Your Favorite Song Lyrics

Discussion in 'Conversations About Good Music' started by Zenarcist, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Let's not forget how good Bernie Taupin was

    Tune me in to the wild side of life
    I'm an innocent young child sharp as a knife
    Take me to the garretts where the artists have died
    Show me the courtrooms where the judges have lied
    Let me drink deeply from the water and the wine
    Light colored candles in dark dreary mines
    Look in the mirror and stare at myself
    And wonder if that's really me on the shelf

    And each day I learn just a little bit more
    I don't know why but I do know what for
    If we're all going somewhere let's get there soon
    Oh this song's got no title just words and a tune

    Take me down alleys where the murders are done
    In a vast high powered rocket to the core of the sun
    Want to read books in the studies of men
    Born on the breeze and die on the wind
    If I was an artist who paints with his eyes
    I'd study my subject and silently cry
    Cry for the darkness to come down on me
    For confusion to carry on turning the wheel
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  2. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
  3. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    That's a good one :mad:
  4. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    We can walk our road together
    If our goals are all the same
    We can run alone and free
    If we pursue a different aim
    Let the truth of love be lighted
    Let the love of truth shine clear
    Armed with sense and liberty
    With the heart and mind united in a single

    RUSH - Hemispheres - [Part V. The Sphere: A Kind Of Dream]
  5. meow

    meow Guest

    Depeche Mode - I want you now

    I want you now
    Tomorrow won't do
    There's a yearning inside
    And it's showing through
    Reach out your hands
    And accept my love
    We've waited for too long
    Enough is enough
    I want you now

    My heart is aching
    My body is burning
    My hands are shaking
    My head is turning
    You understand
    It's so easy to choose
    We've got time to kill
    We've got nothing to lose
    I want you now

    And I don't mean to sound
    Like one of the boys
    That's not what I'm trying to do
    I don't want to be
    Like one of the boys
    I just want you now

    Because I've got a love
    A love that won't wait
    A love that is growing
    And it's getting late
    Do you know what it means
    To be left this way
    When everyone's gone
    And the feelings they stay
    I want you now
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  6. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    The god of man is a failure
    Our fortress is burning against the grain of the shattered sky
    Charred birds escape from the ruins and return as cascading blood
    Dying bloodbirds pooling, feeding the flood
    The god of man is a failure
    And all of our shadows are ashes against the grain
  7. Pretty much anything that is just a story without addressing "you", the listener. I don't know why like 99% of pop songs do that, but I hate it so much that I generally avoid songs/lyrics entirely. It makes me feel like I am reading other people's mail. Also I avoid singing about singing, and singing about dancing.
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  8. What means you? Throw out an example, please.
  9. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    No Rap song in Fav Song lyrics thread.. :woot:

  10. These are examples I just dug up on LyricsFreak's "recommended" list:

    Steve Aoki, Pretender "I'm a good pretender Won't you come see my show?"
    Architects, Hereafter "And every route I take Leads right back to you"
    Pusha-T, Santeria "You killed God's baby when it wasn't his will"
    A$AP Rocky, Purity "See, this what that voice in your head says"
    ZAYN, Entertainer "You thought you had me, didn't you?" - This song is packed with them!

    Do they think they are singing to me? Do singers just have a lot of imaginary friends? Am I supposed to know who they are talking about? It's like the musical equivalent of somebody poking me in they eyeball to get my attention. I guess it's intended to create some feeling of rapport with listeners, but it seems lazy and manipulative to me.

    Anyway, bringing it more on-topic, the minority of songs that don't do this are my favorites!
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  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    He's talking about songs written using the first person, direct address format

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2018
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  12. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

  13. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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  14. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Armalite, street lights, nightsights
    Searching the roofs for a sniper, a viper, a fighter
    Death in the shadows he'll maim you, he'll wound you, he'll kill you
    For a long forgotten cause
    On not so foreign shores
    Boys baptised in war
    Boys baptised in war

    Morphine, chill scream, bad dream
    Serving as numbers on dogtags, flakrags, sandbags
    Your girl has married your best friend, loves end, poison pen
    Your flesh will always creep, tossing turning sleep
    The wounds that burn so deep, burn so deep

    Your mother sits on the edge of the world when the cameras start to roll
    Panoramic viewpoint resurrect the killing fold
    Your father drains another beer, he's one of the few that cares
    Crawling behind a Saracen's hull from the safety of his living room chair
    Forgotten Sons
    Forgotten Sons
    Forgotten Sons

    And so as I patrol in the valley of the shadow of the Tricolour I must fear evil
    For I am but mortal and mortals can only die
    Asking questions, pleading answers from the nameless faceless watchers
    That parade the carpeted corridors of Whitehall
    Who orders desecration, mutilation, verbal masturbation in the guarded bureaucratic wombs
    Minister, Minister care for your children
    Order them not into damnation
    To eliminate those who would trespass against you
    For whose is the kingdom, the power, the glory for ever and ever

    "Halt who goes there!" - " Death!!"
    "Approach ... friend"
    You're just another coffin on it's way down the emerald aisle
    When your children's stony glances mourn
    Your death in a terrorist's smile
    The bomber's arm placing fiery gifts on the supermarket shelves
    Alley sings with shrapnel detonate a temporary hell
    Forgotten Sons
    Forgotten Sons

    From the dolequeue to the regiment a profession in a flash
    But remember Monday signings when from door to door you dash
    On the news a nation mourns you unknown soldier count the cost
    For a second you'll be famous but labelled posthumous

    Ring-a-ring-o-roses, they all fall down
    Ring-a-ring-o-roses, they all fall down
    Ring-a-ring-o-roses, they all fall down

    Forgotten Son
    Forgotten Son
    Forgotten Son
    They're still forgotten, they're still still forgotten
    Peace on earth and mercy mild, Mother Brown has lost her child
    Just another Forgotten Son

    I lost several friends during the troubles, this song always hit home.
  15. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    Vs. I:
    What you wanna come back here for?
    Thought you with your uptown friends
    Don’t need none of your junkie business
    Gonna screw us up again
    Get your blackjack off my table
    Get your coat out of my rack
    We don’t need you round here jerkoff
    I want you off my back
    We almost made it (repeat three times)
    We almost made it to the top
    Vs. II:
    Got a gun from Uncle Freddie
    Got a station all picked out
    Got a plan and now we’re ready
    Gonna take that station out
    So you go on ’bout your business
    You just leave us fools alone,
    We don’t need no two-bit junkie
    Screwin’ up our happy home
    We almost made it (repeat three times)
    We almost made it to the top…

  16. But if Sanskrit isn't far out enough, you need to be willing to be pretentious enough for prog-fusion opera
    in your own custom language...

  17. @WeRAllFosterChildren @Zenarcist

    I got a little nervous as well as a bit self conscious about my song writing, hoping that I wasn't doing something lazy or ... gadds...manipulative, but in a bad way, though to be fair, to some extent a rather large bit of any creative writing is a form of manipulation, and if one is really good at it, kidnapping by holding prisoner the reader or listener until their release when you finish the song or story, they being gripped and unable to break free of the bond of being in the moment that the writer has conjured, holding them in rapt attention, giving them a taste of compassion such as they never felt before.

    So I looked through my catalogue and found five songs in which I use the word you. In one song (the half of the song that uses the word was penned by a friend, the lyrics very descriptive and paints a whimsical portrait of the subject) "you" is referring to the person the song is titled after, her name given freely in the very first line, so I think this one passes muster, and as well is directed at her in conversation directly.

    In #2 the very first word is "You" and is the gateway to the entire song, and again is directed at yet another person who's name is in the the whole title, one word, Dan. I think that this one is also good to go.

    The third song uses "you" but referes to me, so once more not in the first person, so, whew...saved again!

    The fourth is rather tricky, as some devil or demon speaks directly to "you" as the person actually listening to the song or reading the poem, sometimes berating, sometimes enticing, kind of working "you" to commit sin in a kind of Faustian contract, literally as well as figuratively. Off the hook here (I think)!!

    And finally the last, a song about a friend who was threatening suicide and my attempt of dissuading her. I am, yes, this time guilty as charged, but the song is so fucking great, if I do say so myself, that frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2018
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  18. Recoil

    Recoil Guest


    it does not matter what I think
  19. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    No offense to Depeche Mode but lyrics of the "I want you baby" ilk are the antithesis of good lyric writing. It is one dimensional and banal. It is not inviting the listener to delve into any deeper meaning. It is representative of the shallowness of todays pop music.
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  20. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Here again, another piece of poetry from the almost 80 year old Ian Hunter telling the story of an alcoholic:

    I shiver and shake, every morning I wake to the roar of the trains overhead
    I got a newspaper floor and a towel for a door and there's things crawlin' round my bed
    The facilities are free at The Ship hostelry before the football supporters appear
    And I'm losing my mind in the great left behind
    I got to get myself out of here

    Man overboard, waves washing over me
    Hard times, it's a perilous sea
    I'll never learn
    Anyone can tell ya where you can find me
    Drunk and disorderly

    There is rain on the ground and I can see upside down
    Streetlamps and repossessed homes
    They say crime doesn't pay, well take a walk down my way
    And I'm stuck here with nowhere to go
    Out on the streets with all the other deadbeats
    Wasting away with the years
    Their ship's going down on the wrong side of town
    And I gotta get my ass out of here

    Man overboard, waves washing over me
    Sometimes it's a treacherous sea
    The walls spinning around the anger that's hidden deep inside of me
    Drunk and disorderly

    Reality this, reality that
    I been there once and I ain't going back
    They squeezed me 'till I fell apart at the seams
    Now I'd rather dream drunk and disorderly dreams

    They got lasers that zap, they got cures for the clap
    You can see your insides on TV
    They got all kinds of pills for all kinds of ills
    But they ain't found a cure yet for me
    Out on the street where the cigarettes meet
    Abandon hope all who live here
    There ain't no medicine for the state that I'm in
    And I gotta get myself out of here

    Man overboard, waves washing over me
    Sometimes it's a perilous sea
    I'll never learn the 12 steps to heaven
    They never work for me
    Drunk and disorderly

    Man overboard, straight in the deep end baby
    Sometimes it s atreacherous sea
    If I'm going down well it can't hurt any more than what you did to me
    Drunk and disorderly

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