What is real? ( Or not) EQUALITY

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MMJ2017, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. iCe!

    iCe! Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2018
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    really the fucking banksters stole all peoples power by manipulation them to believe in their power-sucking finance system.by saving money.
    they took every value from the people and put into coins. and who control the coins, controls everything.
  2. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    What is love?
    Baby don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me
    No more
    Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me
    No more
    What is love?

    I am busy this week but we could start a revolution maybe next week?
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  3. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    These are three separate replies you have posted to a single post by me. I don't know why you are doing this, but since you have absolutely nothing of value to say, please stop it already. This is spam. If you want to discuss further, sit down and write something coherent.
  4. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Lets suppose you are enlightend. What is the outcome of all this? Hypothetical genius in a solitary state?
  5. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    I'm in. We need ideas for a real future, not hangups about the opinions of middle aged men. Alternative systems already exist on small scales worldwide....
  6. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Are we gonna go in Gandhi-Style or bomb our way to Utopia?
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The thing I think we afraid to admit though is a societal system ( capitalism for example)
    Is so complex across so many areas in terms of cause add effect we don't know impact rradically different systems from what history has seen .
    There are many millions of interlinked cause and effect relationships and we wrap our head around a radically diff sys impact .
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Some amazing insight from the Divine show family Guy,,.....

    (Peter) I found a half eaten meatball in the vacuum cleaner!
    (Brian) did you save it?
    (Peter) no.
    (Brian) you bastid.....
  9. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    iCe would be devilized by media...he is future communist with brain..(no he is not communist but they would say )
    no just a fair world/marked....we can feed twice as world population with organic agriculture btw..
    and what bout the billions they use for arteficial weather...or wars...they let ppl tax pay for everything...but its no money there this quartal...fo sho..
    thats why every refugee get 2 iphones or similar...
    they even talk open from pupil exchange on media...but ppl dont now their plans at all...but its written on nato papers..:deep_facepalm:

    and space program sucking billions(i bet they using tax from around the globe for that)...
    up there is all radiated...human cant travel up there...maybe in 200 years if ever
    but mr masks is on race to mars...can be society any dumber...yes we can
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
  10. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    brainwashed...i apologize

    fair world is no utopia....ppl are programmed to think very bad bout humanity...
    BUT its not humanity who fcks all up...its elite
  11. More like "elite" in quotes because they rely upon tricking people, conditioning them to be more gullible, instead of actually being better at anything. Tearing other people down doesn't actually them better, it simply fixes games to favor themselves so that they don't need to learn or change.
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  12. mindpassfilter

    mindpassfilter Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Equality is an ideal. It's like love, happiness, freedom, success, and perfection. We have an innate desire to manifest them, and rightly so. My understanding at this point in my life is that pursuing an ideal is a process, and any sort of goal we may possibly reach is a milestone in that process. To fully realize these ideals is not within our capacity. What IS within our capacity is to continue the process.
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  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    When a question is asked in a comment box ( as oppossed to asking more than question at a time )
    Someone does that to get clarrification , or as an invitation to unpack information. That is why that is done.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I have not got a complaint about spamming from the person who created the thread .
    I asked you a question because you posting something and I was wondering what you meant by it also how you arrived at that place, sometimes called discussion . Like how you came to a thread you did not create then said something , so elaboration was requested of you In return .
  15. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    some roses amongst the thorns.

    see. all positivlishness an' stuff. some good can come of an absolute mess. manure is a great fertilizer.

    a suggestion. just stop this BS diffusion and equivocation. (i assume this will be ignored; the courage and personal responsibility to maintain objectivity and self awareness in order to handle critique is difficult)

    there are better more honest ways to avoid addressing issues.

    ignoring peoples concerns about playing off peoples ignorance, being hyperbolic, misrepresenting and exaggerating the excesses of any given solution, can cause conflict -- it is not unreasonable to expect it should be addressed. every solution has problems. this is not a perfect world, an ideal place. people are not perfect, ideal beings. an ideal(ogyigal) template would be: augment, counters or critiques, response etc. so on and so fourth.

    galaxy brains endlessly spouting obvious platitudes and solving the universe for the peons gets weird.

    if a person does not want to take the personal responsibly to remain informed and relevant within the broader discourse on a given topic, as displayed by an inability to comprehend an argument, maybe that person should not be preaching to others in a dictatorial manner.

    all together this just makes one appear to be disingenuous and not acting in good faith.

    coupled with grand assumptions and argumentation so broad in scope as to render them almost meaningless. statements like:

    just makes this weird. let's not be weird. let's seek to better ourselves.

    if people going to accuse others of lacking certain qualities make sure we are not lacking in themselves.
  16. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    There's a lot of this in this thread.

    And yet none of this is actually about the topic, rather it's all about another poster. And it isn't a critique of what the poster said, it's about the poster him (or her) self.

    What about addressing the topic, rather than personally attacking other posters?

    Same as above.

    There is nothing here about the actual subject under discussion, instead it's a personal attack on a poster.

    Try addressing the actual issue under discussion, not the people who are trying to do so.

    *ETA -- looking through your limited post history, Refix, most every comment of yours is in two threads: this one and "Hate is humanity, love a construct and peace delusionary". The character of these posts seems to be largely personal and vindictive. Why not knock it off and ....hell......why not contribute something rather than just attack others for their contribution? That's easy. And pretty negative. Why not give your own view and opinion, rather than criticise others for simply giving theirs?

    In one of your first comments you admitted to trolling of sorts. Hell, I am prone to doing that too. But this is all just personal attacks on a poster and there is nothing about the actual subject in any of it. It's ugly. Such cynicism as yours needn't necessarily be bound to nastiness: it could as easily make you humble instead, maybe. There's a role for criticism obviously, but it's mean-spirited cowardice to do it without ever offering any alternative. Try sticking to your own opinion for a while, instead of just criticising others for theirs?
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  17. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    i hear what you are saying. i understand it may appear that way to you if you are simple reading certain parts of certain posts disassociating them and taking them out of context within the broader discussions. i will explain my actions here and you can take it for what it is worth.

    i initially ignored this thread (it is just a bit cringey) and came to it late but i am attracted to the bizarre and unusual; i am just trying to figure out what is going on here. i have made no judgements. in order to make judgements i need more information. i am gathering it.

    as artists, musicians should be aware of greater societal issues. therefore discussions like this one can be fruitful. no problem there. people can also learn when they are getting duped as well -- always a valuable skill. this is a very important topic in a broader artistic context for me personally but not to be addressed here.

    just because this is an audio forum i don't think there should be any lower standards of debate. if anyone thinks otherwise i find that sad.

    if i see that someone is giving me the run around and casting aspersions, i will respond in kind. i attack the argument, if the poster chooses to escalate, so be it. i am still civil about it. i do not escalate beyond this. i hold no malice, it is just part of the deal. i assume we are adults here. do you me to lower my expectations and treat people like babies? i would think that is more mean spirited, but that's just me.

    the argument is preloaded and there are flaws. people should have recourse to address this. i can see these flaws, and i am a bit dim and not 'deep', as the poster has so wonderfully characterized me (personal attack? maybe you should address other people as well if this is such a concern). i am sorry if you think differently.

    if these conditions are true. i think one should at least be open to some sort of intellectual rigor. a lot of this could have been avoided with a little forethought by the poster (who sees fit to accuse other people of all sorts of things [personal attacks?]). if that were the case then there may have been no post.

    i think you miss the point of discussion. i find your opinion on what should be happening here strange (very linear). i hope the majority of people see what i am attempting to do. i have no opinion here (my dumb opinion is just as worthless as the next). i am more than willing to be swayed by well reasoned argument. it just simply is not happening here. i will remain objective until i have all the information. however, i repeat, robust critique is the important.

    i am contributing. i would argue more than most.

    trolling can be trolling with a purpose. anything can have more than one purpose or meaning. i think this is a simple concept. granted it can be open to misinterpretation. anyone who follows my argumentation closely would get the point but i realistically expect no one will.

    you mention post counts. if this is about post counts for you, that is just superficial rubbish, i do not care. if this weights your judgement, that's on you. suffice to say i have more engagement history here than things would suggest.

    the rest of the inferences you make are addressed in previous posts.

    i am glad you are taking interest. i am happy to see someone even cares, but i do not think you have read my posts with an objective eye. i guess you have your reasons.

    i hope this addresses your concerns. hopefully i have provided some context. it is actually a good opportunity to explain some of my methods and intentions as convoluted as they may be sometimes.

    if you see any flaws in my reasoning, i would be happy to address them.
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Refix I'll give you a little bit of information about the situation I find myself in and see if want to comment or talk about it see what you think .
    I am naturally a more creative type but with a care for structure so you could say slightly left leaning liberal . At least this where I been at for a while .
    Going back a while my views were that the proper way to view history was as a tyrannical patriarchy white men dominating women and minority's.( Granted this is low resolution of explanation but enough to get idea ).
    I felt that collectivism was the way to view the world . That people are categorized in groups and those groups battle for dominance on the world stage . I felt that capitalism and the monetary system was a slavery system funnel wealth and power up pyramid to the top elite . That history advancment was to do with science in the face of a old outdated domination structure .
    I identified with idea that environment shapes human beings more than anything else.
    I identified with the idea of a resource based economy which is a purposed system that gets rid of money government and builds a society as mindset if you create a society at least closer to a utopia although problems will always need to be fixed that we could create a world free from domination since a healthier environment reshapes human nature .
    Well as the years went on and learning more in different fields these views of mine began to transform for example learning about how much more biology plays a part environment only shapes so much. Learned that hierarchy of domination or competance cannot be blamed on capitalism it is built in the fabric of reality.
    I leaned that groups battling for power is a low resolution concept that only accounts for a sliver of reality.
    I learned that human beings are psychologically wired such that if they don't work hard in terms effort they will not value what is given to them .
    I learned that people need to take respobsibility you cannot give a person everything whether knowledge or a so called perfect life , they have to be on the journey of personal advancment , they have to work to be good person to learn .
    I learn that free speech is the corrective mechanism in society but is not a real concept in group think.
    I learned that with all it's flaws capitalism which is focused on individual some degree is made things better than any other system although it is messed up system ( what makes us think there is some easy answer a system that can be flawless yet deal with millions or billions individuals)
    I learned that history was men women working together against a harsh reality .
    I learned that sufferring of minorities was overcome ( to the degree it was) by all types people helping .
    I learned that the idea of just tearing down a system that somewhat works to just guess with a new one is sure fire way to lead to hell on Earth.
    I learned domination is done at level of individual choices down each moment
    The idea of patriarchy is false yes some of that happened but it's not the whole story or even most of it just a Tony portion .
    I'm trying to speak plainly here not technical but we can always zoom in on anything .
    This thread purpose is to simply have people talk and question these ideas and maybe find something out . I'm not married to any particular views other than there is a difference between reality and imagination.
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Human beings psychology works in a way where the self responsibility we take on directly creates meaning and value in our lives . For example a person that thinks the world owes them everything that others doing everything for them and just having everything for doing no effort deep internal effort has no meaning or fleeting impulsive type meaning in their life. Compare this to the same person who decides it's their job to make their life better to improve things to work hard studying improving being healthy in all areas working hard for what they have working to improve others lives near them reduction of suffesuffe even when it's difficult this person has true meaning and wisdom their life means something what that accomplish means something this is the way our psychology. Works the way we are wired . That what you do and day is your responsibility how you spend each moment inside of your thought process .do you create artificial characters of others in your thoughts or do you attempt to think about actual person which exists. Are you working hard in relationships or your job career hobbies research anything are you putting strong effort in improving yourself and helping others especially when it's difficult? This is how your brain creates meaning in your life .
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I can tell you that as a musician just making and auditioning random sound clips playing goofing around has little meaning for you , but taking responsibility build knowledge put on incredible effort daily perfecting your art learning how music works leads to creating music which has lot more deep meaning even if it's only for you .
    So this topic is very relevant to all aspects 9f our lives.
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