What is real? ( Or not) EQUALITY

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MMJ2017, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    only thru information...but ppl want to be in boxxes cause you get depressed super fast when looking deep into this
  2. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    and human education level has sunk big big time...and the ones who get expensive education like med or law think their better not equal...but when must do shifts of 48 hours i would be an asshole too..
    again polarization is their greatest tool..and the most to fear thing
  3. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I don't know what you mean , im saying 8 understand what the words mean that you are using but I don't understand what your argument is how you arrived there what evidence supports it. Yes domination exists and other things you described but changing the subject to those issues is just that ignoring what is being described And basically talking about a different set of issues . I'm happy to talk about entirely different subjects like domination in relationship to psychological , however these other topics have nothing at all to do with the point I brought you which is hested inside of a very specific context which I laid out.
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Individual human beings are not identical , their differences mean that any comparison leads to them being better or worse than others at the same task this is what a hierarchy is , this is so fundimental to reality though that is applies to every single living thing. 10 earthworms attempting the same task is going to be better or worse than the others you get a waterfall plot of competence, that is not because of evil capatalist worms or domination earthworm monetary systems the reason why this hierarchy if if compentance occurs is because reality exists a certain way and these creatures are not identical . This realization is not trivial.
  6. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    This is absolute nonsense. The society has given women less rights than men have held, no matter the time and place. In ancient Greece, it was the men who had the right to vote in Athens. New Zealand and Finland were the first countries to have true universal suffrage. This was in the early 1900's. In the bible, women were property of their fathers and then their husbands. Up until 1800's married women were legally under the authority of their husbands in most western countries. In the US Fucking A, the land of the free, married women were allowed to own property in the late 1800's.

    There's this cute tradition of man asking the father of his bride-to-be's her hand. I would guess this is in some Disney movies too. Guess what, there's a long and dark history behind that. Traditionally marriage has had little to nothing to do with consent. It was a deal between the father of the bride and the husband / family of the husband. In most countries, it still is.

    Women started gaining somewhat equal rights in select countries only in the 1900's. Thanks to the women's right movement. Only after the second world war it became socially acceptable for women to have regular jobs. Only since the sexual revolution in the 60's it has become socially acceptable for women not to marry and lead their own lives.

    In most of the world, families prioritize the education of their male children. The females are given no formal education or they are pulled from school early.

    In some countries, like Saudi-Arabia, women are still de jure property of their assigned 'guardian'. Males. They do not not have a right for education, travel, employment, bank account, marriage or divorce without their 'guardians' permission. This is how it used to be everywhere.

    And this is only scratching the surface. The fight is not over, not by a long shot.
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So you might ask yourself say okay out in the wild and it's a situation of a natural area with 50 earthworms in to same stretch of land soil type etc.
    So if you measure each worm ability to get food in the natural world you will get a waterfall plot of competance due to individuality.
    Now you ask what modification would be nessesary in order to artificial make where each one gets same amount of food and remove that natural hierarchy .
    Well you gave to take nature out the equation box in each worm to stay in small location such that you can manually give them all the same amount of food. This means creating a prision a totalitarian state so to speak and that is just to create equality if one particular hierarchy of earthworms ability to get food, once you create many hierarchys you have to make more and more totalitarian in other to create equality .
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    But your just looking at the surface level as ND creating a ideology storytelling in your mind to fill in the rest. I'm not interested in tales I can tell about history and ideologies I'm interested in reality itself what particular varibles down to each detail led or lead to an exact phenomenon . What exact varibles for example led to historical aspects where women had less of right to vote, what were the particulars tgactually led to that outcome that what I'm interested in I can make up 100 separate yet incompatible story's where the facts of history can snap into to my narrative that is not interesting to me unless I'm writing a fiction novel , I'm interested in what actually led to what .
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I think this is where the problem is , it would take more than 2 lifetimes a peice to begin to honestly address all the things you brought up in this one comment. To actually take each phenomenon and break it down in full detail to get the answers about what exactly led to what it's incredibly difficult I have spent 20 years studying these topics and there is no clear answer right on the surface level . It's almost beyond the comprehension of s single person,s life to see a clear cause and effect .
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    All of us can take a topic , let's say historical instances of human domination in varying situations . Next peice together 50 historical facts of human domination. Now at the end make up a story about what is a greater narrative that is intuitive to you based on thinking about this list of cases of historical domination.

    But the question is,
    If you compared the reality of those actual situations down to each actual varible seeing the true cause and effect
    Would reality ,s narrative ( that is even if they can be clumped together ) match the narrative of your exersize?
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Question what significance did the vast history of women not having proper sanitation not having birth control, not having all the life transforming things we take for granted today to get healthy and safe, what significance did those have on the brutal historical inequality we see,? Can we even imagine what it was like to live like that clear enough to get an answer?
  12. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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  13. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    not reply on other stuff you said just on this and this far away past...today woman have more rights...look into divorce and who has force cause they always get children first no matter how the circumstances are..in first world...

    but also in islam world..look into kurdish freedom army ..ive forgoten ypg..pkk bla but thats isolated case

    when you live in saudi arabia the world look different and even more different as slave worker..

    even this one tech genie guy hacker

    i bet i kno his religion..
    he admit his family had a slave from vietnam war which raised him...he found out later as adult after conclusions
    dyncorp in last balkan war did collect sexslave children
    PS the video is great...super funny...interesting
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
  14. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    never over....
    elite crash every human rights,work law bla which got achieved in last 100 years...watch usa police state...watch gdr2 law
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
  15. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    sry for offtopic but its all connected...i keep quit now..sry
  16. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    I'm not smart. I'm just a firm believer in the science. It's the final conqueror. It's right that today it's being used like a tool but at the end it will subjugate anything even the humanity and its exploiters.
  17. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I corrected to your earlier absolute nonsense about fathers putting their daughters first and their sons second. Also something about Disney. It read like a joke, so I felt compelled to counter it. Deal with it.

    I also now read some of your other posts to this thread. You seem to hold an incredibly simplistic view on 'equality'.

    You go from supposedly previously holding a marxists view to this 'equality of outcome = totalitarianism' thing. Do you have any idea what Marx or other marxists philosophers and economists have said about this subject? Seemingly not. Yes, his end game was "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", but this did not happen by force like in your childish worm thought-experiment, but by sheer abundance of goods. He dreamed of a post scarcity civilization and he stated his position very clearly.

    "To each according to his contribution"

    "To each according to his contribution" is a principle of distribution considered to be one of the defining features of socialism. It refers to an arrangement whereby individual compensation is reflective of one's contribution to the social product (total output of the economy) in terms of effort, labor and productivity.[1] This is held in contrast to the method of distribution and compensation in capitalism, where those who own private property receive unearned income in the form of interest, rent, or profit by virtue of ownership irrespective of their contribution to the social product.[2]

    I see a lot of youtube-comment-box-dullards arguing against the concept of equality of outcomes these days. It's like an internet plague. What I don't see is actual, real, serious people arguing for it. Well, sometimes you see the same people arguing for equality of outcomes when it comes to unattractive, poor men being able to have sex with women. Outside purely philosophical discussions this is a giant red herring, a waste of time. In between unfettered social-darwinian 'natural hierarchy' nonsense and this uncompromising totalitarian view about equality that no serious people actually hold lies the concept of equality of opportunities and trying to help everyone, no matter their ability, lead as dignified lives as possible.
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  18. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I didn't make any of the arguments you think I made. As far as I'm concerned I made no arguments whatsoever, I simply expressed some opinions. It's cool if you disagree with any and or all of my opinions but you made up an entire debate I wasn't a part of, on my behalf. You made superman leaps to make unfounded assumptions based on little to no information provided by me.

    I don't know why this is such an issue on the internet. Do you see me telling any person in particular what it is they think in this thread? I'll save you the time, that's a big NO. I take people at their word and If I have an issue with that they're saying, I stick strictly to what it is they're saying and or ask questions if I don't have enough information. I certainly do not just take it upon myself to assume their whole world view and start building little straw men all over the place if there were a debate going on.

    Here are some of my actual thoughts as of right now, subject to change.

    Thanks for educating me on your slave built device, likely my people somewhere along the line. We're hardly innocent considering we enslave 9 million of our own currently but it's not like that just started. Besides, we can always blame Westerners/Europeans, you know because they corrected their slaving ways, for the most part, so they deserve it. That's what happens when you admit you're wrong, you get all the blame. It doesn't matter if historically the rest of the world has been at it longer, or if Arabs of the past invented the slave trade, they in fact were trading slaves 700 years before the Transatlantic Slave trade, yet it's crickets on the issue around them. This whole mess goes back to Ancient Mesopotamia. It could be worst than Africa, India alone has about 18 million modern day slaves, that's not counting the rest of Asia. That's not counting all the other atrocities that are common place outside the West. As far as broken systems go, I'd say we're doing the best in the West. Yes, I do live an abundantly rich country, I didn't always, and it wasn't always so, but I'd have it no other way.

    BTW, I don't eat chocolate, ever. I also happen to be OK, on some level, with other people suffering for my benefit, as I am OK with other animals suffering so humans can eat, just like most people are, even though I do not eat animals at all and haven't for most of my 40+ years of life. If I weren't OK on some level I'd be up in some mountains living off the lands instead of being a cog, like all you cogs, in the same machine we're all in. (speaking about Westerners) The machine that built the best system to date, imo, from the ground up on piles of bodies and unimaginable suffering. It is indeed a choice, and this is what I choose. What have you chosen to be a part of?

    I'm under no delusion, I know when I I buy a Mac, an iPhone, a razor, hell, just about anything, it comes at the cost of suffering and or slave labor somewhere along the way. If it's not human, it's another animal, or life form. I know how my walls were built, I know where raw materials come from. I very aware of the consequences, and still I'm going to buy that all those Behringer synths when I get a chance to. Obviously I'm choosing myself over others. There's no point in lying to myself or trying to make it seem like I'm an upstanding moral example of humanity with sparks of virtue coming out of my ass. Just so you all know, no matter how hard you try, I don't see you for your virtue. I award you no points for talking. The least amount of harm you can cause is almost none at all. It's your choice, and you do have choices if you have any sort of freedom whatsoever.

    Those pesky little facts. The way we try and move around them as we build on our egos. Perching ourselves up high to point down, collecting our virtue points, oblivious of the facts we don't care to think about and or avoiding pounding cognitive dissonance wherever possible.

    Worry not people, the communist will fix all this, perched way up above us capitalists scum, as they teach us the way from their slave built devices.

    Look at those cogs go, my saviors.
  19. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    It's interesting that you're aware of the concept of assumptions, while making assumptions positioned as questions. If you're honest and all that. You've essentially set up a situation were it would be a waste of time to engage you, but more on that below. You've already said "Most anything you assert as evidence can simply be contradicted by a different example." You've already assumed the evidence, my position on some things, and I have no idea why that's required of me, but you've assumed it all the same and even put it in context for me.

    I won't answer that question, that's not what I said, but I'll tell you what I think about the later:
    The past, current events, are guides to what the future may hold, imo. A warning system of sorts, a survival mechanism even. Simply put, I'm not willing to experiment with a civilization I'm OK with, the best Ive ever known, and surely better than anywhere else currently, imo, for the sake of your subjective "good" via a system that's failed over and over already. I do not believe this time it will work. Have you've seen what we do? Even in this great endeavor of doing "good" via obsessive equality humans make exceptions, at the expense of others, usually those that won't fall in line, like the means justifies the cause. If that isn't broken, I don't what is. The idea sucks imo. Considering I was talking about communism, I'll give you a straight answer, no I don't think it's worth it trying. Not at all, we, I, the people I love, aren't capable of making it work currently, and likely not in my life time. You can read my other post as to why I believe that, if you care to know.
  20. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I don't want to become any religious persona here but the Bible doesn't say women are property of men, this is a misinterpretation. There may be some references to daughters in terms of a father's authority over his children. It does say that all humans can be children of God who created in his image, and relationship-wise since men were bread-winners for the most part women should support a man (if he is the worker bee breadwinner) right before it says a man should treat the woman as the center of his world. Clearly mentions in marriage two become one so if any mistreats the other then..
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