
Omnisphere shoudl be re programmed to avoid disasters?

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  1. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    In just a few hour and a half some users started to use offensive vocabulary and not mature attitude because of This post. So sad this is my first and LAST post. Some trollers and fake agents, do not learn nor help other. Sincerely Sandyman777 _ Producer Multimedia in the Caribbean and USA.
    Eric Piercing is a musical Genius talented man! Clear and Obvious. But for some reasons he worked with some foolish programmers specifically in the Omnisphere 2 update dll, and structure of the design of the whole program or plug in. I've been in music industry, public and private for more than 35 years now... and it so sad to see a GREAT Synth Universe as OMNISPHERE go from VERSION 1 GREATNESS to VERSION 2 total DISASTER. NO EXCUSE for unlimited bugs, crashes, latency, poor efficiently installation process with a DEATH RACE to KILL this GREAT PLUG IN STANDALONE( NOW) program. You JUST cannot pay or support so mediocre creation on this Product. AS MENTIONED BY MANY MANY MUSICIANS, AND SOUNDWISE Users around the Plane Earth ( Planet)!!! So Im not gonna debate here this is a Firs and Final comment and HOPE Mr Piercing and Spectrasonics FIX this HUUUUGE disaster around OMNISPHERE and make it loyal too to Windows oldie XP which WORKS perfect for many many musicians too. By the Way a little hint on WINDOWS 7 users is that I tested WINDOWS 8, ( garbage) and Windows 10( way more garbage). Example for doing simple things on those newer OS.. you must relearn many things.. and customization is so deep that it just make you think about going MAC because IS so SIMPLE... even MAC OS now are little garbage compared to the VERSIONS some years ago.... BUT ... here we are! Struggling to use a Great "piece" of SOFTWARE that could be destroyed as happens many years ago.. with a GREAT Musical App called REALITY from Seer Systems where Dave Roach worked for. But in the end it was pirated ( too much for the price tag) and later abandoned. Many many were hurt like me. I promised myself not support any mediocre programmer and scammers again. 500 bucks I paid and I never had the chance to use it because they loose support for the WINDOWS after Windows 98SE... SO YOU NOW HAVE AND IDEA of these sick war to steal money from millions of users around
    ( circle and not a SPHERE..or a BALL GLOBE) the plane world and MANY OF US are tire of the nonsense software that need many updates here and there.. and their complicated structure to make it work.
    At least I hope some day someone TAKE the STEP to REVIVE that old SOFTWARE called REALITY ( Seer Systems) May be I even forget about Eric Piercing's Omnisphere. i WAS ONE CANDIDATE TO PAY SOME DAY FOR A GREAT SOFTWARE WHERE YOU CAN USE for many many years and don't depend on the flawing highs and lows of the WAR and Monopoly on the OS industry. Period!
    Thanks for reading this and please share your ideas and solutions if possible. Very appreciated!
    Yours: SANDYMAN777
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2019
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  2. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I DO NOT want to know WHOS your pusher :woot:

    Mac user here and Omni 2(5) rock solid. No crash,bugs nada.
    I cannot wait also for version 2.6 with improved arpeggiator and extended synth profiles that include a couple of hw synths I own.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
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  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    i could recommend a similar software, its called Falcon by UVI ...
  4. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    After having read your post everything is garbage...Man,I guess you're getting older.
    Omnisphere has some bugs but you can play with it,don't exaggerate.

    Of course if you're still on win98 or XP...You have to think to renew your computer.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
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  5. Skull

    Skull Producer

    May 13, 2015
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    Upgrade your prehistoric electronic box machine. Then it'll work properly. No need to harass the world with it & don't even use that pathetic" DO NOT USE OMNISPHERE BECAUSE IT DOES NOT WORK ON OLD PCS!!!!1!11!" excuse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2019
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  6. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    You have a good point and MAC version WORKS "perfect" compared to Windows, versions. For example, you can work with Omnisphere version 2. 3.2.. etc etc.. but when you enter version 2.42.. c.. etc and so on.. HELL start to appears. I have tested Diff. Windows, versions... and machines... even Laptops.. with Service packs 1, 2 ..3 etc, and even updates of my video cards. Optimization... Netframes.... ALL working "PERFECT" except for Omnisphere...2.5..plus.. so You have a better Idea. With MAC OS.. almost any Version works fine. Peace man! Its a pleasure to hear from your experience! By the way that was my FIRST post in History, but I hve been following Audiosex and many other blogs and sites since 1990's! Cheers!
  7. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    I must admit that version 2.5 is buggier than the previous ones.
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  8. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The issue is mainly with Microsoft Windows. The coming improvements for Windows 10 will hopefully lessen performance issues in software used for music production. One thing that would benefit Windows users is a decent 'core' audio system with very low latency which would hopefully eliminate the need for extra drivers being loaded & taking up processing space.

    Just a few thoughts...
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  9. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    What specifically is the bug or what doesn't work?:wtf:
    Legit or not? I had issues with warezed version so I bought it. No issues since.
    Is it just that you are stuck in the 32 bit world and refuse to 64? :guru:

    If it is such a problem then why don't you stay analog, and use just hardware synths.:keys:
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  10. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Such a stupid topic.. Spectrasonics stuff runs just flawless on any plattform,, problems are 98% user faults and on top of that cracked versions that aint installed right.. But as said.. been a legit user since day one and never had an issue.. so, go bash Cubase for beeing Cubase or something else instead..
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
  11. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    To answer your poll, All software should.
  12. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    i guess the only genius who can fix omnisphere is
    cisco from flash tv
    or felicity from arrow
    or maybe ramon ripffoff dude from supergirl
    or any hacker from arrowverse by all means
    they all use omnisphere look like apps to face super-villains
    ,i mean every time i look at these monitors i see omnisphere future version lol

    kidding aside
    im on win 10 ,i use S1 as my DAW ,so far i didnt face any bugs from omnisphere
    ,no bugs,no issues so far

    and im so excited hearing about the new update of omnisphere

    ==============my own opinion about windows =========================
    as for windows ,i can agree with OP about the Microsoft current (we spy on you /we take your money ) subject
    and they still have unknown bugs and they still dont care about OS issues for musicians
    most updates are for more security which is fine but these updates sometimes screw your setup and devices
    few months ago my printer stopped working after win update for 2 weeks ,then it started working again after win released update
    then last update my external drives are disconnecting and reconnecting by itself ,and now i cant figure this out
    but i wont touch anything as i know they will release another stupid quick fix update

    i can understand people still holding on to win 7 til this day because its most stable ,i was happy with win 7 ,and got hold on to it
    for stability reason and hesitated to upgrade to win 10 ,until last year where i tested win 10 on my new laptop with S1 V3
    to see all (chest pounding microsoft win 10 offered free upgrade from 7 to 10

    everything was fine so i upgraded my pc to win 10 ,which works fine with S1 and was happy about it until last update
    which clearly tells these win 10 updates are released without tests,it fix something but it create other issues
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  13. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    Great one really.. what i don't like is the registration and process to " OWN" it.. is slavery in some way.. we need Software that go like many others .. just Registration serial and go! Even no Internet necessary. If Falcon go that Way.. I for sure .. save to paid for it.
  14. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    Thanks for your honest attitude. As I clearly stated.. this post if about Omnisphere perse not other SOFTWARE no even negative comments... Juts DAY by day experience. Thanks for being such a beautiful person. Blessings! About the DAWS there are many issues .. most of then fixed.. but please understand.. my post is about what I stated.
  15. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    The case is MANY users don't have issues.. but many many more.. yes.. Slowing response .. freeze actions... black presets after savings.. browser do not show presets .. not diagnostics screens... crash of DAW because of the OMNISPHERE soft. So there are tons of bugs or strange behaviour of the App. By now you don't have any issue..? So please share the process step by step to install it properly... may be Im the one failing here, for sure. Thanks in advance!
  16. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    * I use 64 bit all the way.. .. and some times just beta test other 32 bits apps.. BUT my MAIN platform is 64 BIT, Sir.
  17. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    Great experience so far... and of course I will use Win 10 if there are real system benefits.. But for now .. I dont want to help teh Gates Foundation and other spy more deeply on my life. Any case could be interesting. Thanks for your great review!
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hi @SANDYMAN777
    Omni 2.5 works just fine. You do not pinpoint what goes wrong, you just say it's full of bugs , crashes etc. Errr, nope it's not full of bugs. Nothing from what you mention happens my way and i have Omni legit in my Studio pc and Omni cracked in my home pc. On the studio pc I also use an older ipad mini for remote controlling Omni, which also works flawlessly. Oh, and i have installed Omni 2xx versions in over 20 pcs and 10 Macs the last 2 years, since my side job is computer system builder. So, you either doing something wrong or your OS setup is faulty or you have a weak link in your hardware chain. Omni 2xx needs a modern cpu and enough ram to perform adequately, but most likely you know these.
    PS: Because i have Reality legit from back in the day 20+ years ago, lookey here: http://www.seersound.com/
    Hehehe, it's coming back.:like:
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  19. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    My fellow friendly musician... I'm 47 and You are not understanding, I really really use many apps. More thatn you could in your entire live. I am what many calls a FREAK of many things.. hardware synths.. vintage.. modern.. Tech wise writer... Sound Design.. Video animator editor... etc etc .. specially composer and producer. So I feel you are judging me wrong, really wrong. Instead try to help us here on the issue and stop critizise others that just enjoy life and music. We are just trying to support others with ideas.. or questions... Please be gentle.I had use for you info Since older windows.. till most modern versions.. and special TINY versions.. If you know them. So hope you next time offer us solutions and do not create hate or empty replies. Peace upon you.
  20. SANDYMAN777

    SANDYMAN777 Guest

    No... Im very UPDATED.. Sir! Thanks for your very simple answer.