Superior Drummer 3 not finding EZX librairies??

Discussion in 'Software' started by chumbo, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Hopefully someone can help with this....
    I first decided to try the Symlink/No Install version of SD3 but that was a disaster so I deleted it, although not exactly the 'proper' way as the .cmd uninstaller provided didn't do it's job so I just deleted the whole folder containing the library and the junction files it created on my C drive (Toontrack folders, Plugin..).
    Hopefully that didn't mess up my computer and all is back to normal!?

    I really just want the SD3 engine for it's versatility but prefer to use the smaller EZX libraries. I had EZDrummer before so the libraries are still there on my HD.

    I therefore installed the latest version available of the SD3 engine (v3.0.3 x64 on a Win10 x64 PC). So this is ONLY the SD3 engine (+-300Mb) and intended to point SD3 to my EZX folder and voilĂ !

    Not so unfortunately :unsure:

    When loading SD3 it pops up the same error +-20 times, then loads the plugin, prompting me to locate some libraries (I guess that's what the error is about).
    I point it to my EZX library folder but it doesn't find anything! I then point it to individual folders rather than the parent folder containing all the various libraries but I get the same error!

    Is it possible that the basic SD3 (40Gb!) is nevertheless needed before being able to add other libraries?
    So....I'm kind of lost. Any ideas? :disco:
  3. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I'm pretty sure I only got SD3 engine installed for awhile and it worked well with the EZX. So you do not need the 40GB. Right now I'm using: Toontrack.Superior.Drummer.3.v3.0.3.incl.Patch.WIN
    Which works well..
    Are you sure you did this in libraries setting in the SD3 engine?

    My EZX's are directly inside the "instruments" folder. Like this:

    I fucked up when I installed and should have put all of the EZX inside a folder called Toontrack or something. But it works so why change it, and I must re-register all the EZX if I do so.....
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Have you updated the EZX/EZX2 libraries? Updates should be v1.5.0 or greater to work with SD3.
    Basically all EZX libraries should be compatible EZX2.
  5. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Oh man, this is proving to be hell!

    First off, thanks for the replies and taking the time to try and help, much appreciated! :like:

    Daskeladden, you might not have the full basic package of the SD3 library but you do appear to have something (Stereo Room Setup), I don't even have that. As I said, what I installed is only 300Mb in size so can't possibly even contain what you have there (I just have claps and shaker! haha:bleh:!). Nevertheless, I get the feeling that, that's not the problem unfortunately.

    My EZX libraries are on an external HDD (D:\App Data\Toontrack\EZ Drummer 2). This was the working path for my EZD2 setup.

    quadcore64, it's hard to say what version of the EZX libraries I have as I see no way of telling if I have a v1.5 or not?! (I know that if I had updated any, I wouldn't have renamed the folder for fear of it not being found by EZD2 after).

    So I figured I would just run the install of an updated version of at least one library just to see...the installer complains it don't have EZDrummer installed and can't continue the install!

    Aaargh!? So I would need to have EZD2 installed first to be able to update the EZX libraries for using in SD3....doesn't make sense. Seems something is very wrong.

    BTW, the error I get when loading SD3 is 'There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive M' (last time it was drive H:!?), then it automatically opens the settings page for locating some libraries.

    Installed/uninstalled already twice, run CCleaner on the registry....don't know what else to try :dunno:
  6. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Try change back drive letter in Drive Management back to M or whatever letter you had:

    If you cannot change letter back make sure all other flash driver and external drives is disconnected and do a restart. You should then be able to change back to the letter you please.

    Also make sure to right click on the folders for Ezdrummer and Superior go to security and allow permission on all
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
  7. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Thanks but, nope it's not that either I'm afraid.
    I changed permissions to 'full' whenever possible and even unticked the 'Read-only' check box just in case.
    And regarding the drive, I had no prior install on this system. What happened is, I had my EZX libraries on an external drive, then ran into problems with Windows and reinstalled so there is virtually no trace of a previous install that could be detected.
    I just noticed now, looking closer at those errors that it's actually looking on all my empty USB drives (which is my card reader!).

    This is starting to look hopeless. I'll give it another day or so to see of anybody else comes up with the brilliant solution or I'll move on :dunno:
  8. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
  9. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If you lost your main drive data structure, a reinstallation is required. The database and registry entries must be recreated for EZX2 & SD3 to work properly.

    My process is to install EZD2, update, install expansions, update, run EZD2 program, unlock EZD2 & EZXs, restart system, run DAW, test loading of EZD2, install SD3 update, install SDX, update, run SD3 program, run DAW & test loading of SDX & EZX in SD3.
  10. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    That can of course be the issue but many of my EZX's don't need installation (they are just placed on the hard disk). So strange if that is the problem.
    I forgot to ask you if you have tried the EZX's with Ezdrummer 2 after the windows reinstall? Just to test if the EZX's works with Ezdrummer 2
  11. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Thanks Daskladden but I'm afraid it's not going to solve the problem. There is something inherently wrong with the install. The drive error is just a symptom of it. It keeps looking in the remaining empty drives. Thanks just the same for your efforts, very kind :wink:

    quadcore64, I think that's what I'm going to do because I read some interesting things on toontrack's forum and FAQ that point to needing an install of EZD first so that SD can then find it's library. From toontrack's FAQ:


    No, the sound library download is divided into 5 parts. The minimum install size is approximately 41 GB (Basic Sound Library).
    quadcore64, not sure if you had that installed or not?

    And then this from the forum....(slightly edited to keep only the relevant parts)
    User asking:
    I just installed Superior and....I want to keep the sound libraries etc on an external disc.

    Toontrack's reply:
    install the EZdrummer 2 Demo and the follow the instructions in this FAQ:

    Then subsequent installations should find the new location.

    (although he did make the point this was known issue for Mac, I'm on Windows)

    What I wonder though is, once I install EZD & SD3 with updates and libraries and everything works, can you remove EZD?

    It's a damn shame I couldn't get that Symlink/No Install version to work because it certainly would have made things a lot easier! :unsure:
  12. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    You do not have to install the SD3 library unlees you want it. Just make sur that you have updated any installed EZX or SDX.
  13. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Not sure if you done this yet .... Must install latest updated EZD2 then update EZXs Then SD3 happy again ..................
  14. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Thanks! I'm back on track :wink:
    I've reinstalled EZD2 and some EZX and everything is working. I'll let that run for a bit and then take the leap to SD3!

    I guess I was a bit naive in thinking I could just point SD3 to where my EZX libraries were previously installed and have it recognize them as is.
    Not possible, as a few of you have pointed out, a proper install of EZD2 is necessary, then EZXs before moving on to SD3!

    I assume, once you have a system running with SD3, you can then install EZXs without a problem, right? Please don't tell me I'd have to uninstall SD3 before adding any new EZX!?

    Anyway, I've learned a bunch. Thanks everybody, really kind of you to take the time! :shalom:
  15. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    hmm I never deleted EZdrummer 2 so I never experienced that. Strange that the EZdrummer 2 engine must be installed so that the SD3 engine can recognize EZX's... I don't think you have to reinstall all the EZX's, but you probably have to re-register them
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
  16. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    No everythings cool just add new EZXs when you need , keep EZD2 up to date for any new EZXs and your good to go bud .....................
  17. ttorenting

    ttorenting Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Yeah , you can feel SD3 without core library. All you need is to point to the ezx library folder, i have ezx preinstalled and it worked well, so you may install sd3 after ezx and point to its library .

    Basic thing that SD3 needs.
    Your library with file (configs) and sounds folder to be able to load into SD3.

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