My Apple Story

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Santii7979, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. Santii7979

    Santii7979 Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Hi guys, My name is Santiago, from Argentina.

    Before start i wanna say sorry for my english, is not my native language.

    I really don’t know what’s happening with Apple but today i’m really, really sad.

    I start having problems in 2011 with an imac 21.5’. I bought that iMac to enter in the music production world. I was really happy with that mac, it was awesome to have an iMac in my home.
    6 month laters my iMac start having troubles, and i went to an Apple store (Reseller because there is not an “Oficial” Apple store here in Argentina). I left my iMac there knowing it was a hardrive problem. I told to the guy that was that, and not a S.O problem, i remember i traleved like 3 hours to go to that place.
    After 2 weeks the guy calls me and told me that the iMac was fixed (it was under warranty). But when i went to the place, he told me that the problem was the SO and i was really that i wasn’t nothing about the SO. He wanted to charged me about $150 usd in that moment. I pay the half of that mount because i told him that if it was an SO problem i will solve it.
    So when i came home, the iMac still having problems… I went to another place called “Macstation” and i left my iMac there. At that moment in my country there was some politicals rectrictions about things that come from another countries, so i have to wait 2 month for that hardrive… I really lost a lot of work.
    After that, i bought an iMac 27’. After 10 days my screen start having problems. Half with light, half no light. Again, to the Macstation.
    One year later i decided to change my iMac for the New Macbook pro 2015. So i was really happy with that one. After 11 month the famous “staingate” problem appear.
    Now i have the top model of 2017 macbook pro and i started having problem with my keyboard, the problem that some letters get stick and doesn’t work properly. But the sad new i have today is that my Apple Magic mouse 2 is not charging anymore, and it only have 15 months.
    I have lost a lot of time and work because of that, a lot of artist that i have lost because i couldn’t deliver my works in the propper time.

    What’s happening with Apple?

    Thx for read me guys, someone of you have some apple troubles too ?
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  3. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    you get apples monday trash devices down there simple as that i bet....would fit into their tactics...
    get a windows machine...even a low specs one and install old stuff which runs good on dont need new stuff...most new stuff isnt new anyway..
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm sorry for your troubles.
    You bought three mac and none of them went beyond the year and a half mark, in lifetime. Wow
    That never happened to me with any PC, like ever. I had three in the last 10 years, and they all still run, I just changed a few hds.
    Please don't buy a 4th one, make a hackintosh or whatever but don't waste precious ressources on crappy hw.

    Good luck.
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  5. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    i am afraid the story you have , is because your country has no official support, so the origin of the products are often not known .
    If you were in an Apple supported country you would encounter far less issues. my advice, in. your situation buy a windows pc and install OSX as hackintosh, works in most cases flaweless
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  6. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I guess the logical question is "why do you keep buying Macs" when you have had nothing but problems since 2011? I would agree with @nobodyspecial and switch to a PC.
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  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Yep, a PC is a way to go.
    BTW, watch some Louis Rossmann on YT in your spare time. He diagnoses Apple devices and offers a lot of advice.
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  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm not sure but from what I've read it seems that the staingate issue won't happen without either applying pressure on the closed Macbook (like in a backpack) or by cleaning the screen with agents that are too aggressive. It should not happen, and "normal cleaning" should be OK, but it seems that the coating has been a bit too sensitive and peels off quicker than it should under normal usage conditions.

    The keyboard of later Macbooks is also known to break much faster than on previous models, including lower key travel that is considerably more uncomfortable to work with, including significantly more noise when typing.

    I'm only using water and a micro fiber towel to clean the retina screen of my Macbook Pro late 2013 and it's still like new.
    The keyboard (in use every day) also still works flawlessly till today, but that's because the late 2013 model is the last one with the "good" keyboard and the life-saving MagSafe magnetic power connector.
  9. KevinParker

    KevinParker Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    El Espacio Interior
    Amigo, soy argentino. Laburo reparando mac y haciendo isntalaciones. Si lagun dia necestias, hablame y te paso el contacto para servicio tecnico rapido, confiable y sin las pelotudeces del ipoint y esas tiendas de aca que son macabras!
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
  10. KevinParker

    KevinParker Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    El Espacio Interior
    tambien si queres saber porque apple es una mierda, empeza por este video y mirate todos los videos de este chabon

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  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    And you forgot money.

    I've been an Apple fan years ago and I know, that it's not an easy decision. It's like dropping an old friend. It kind of hurts. But I think it's time for you to leave.
    Apple is not the company it has been. It's not the company it has been in the times of Steve Jobs.
    Quality and customer satisfaction is nothing they care about anymore. And the Mac itself is not the tool ist has been (actual Mac compared to actual highend PC), because with Tim Cook only the iPhone was the center of the whole firm.
    In my eyes Apple is bankrupt as a computer company. And the rest will follow, because Tim Cook made Apple a bookkeepers company. No ideas but making the iPhone bigger and in more colors.
    It's quite the same situation like when Steve Jobs left Apple for the first time (ousted by John Skulley). But this time he won't come back.
  12. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    a user maintenanced puter is everlasting....thats why its so fckt up....
    a lot of mac os guys did jump on to hackintosh too...
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  13. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    sorry to hear that, just like you id' be really pissed of if the same thing happened to me.

    I agree you should consider either a hackintosh if there's really a point for you to use a mac, or maybe try Carillon's PCs
    I've seen these stations in many professionals music studios ( even sometimes music celebrities ) and regarding Apple's price, the total lack of connectivity and the waste of money it has been for you, maybe this is the right move ( oh, and go for the i7 for performances, the last reviews I've watched about the new mac mini - which can take up to 64Gb of ram - were pretty disapointing regarding perfs unless you chose the i7 )
    you can add up to 4 SSDs in their desktop and even myself, as a mac user, am considering buying at least one in the future.

    good luck with your next buy :mates:

    EDiT : or maybe try here but since I don't if any of those 2 ship to your country, maybe you would have to go for the homemade hackintosh

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
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  14. XImpalerX

    XImpalerX Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2018
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    Unless there is some program you can only run on a Mac for some reason that you really need, I see no point to having a Mac
  15. Santii7979

    Santii7979 Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Ok. Let me explain guys. I'm a mixing and mastering Engineer. I use Logic. I have used windows too and it's hard to explain but it's REALLY but REALLY incredible the difference between windows and mac os. And after explained that, i will NEVER, never, change logic, it's the best daw i ever used (i have used cubase original, Pro Tools, and studio one).

    BTW. I need to admit that the service that gave me apple WAS AMAZING. When my first mac was in repair service (i have explained that here in my country was ALL blocked, i mean, things from another country) so things never came.. So i call apple and they send the new HARDRIVE with double space, in private, so they call one of the apple resellers from here and they pay ALL, after i called them i had to wait only 3 days.

    THAT IS AMAZING and only APPLE do things like that.. And really, i can't imagine go back to windows, it's like.. i have tried, but no man, no, i really can't. The experience in mac os is INCREDIBLE that only who tried and have mac os can explain how the workflow is. So , even i have that things apple take care of ALL of them, and now they want to give me a new magic mouse.

    It's hard to explain if u never have used mac os, and that's why Andres Scheps, Fab Dupont, Chriss Lord, and the best movie makers use mac ..

    But yes, it's sad to pay $2800 usd and things like that happens
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
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  16. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Don't worry Tim Cook got an "award" for his stance against "violent conspiracy theorist" it says on one of those mac sites, so I'm sure he will take care of you sometime soon . . . but don't hold your breath. They're currently busy arranging for Chinese slaves to help build their outrageously overpriced new computers and tapping Africa's slaves for their iPhones. It's all really hush hush but all you need to know is that he got a ‘Courage Against Hate’ "award" and if you don't tow the line you're a "sinner". Apple, perhaps Cook himself, (oops I sinned) get to define hate I presume. Such courage!

    Serious mode, sorry this happen to you. I'm running an old Mac Pro (2010), and it's still going strong. I'm convinced anything newer than the 2012 Mac Pro is and was a huge waste of money and I will definitely be getting a PC next time, even if I still intend to still run Mac OS, I haven't decided yet. They were always sort of pricey, but now they're just ridicules in every aspect. Apple needs fresh heads with sensible ideas, have you've seen the price, vs what you get, of those crappy Mac mini? GTFO

    The workflow is in the OS, so keep the OS and ditch the overpriced machine. Go hackintosh if you must.
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  17. Santii7979

    Santii7979 Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I totally agree that every after 2012 sucks!
  18. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    there was a time mac machines where much better than win machines for audio production...times are long gone...

    and 2012 is 7 years ago...
    win pro audio laptop and hackintosh is the way...
    always dealing with apple shizl just to upgrade my laptop or puters...never
    i would have bought a moog from that money no shit
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  19. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Shameless Apple gonna bring Steve Jobs back as a hologram:

    One other thing when you guys talk about the incredible operating system made by Apple I have a hard time understanding. If you gonna use the computer mainly for audio production the DAW has identical workflow in Windows. There is only one DAW I can think of that is Apple exclusive and that is Logic. Apple was better for music and video until about the year 2012, and now I would suggest Windows is way in front of Apple in every aspect except phones where Samsung rules
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
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  20. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Thankfully MacOS works great with any sensibly assembled PC or laptop. :wink:

    But people generally don't know that. Such a shame. It's an escape from another hell called Microsoft Windows 10, and a way to the future - Linux.

    Fuck corporations! :headbang: Instead of letting them fuck you. Or unless you're a masochist. That seems to be a well spread out disease... :wink:
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  21. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Thankfully i have a 2009 mac pro and it's still chugging along nicely. Can't even think of a single issue.
    But it does concern me I'm so heavily baked into Logic. Probs get a hack when this eventually visits Mr Jobs