i feel like depressed shrek in shrek 4, need help with keygen. thanks

Discussion in 'Software' started by yj, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. yj

    yj Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2019
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    hey so im a young teen with the iq of a sausage so i don't understand what any of yall are talking about?? i have no clue how you guys had this computer knowledge ingrained into ur brains when u were born bc honestly all this computer vocab is confusing me. please be kind because i headed over to reddit bc of a fl studio problem and got attacked and at this point i feel utterly hopeless. im just a simple lad in the brain but ive got a good ear for music and just want to produce some sweet tunes, you feel me? (that is a lie my music is so atrociously bad)

    so when i go on fl studio and try to open up keyscape it either doesn't load and makes fl studio crash or it comes up with a notice that says "data properties not found for keyscape. a possible explanation is that the installation was not completed properly" and so im assuming i need to patch it? though i don't know what patching is lmao, im assuming fixing something? as i've mentioned, i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
    so the keygen refuses to patch? it just says failed patching.

    oh and also struggle number #2, i'm trying to get absynth 5 onto fl studio and its on the vst folder yet when i scan the manage plugins thing it doesn't come up? idk man.

    at this point i've decided that i want to just give up on my dreams of producing music and instead become a professional furry or something because i guess this isn't the path for me. please when you guys respond use screenshots or diagrams and simple language or whatever picks your fancy because every time i go onto these sites for help i leave feeling like a shell of my former self bc i don't understand and when i make a pathetic attempt at whatever it tells me to do it simply never works.

    so yeah, thanks so much for reading this and it would be awesome if you could respond :) if ur just going to comment some rude unhelpful thing..... i mean go ahead, i guess i can't stop you. its probably true.

    update : i tried this funny picture that says "i know nothing about nothing" and it doesn't come up. i am truly a failure. at this point i just want to retire.

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  3. Andsoitseems

    Andsoitseems Ultrasonic

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Buy the daw you work in. Then go from there! Hope this helps.
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  4. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    make sure it isn't open when you patch it. also, patch ProgramFiles/vst and ProgramFilesx86/vst, thats 64bit and 32bit. one should work, most likely 64 bit.

    as for absynth, is it 64bit? are you sure you have FLstudio scanning your 64bit folder? (ProgramFiles/vst)
  5. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    DAMN, man!
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  6. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    wow this has to be second best post on the website after the other one (sig.)
    i died from laughing, sorry i can't be of any help but thanks for lighting up my day
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  7. Rando

    Rando Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2018
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    Los Angeles
    i would stick to using the stock synths, plugins in fl studio if you're just starting out, master those then try something like keyscape and absynth later on, don't let anyone discourage you in any way, alot of bitter trolls out there
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  8. Daz

    Daz Guest

    You think you've got problems because you feel like Shrek......I look like him!! :rofl:

    Assuming this is genuine, and you need help, you need to give more info like your OS, is it Windows 7 64bit, info on how you installed the VSTI's etc.

    Looking at a couple of comments above I guess some guys don't remember when they first started they didn't know exactly what they were doing either.

    Yeah that helped him thanks, he bought FL then Keyscape and Absynth automatically installed themselves, awesome!!
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  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You are not alone. I know nothing about nothing , too. But I know one thing. that is that you need to patch all dll's for Spectrasonics. The one in your VST folder and the ones inside C: Program Data>Spectrasonics>Plugins. If you don't patch all of them you are going to continue to get the error. I don't remember if Keyscape was always pre-patched.

    Since i only know one thing, i only have suggestions for your Masssive. You must have 4 Massive dll's in your vst folder. Look for these.
    Absynth 5 FX Surround
    Absynth 5 FX
    Absynth 5 Stereo
    Absynth 5
    IF they are there, make sure that FL Studio is in fact scanning that folder. If FL is scanning that folder, try managing the plugin list ans make sure you tick (turn on) the first and second options. They are rescan previously verified plugins and rescan plugins with errors. If it does not work, run refresh plugin list. If it still does not go to your plugin folder and delete the "5" from every Massive dll. After you have done that run the manage plugins again. After you are done remember to untick (turn off) the first 2 options.
    If Massive dll's are not in your vst folder you have to find where they got installed and point FL Studio to that folder to scan it too.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    As I explained above you have dll's inside Program Data folder that must be patched for ANY Spectrasonics product to work. With exception of some pre-patched dll's.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    About computing, none of us new anything at the beginning, my advice is read some computer magazines to get the basics. No need to aquire high level knowledge though.

    Second advice : install a good antivirus/firewall and learn how to use it.
  12. Andsoitseems

    Andsoitseems Ultrasonic

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Lol these are 12.3 12.5 issues He needs the updated plugin wrapper.. Sooooo..What do you want me to lie to him? Sorry guys.

    Why do you think it didn't go for him well in Reddit ..Cause its apparent ?
  13. yj

    yj Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2019
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    thank you so much for this man, although i don't understand i still appreciate this my homie. also, you look really sexy in your profile picture, well done you have conquered life.

    so basically i have this keygen that has this creepy anime girl on it?? so i was already disturbed by that and it gave me bad vibes and i instantly knew this whole thing wasnt going to work. the thing is i would patch all of those things however my keygen doesn't patch anything? do i need to torrent keyscape again? is it just that the keygen is faulty? the keygen also doesn't give the correct response code? like if i have keyscape as a desktop app and try to put in the response code it won't work but when i try it on fl studio it will "work" and say "loading plugin" but then never load and will make fl studio crash.:dont::guru: this aint it chief.

    also the only thing thats in there is a 64bit folder containing keyscape.dll. also you said patch all of them but there is nothing. idk im in quite a pickle.

    but thank you again mate, its okay i think im just going to focus on the plugins already in fl studio? today, reading all of these comments i feel like the shrek in shrek 4 after he defeats Rumpelstiltskin's weird ass scheme and has that awakening and snaps out of his mid life crisis, and realises that fiona and his children are far more meaningful to him rather than the pleasure that scaring people gave him.
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  14. yj

    yj Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2019
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    you are incredibly iconic. i love how solemn and sinister your profile picture and username are. ur that bad guy in the movies that strokes a cat and has glazed eyes. also i am actually just an eccentric female
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  15. yj

    yj Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2019
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    then you must be absolutely ethereal because i think WE CAN ALL AGREE that shrek is the most perfect specimen. :metal:

    also give me 3-4 working days to get back to you on that i'll have screen shots and stuff idk its just all a mess and my one last brain cell is having a seizure and i can't be bothered. but thank you anyway homie. you're fantastic.:wink:
  16. yj

    yj Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2019
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    okay the first time i read this i felt very accomplished but after the 50th time analysing this, i feel unsettled. number one, i wasn't aware that this was a competition, no one let me in on this. additionally, i want to know who my opponent is.

    im sorry.:mates:thank you though bud im glad that i got validation from a certified rockstar, it feels good.
  17. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Dont give up so easily. The name of the game is patience and perserverance. If you dont try until you learn, you are going to be asking questions all the time and grow more and more frustrated which is not good for the creative process. Send me a PM, I will help you with your KG problem.
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  18. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Hey homie. UR in the right place.
    I, personally don't use FL Studio myself so can't help u on this one but this is one of the best places to ask your questions. You may not get all the answers u r look'n for but there are enough good people here that can and will help u if they can. Stick around and turn that sausage of a brain of yours into a big juicy steak filled with colourful flavours and U in turn can help some other dudes find his/her way on their musical escapades! :)
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Don't listen rude people and follow your liking.
    You need to work your music many years if you hope to produce great music one day.Music is not a hobby that you learn in 6 months or one year.

    If I were you I would begin to learn synthesizers with some stuff easier than Absynth,this synth is not for newbies in my opinion.
    Like one memeber said before me,start with FL stock synths or Uhe Hive for example,or Synapse Legend or Synthmaster One;these synths sound very good and they are simple for learning the basics principles of synthesis.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
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  20. Daz

    Daz Guest

    Thanks for doing that Pirate, did you manage to get things crackin for her ?
  21. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I asked the OP by PM to state what is needed and provided working KG . Waiting for reply back.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019