You have made this process a little easier for me as I was put of by buying the bundle due to owning colour copy. But I am split down the middle of deciding wether to buy an Arturia Minibrute 2s or this bundle hehe. I will contact you again in a few days or so when I have decided :)

  4. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    You're probably right...
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Nice. Send me a message even if you decide to get the Minibrute so I can make other arrangements. I'd be glad to contribute more than the "fair" portion of the overall bundle just so I can avoid paying one of these assholes on KVR trying to profiteer off of this bundle deal. Guys pay $270 for a $730 plugin bundle then turn around and charge 40GBP (about $50) for a plugin that effectively cost them a little over $25

    I'm itching to get my hands on colour copy. Everything u-he makes just sounds so good to me, and Twangstrom immediately became one of my favorite reverbs for sound design tasks.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    depends on the preset, but can go crazy on the cpu. its not related by the crack. u-he doesnt do such stuff. they are more for locking down the plugin and scare people with link to their page.

    well most uhe plugins are hardcore for the cpu, but they sound ace imo. you can use draft mode in ACE to save some cpu percents.
  7. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    I could not resist, I just bought.:thumbsup:
  8. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    -------------------From the link-----------------------

    Native Instruments and u-he are working together to make this exclusive deal possible. Purchase the full collection or an individual instrument here, and you’ll receive an email with your download link and serial numbers. If you haven’t already, you’ll be asked to register with u-he to complete the activation."

    Can someone explain ? They say we simply buy the full/individual items, and we receive our download links + serial numbers via email.
    I think uhe works with Shareit (used to work..), like steinberg, we receive an email from the store, with our serial numbers...?
    If we install the setup/installer, we can simply enter the s/n, even if our computer is offline, and the plugin/instrument should say 'thank you pigeon #156'890, we mean, dear customer, for registering '...?

    Or are we supposed to go to uhe website, use those purchase codes, and get a true s/n ?

    Do we need any kind of license manager.. or doing some stuff online on uhe website, to be able to use their apps ?

    Is there some kind of catch, regarding this deal, excepting. .. saving a bunch of gold metal ?

    It's funny... i remember 2 important things, that uhe said.
    The 1st was bragging about the many security layers used on their plug-ins, and hackers were only able to crack the 1st layer... his plug-ins would never be cracked...... we all saw that, right...

    2nd thing. .. many many years, thousands of users kept asking uhe, to make some little special deals, even 10% off would be great, and his dumb and hypocritical answers always were 'ohhhh, we offer a special introductory price after release..... AND WE THINK IT'S NOT CORRECT for the users that have paid full price, to watch other people paying LESS for the same product. It's not fair, bla bla bla... (how stupid can that be ? Since forever people are aware the product they just bought might be 50% off, just a few months later. .why would it be different with a vst plug-in/instrument ?)...

    Last year, if we registered or email on their website, we would get a 25% code, we could use until august 30...
    WHAT ABOUT the users that bought some stuff at full price, and saw those 25% ? Huh ?

    And now this ? What, 50-60% off ? What about the guys that again, bought their plug-ins at full price ? Huh...?

    I have my theory:

    With 12 people (11+1) working at uhe, they need to keep selling. .. and selling. ..
    But guess what ? Will use a stupid analogy here, what happens when sony sells 100 million ps4 in just 5 years ? Well... as almost every single gamer that wanted to buy a console/ps4 ALREADY got one... obviously, sales numbers start seriously dropping.
    I guess the same must apply here: pretty much every single producer, audio professional, composer, artist, studio... and their grandma and their dog, ALREADY own a diva, a zebra, a satin... 4,5,6 years after release, no surprise, less people are buying it...

    ... hence the 25% last summer... now, over 50% on diva, satin, etc... obviously, this isn't an innocent deal to push the nks sales. This is just uhe way to avoid making 50% off on their website, again, to 'not harm paid-full-price users', and this way, they can say 'ohhh, we, uhe, aren't making these deals. .. native instruments ARE'...

    Because, let's see, despite most people already owning a uhe product, there hasn't been as many plug-ins. . And COMPETITION, as today. Diva is great.... but so is a arturia v-collection.... or arturia pigments.... or roland hardware emulations... or omnisphere... or dozens, if not hundreds and hundreds of other instruments. For example, I'm sure,just like me, a cubase user, will sooner or later buy halion 6. Thats 400 bucks. But because we already have the e-enslaver dongle, wny not...
    And regarding plugins, yes, satin is great...presswork... their effects... but everybody wants those waves plugins... native instruments. ..again, hundreds and hundreds of fantastic plugins... almost everybody owns fabfilter proq's... then they get pro-c's...

    Yes, uhe plugs are great. .. but so are thousands others. ... they need to sell more and more stuff. .. so FUCK THE USER THAT PAID FULL PRICE, now...

    Ps. Is there something written in arial 2pt, at the bottom of the page, saying 'when you buy a uhe plugin, you have 60 days to buy a 77key NI midi keyboard, otherwise, we tell our good friend at tone2, to code a little special plugin, and send it to you'.
  9. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Having bought Repro already I've tried all the demos and finally decided to get Diva only.
    Though I liked Presswerk a little bit and Colour Copy even a little bit more.
    So if anyone is buying the full package and has a spare one then, just make me an offer!
    Be aware that the old version to sell has to be 9 months old at least or there will be a $15 transfer fee.
  10. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    True for sure. But still I feel u-he being one of the better companies.
    I've installed Diva from the sister site, working fine, but not really my cup of tea and too expensive at full price. So I replaced it with their free Tyrell, less options, but still great sound. Good move to offer it for free imo.
    Now to your questions:
    The licensing process is quite straightforward: You will get a code from NI, redeem it on the u-he website and get a mail with the name you registered and a license key for that name. It's a personal license yo can use on as many computers as you want, change machines, and authorize it without connecting to any server that may get offline someday.
    Looks fair to me and in contrast to some other developers I feel ok to spend money for such kind of license.
  11. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    This is def a tempting offer, a what would be the pro and cons on going for Repro vs Diva?
  12. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood Member

    Oct 23, 2017
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  13. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Diva is -for me- more a must have than Repro;
    Diva is far more versatile(different oscillator types,different filters,envelopes,modulations) and it sounds amazing,
    Repro is an emulation of a specific synthesizer(Sequential Circuits Pro-1 & Prophet-5),is full of character and sounds nice too,but you will overlook all its features pretty quick.

    If I had to buy only one of them I would buy Diva certainly.
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  14. Robin Hood

    Robin Hood Member

    Oct 23, 2017
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  15. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    last day guys... go get it if you can afford!
  16. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    I'm really torn on Repro1/5. The pads/strings really shine as do the effects and sequencer but I'm not sold on the bass sounds and once the filter is open on most presets it reveals a kind of aggressive digital cold character. It's like on some sounds I'm like "This is the best sounding vst synth ever" and on other sounds "actually it doesn't sound that great" Is it just me ? I'm still 80% convinced of buying them though, need a push.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2019
  17. trenton

    trenton Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2014
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    It actually ends in 5 days according to Native Instruments. And I agree, get it if you can :)
  18. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Yep. That's what the Pro 1 and Prophet 5 sound like. I love the Pro 1 (my fave analog monosynth), but I'm less keen on the Prophet 5, for exactly the reasons you state. But that really is their character. If you don't like it, you won't like the hardware, either...
  19. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    Interesting you say that, I thought the harshness was more a result of the emulation limitations. Do you own U-he's repro5? Like it?
  20. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    No - the emulation is great, and pretty much perfect, and right up there in terms of the best analog emulation modelling, imo.

    I do, and it's great. Like I say, I prefer Repro-1, simply because I've never really like the Prophet 5 (mostly due to that 'hard' quality you reference) and despite being a polysynth type of guy I really wanted Repro-1 - but there are some great sounds in Repro-5, for me it's nicer when the filter is closed up a bit, although there are presets with the filter wide open that I do like.