Sounds good... needs to be a little less "loopy" though. This is just my personal opinion and I'm not the best guy to give you suggestions for this style of music... So, take that with a grain of salt! Cheers!
mi ha ricordato un po' Giacomo Orlando ! molto carina, troppo corta i would have preferred some more acid res. modulation, you know, it's missing some squelchiness and some length, but as you said it's a work in progress. i expect at least 4-6 minutes :D
hey guys! thanks for you your opinion! mr king, thanks very much im agree with you, need more variation to escape from monotony! back chi sei??? :D thanks for you message! with you i am agree too.. im planning to make some crescendo with the sounds and make longer of course too! ciaoooo
Super good! I am blown away by the funky electronix. That break at 2:00 is insane. And 2:20 kills. I am very glad for checking this out. Premium stuff in a great mix. I am very impressed and sharing this earns you muchos kudos Keep it up! PS Looping is on the point imo. Way to go.
Nothing personal, just a great tune =) You are on the right track. Could only wish for more trippy stuff like that.
forgive me i just was hearing it on no low end laptop internal speakers... edit : and it sounding great on laptop speakers....i cant hear the complete low end but can tell if it sounds good here ,its a good mix..dunno how to explain i meant the 303 lead/bassline from start to end but also interested in the other if you have the time and muse to text is this just in the box or also hardware ? did you sidechain ? Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
dam nice track I like it , I think you should remove little bit distortions but it sounds so acid psychedelic really like many parts in your looping did you make it in reason 10. ? because it sounds so reason ! I love to looping in reason you can hours after hours only looping with abl3 and the New Drum kit Rack or Retro Drum
thanks man! yes you right is good sing if u hear the bass in laptop speaker :D so for the 303 i used abl3 distorted with saturn, then the fm bass that go in 1/16 is with bazille and the one more big is microtonic utonic! some synths is made with volca bass but more is inthe box and no sidechain processor in any case !! ) thanks !! i made it in ableton 10, i will follow your advice and see what will happen! thanksssss a lot of people says rebirth is the best :D
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