What is real? ( Or not) EQUALITY

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MMJ2017, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So we all agree on equality opportunity.
    So now I'm going to ask myself about an area of my life the way I live and treat people .
    Okay I'm a late 30's hetero male. Okay what percentages if my girlfriend's hace been in wheelchair, how about amputees? How about burn victims? Women that display lower intelligence? Woman struggling to eychologically,?
    It's like wow I really fsll short in that "ideal" of equal opportunity when I look for a partner .that's just one example.
  2. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    first world bla ²
    ppl are ppl
    ----------when just have think bout you dont take ppl as equal..i can treat ppl different and treat equal at same time...humans are smart even the dumbest...for the first equality lies in youre attitude...and when having 3 eye which is partly empathy i see ppl and ppl see me...thats equality..then comes the other 20 layers
    this threads are for not doing this reflecting in reallife , i fear...
    ppl here on asex need to talk this content in reallife with strangers...
    do a ted talk,build party,build scientology 2
    what do i kno
    somebody who was in war will give you right answer or ask a homeless
    no offense
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
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  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You have a lot of good points , in just going to say that for myself at least this topic is just as applicable to each moment we make music. How we go about thinking about our methodology itself about the composing, writing, engineering process are deeply tied to this topic so much so I believe part the reason why we see a big trend in musicc styles based solely on high production but zero substsnce or depth ( we all have heard electronica with the crispiest cymbals and deepest booms yet nothing at all happening musically at the deeper level just a single note ringing for 4 mins) or another example at the other end of spectrum having totally equally for all 12 notes to point of being utter nonsense ( atonal garbage)
    These issues go to our depths concerning creativety , what it us how we "foster" it, what we do with it and how our finished music comes out
  4. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    maybe i missunterstood post...did read wrong comments to make conclusion and answer..he he..
    so you must separate ppl who do music for living and hobby...there also pro producer which do it as hooby..
    i think most young ppl edm and trap...are not having same attend to make music like we..
    why we doing music ? cause we love it so much with all that many aspects it has..cause its so much more for the individual...
    but prospective chart producer dream from huge crowds ,big money,fame,shining over 'enemy's' and not finding dirty grooves or goosebumps moments
    i guees modern time is sort of short paths glorification...not endless skill training

    but thats has nothing to do why the industry is like it is...it is like it is cause its created.... $$$ is the god and chart industry
    is mass dumbness gainer and control tool
    and without connecting to right ppl in key positions nothing get big as at big timer artists of today

    my music making involves only me...me i got to please not anyone else ever

    but consumers of music get devided and polarized more and more
    offtopic or maybe not
    when you talk bout race in germany you instant racist..
    (or lets say if u use the word race in conclusion with humans )
    like ppl talk bout race in the US would be no go over here..and how devided them are
    but when i look how the filthy germans are presented in hollywood media..my gosh..
    and in reality we need bit right move to get to middle again..what i wanna say reality and media are twice
    the radical left is capital fascist without knowing at all..and capital fascist is not right not left..its just inequalit-tum
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    No misunderstanding I don't think.

    Yes it is interesting this idea of a branch of money making focused around playing and toying with sounds and surface level sound manipulation .

    Like many things in life the best is beneath the surface at the deep level and pop music is a surface level sound play doley fir the purpose of money making and fame ambition .
    But muisc resl actual music has no connection to any of those things .
  6. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    the lack of positive role models in music today is pretty pretty bad for society i think..i fear they dont kno there is a deep level under surface...not all but majority..and more in future

    or look at current torrent posts...some not all want trade invites after they dl so much gb for free from the comunity....no equality
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  7. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    Your major problem with music is that you still think that music is all about pitches.:no:
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  8. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    The law of attraction helps guide us to potential soulmates, some arranged marriages might disagree but I don't want to find that out for myself, internet dating has sucked enough in that regard. After seeing quadrapalegics who have amazing personality find spouses I firmly believe the universe has someone for anyone.

    Regarding the engineering aspect, we have also all heard a pretty Melody on some fake sampled sounding string libraries, some have spent years learning how to make a sustained note evolve in mind boggling and captivating ways. Again the universe has made music available to the melodically gifted as well as the sonically focused.

    Regarding the equality of women and men, I personally haven't seen any man who was stronger intellectually or more capable to be successful in life, only maybe to carry her luggage up airport stairs or something like that. It is true that a man has been built to have a womanly aspect at the center of there lives, but I find it to be a stronger atribute when a man has put a woman's well being and happiness above his and let them go.
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  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I think equality is overrated. In fact, I think equality, to the extent we currently have it already, is artificial and the only way it works at all on a such large scale is through a system of force.

    In a societal context I'm very much down with the idea you deserve to try to get as much as you bring the table. I'm certainly not down with the idea that everything should be equally distributed. In such a system I'd spend all my time trying to stay ahead of the eventual outcome of every such system, someone and or a group of people gets to the top of that flat hill and rules it to the disadvantage of everyone else, one way or the other.

    We are never going to beat natures hierarchies, not unless something fundamental to what makes us animals is removed. Make no mistake, we are animals, and I'd like to remain so. In our natural state, males, females, the strong, the weak, the more or less intellectually inclined, ect, are as equal as nature (biology) allows, that is to say not very often.

    Alas, we must compromise if we're to live together, but screw you commies, screwyouguys.png I'm definitively not comprising with you guys.
  10. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Hey, I stole the Cartman avatar first. Now you must pay me.
    Or, we could share in the plundered digital object....
    It's a really cheap argument to call people commies, if they think the corrupt system we all currently live under is flawed.
    Let's not pretend that any resources could or would be evenly distibuted by any government or corporation. How would that happen exactly?
    Yes we are animals but survival of the fittest is a misconception of evolution.
    Cooperation and symbiosis are also our natural state. Equality is not even near getting a rating!.....I assume you live in a rich country? Or it's just that you're alright jack? The alpha male doesn't stay at the top of a chimp or gorilla hierarchy if it treats it's group badly or is just crazy....so us primates should learn a few lessons from that, without even bringing bonobos into it...
    Yes, there is lots of postmodernist bullshit around equality, but that doesn't discount creating some actual equality, even if it's just in how you treat people. And this includes the shit we purchase from corporations, made for slave wages, in sweat shops, whilst destroying the planet so that some greedy monkey can have 5 yachts. That's not jealousy of someone's wealth. That's KNOWING how much suffering was created for your cheap chocolate bar. And it's almost always women worldwide who bear the worst of it, whether it's on a plantation or in the west with their already low wages being decreased and funneled to the top, or just one of the massively unequal societies here on earth.
    I still don't think I am being political. I try to base my ideas on fact. And facts lead me to see that there is a lot of [unpaid] work to do to make anything resembling equality in our lifetimes.
  11. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Just out of interest, what are "nature's hierarchies".....in man? If you are honest you will surely admit this is more difficult to define than simply assuming and asserting it. Such social Darwinism is old hat and I doubt you will progress it beyond its usual weaknesses. Most anything you assert as evidence can simply be contradicted by a different example.

    You know the future? And all the past? Besides, for such a simple assertion there is a very simple counter one - the goal is to prevent it happening. I'm unsure of whether you think that's even something worth attempting. We shouldn't let 'perfect' be the enemy of 'good'.

    I think you are: it is impossible to avoid? Nothing wrong with it......especially if it does with an open mind, absent coercion, with the best of intentions, etc.

    Oh, I am happy to be 'accused' of it. Though not many people that make the accusation have any understanding or real familiarity with it.
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm sincerely not being unkind when I say that there is, has been and always be those with stunningly unequal gifts compared with the vast majority. Some people are smarter, faster, more creative, physically empowered and sometimes all of the above. As I see it, we all are here to rise above the beast that inhabits our core, that impulse that would stomp on the idiot, the slow, the dullard and the weak. We are all equal insofar as we all are truly one, the illusion of separation so very inticing to believe. When one cries we all cry, when one laughs so do we all. Think of it this way, what you are feeling right now is not unique to you alone but is shared equally among us, the potential whatever emotion the same in all of us. When someone is so depressed that they feel that suicide is the only way to stop the pain they are completely ignorant of the fact that if they actually ended their life that someone else will be feeling the same way, absorbed in what they mistakenly feel is their own suffering. We are so self absorbed as to believe that ending a life will quelch the pain, but it cannot. Just the same, a joy is not yours alone to experience, positive emotions are also shared equally. So, looking out myopically from the inside it may seem as if we are insulated as islands and surrounded by great distances from the others, but from the vantage of two steps back and looking a bit from afar can notice with new eyes that we are just variation of the same exact thing and mostly too invested in what we percieve as differences in one another than to realize the similarities.

    One love
    Let's get together and be alright.

    The Lady has spoken.
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  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Not to try to hijack your comment to another person I just wanted to touch on that subject a bit because to me that is a strong point.
    On natural hierarchies
    So when a human goes to do something in the world others are going to be attempting to do that thing as well , people are going to have different levels of competence based on all the unique aspects of the individual this is called a hierarchy .
    It's built into the fabric of reality that any living creatures unique attributes ( because it not identical to another being) means that any group of same type of brings trying to accomplish the same task are going to fall at different places regarding competence . This cannot be laid at the feet of capitalism or money systems . It us built into the fabric 8f reality and can be traced all the way to the simplest lifeform . This is natural hierarchy .
    The only attempts which can be possibly made to change this in a human society would have to be so totalitarian it would make histories attempt at genocide look like a picnic at the park . ( That is to say any attempt made at system planning such that would have any chance of overcoming natural competence hierarchies)
    It's this very fact which has transformed my beleifs overtime to letting go of socialist ideals after 20 years of researching it I have found myself in a position of arriving Here.
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  14. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    But human systems are not built on natural hierarchy. Often competence is not what takes people to the top of human hierarchies. It could be nepotism, privilege or sociopathy/psychopathy.
    And within hierarchy in nature there are reciprocal systems that always feed energy/nutrition back to the planet, or exist for the survival of the species. Humans can just take and destroy without giving back energy/nutrition in any meaningful way. There is a hierarchy of brain structures of lifeforms which the human brain is the most complex. Size, however is not a measure of complexity. So if we think we are at the top of our hierarchy it is our duty to care for and try to understand anything weaker than us rather than exploit it. Capitalism in its current form is built on exploitation. Don't worry about where you are on the political spectrum. It's not a left/right issue to treat other beings with respect. It's not a left/right issue to say that the global economic system is based on dirty money and corrupt. It's not a left/right issue to expect higher standards from those with power.
    One way we can change society is by disagreeing on issues and still not wanting to harm each other, to find common ground and question our own beliefs. Maybe anarchy, capitalism, communism, socialism all have some answers that can help to make sense of what kind of society we want in the future if there is any planet left when all the resources have been extracted and all the money has been funneled to the top. Peace
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  15. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Many difinitions on this issue - here´s a few:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…
    Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Third president of the United States.

    The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Six feet of earth make all men equal. Proverb

    Just as modern mass production requires the standardization of commodities, so the social process requires standardization of man, and this standardization is called equality.
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) Psychoanalyst and social philosopher.

    All people are equal, it is not birth, it is virtue alone that makes the difference.
    Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer and historia.

    Equality is the public recognition, effectively expressed in institutions and manners, of the principle that an equal degree of attention is due to the needs of all human beings.
    Simone Weil (1910-1943) French Philosopher

    Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.
    Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) French novelist.

    Some will always be above others. Destroy the inequality today, and it will appear again tomorrow.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) U.S. poet, essayist and lecturer.

    It is better that some should be unhappy than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.
    Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) British author.

    Myself.... I like this difintion and clarification very much:

    As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it 'all men are created equal, except negroes.' When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.
    Abraham Lincoln
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  16. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    animals are so much better then filthy humans...and they all even fish have emphatie for fellow animals..crows can explain to young crows how a special person , a crow enemy , looks like.. even they never saw it the young crow will determine the human..
    an american university scientist was checking that out
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  17. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    there is financial equality or not
    social is equality or not
    no body equality but we all have pain
    racial equality or not
    political equality or not
    and so on

    i only kno most ppl want no equality cause even the trash thinks its better then other....
    the problem in future will be that ratio of good to bad ppl will alter and have altered a lot thru media
  18. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    today not in past...and thats the main point...its all bout the cycle...respect the cycle and you have lucky and long life
    growin organic is everything...blv it or not...you dont need to spend on fertilizer..dont trash leafs and good is..
    and even the mass dont want it ...but the system makers..they play world like anno 1500 tactic game..or no not anno 1500 more fallout walkin dead anno 1500 tactic game..
  19. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    but lobbys brainwash ppl...tech religion..nature is enemy...dumbfcks think that nature did all catastrophes but no it canme from chain reaction of human action or artificial weather engineering...japans finance minister said he give financial system of japan into hand of oligarchs cause it is threaten by earthquake machine...check long waves..check super fluid ...check haarp

    but ppl get polarized over everything nowaday's..it will get even more fckt up...unimaginable like
  20. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    everyone knows USA is bankrot big time ...cause they need to keep their executive state up..they pump billions into arificial weather to destroy good rates of other countrys so USA and world market can go on...
    they kill our lands and animals with no rain and stupid ppl argument with 6 kilometer long exhaust gas stripes which never disapear , no they blend to layer..its so fckn unblvbl

    haarp in rostock..the signs they no warning like in past no it says go near this fence we shoot...
    but its all conspiracy theory..sry for going offtopic ..but unequlity is polarization...and polarization is their greatest tool..
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