Massive in Cali

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Spyfxmk2, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Made this today & wanted to share :bow:,i only used Massive,even the kick is Massive...not perfect but i like it.
    Back to my Batcave now...
    enjoy :wink: :

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  3. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Love it :wink: ..and the kick kicks more than enough, at least on my speakers/cans ;)) Like the sneaky bass sound @ beginning :yes:
    Massive is IMHO also a good candidate for a quick "one synth" ..well, at least thread/playlist, where those interested could post their massive only works. I find restricting myself to fewer tools is like a creativity boost - more focus. I'd leave drm loops/shots, foley, rec'd sounds, screams and shouts from the restriction - helps laying out ideas quicker..

    And I was so happy when I read your initiative! Let's do some music, graphics, vid ..let's make a mess, an artistic one! :thumbsup: :mates:
  4. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Thanks for listening @Peter Krav @DoubleTake @Matt777 @quadcore64 @Rothrin :bow:

    Thanks man,i appeciate it :bow:
    i agree :yes:
    i'm thinking of a refresh on my mobile set up just with these tools soon :


    upgrade to komplete 12 from select 12(install what you need) :


    nice idea ! :invision:

    Feel free to pm me anytime if you need anything & when i have the time i'll write back !
    Best wishes to you ! :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2018
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  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Nice one. :yes:

    I'd say it's not a typical Spyfx-bd but definitely has some spyed-character. [​IMG] At first at thought it lacks some low end punch but then I turned up the volume (could get me in some trouble - bank holiday here today) and there it was.

    Nice very low bass at the beginning, close to the limit of my monitors (somewhere down to 40Hz?).

    Maybe the accented snare is a bit too bright/aggressive/upfront?
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  6. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    did you made it use new massive?
    dont believe NI's, you will disappointed to buy this controller, interface and the bundle
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  7. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    ok i listened the track, beside the track the kick are not good, so much low end, dirty and lose some energy dynamics and need to comp
    the best kick is made of just a filter output directly
  8. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    i feel like there needs to be more minimal dnb/techstep stuff like this
  9. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Niicee... Found it very cinematic with that lush pad and the descending synth riff... Nice bass work too!
  10. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    Very nice this massive sounds, I like this composition in general :speaker:
  11. What do you mean by, "the best kick is made of just a filter output directly"?
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  12. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    The Komplete Audio 6 interface has served me well for 4 or 5 years now, hopefully your experience will be the same.
  13. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Very nice tune, congrats!
  14. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    thanks for listening @Cackwizard @Grok @No Avenger @kostovas @m9cao @genophyte @Kinghtsurfer @Recoil @sparkles @superliquidsunshine @Tarkus @Legotron @mrpsanter :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
    if by that you mean Massive X no,but i used Massive :bow:
    Yes i don't understand that either,maybe he is trying to say something like have the filter cut off all the way open ? idk....

    i'll tell a personal story :bow: :
    Back in the old days i had a Mac G5 running Logic with 2 Apple cinema Displays....i went to my local music store to get this :
    i paid $500 to get it when it first came out...i liked the idea back then to have a controller & audio interface all in one...
    ....the problem was the "drivers" where a big mess back then.....i sold the interface after a week of me having it :bow:

    Now the Komplete audio 6 is a whole different story : first it has a strong headphone output with independent level control,which for me is always a plus.
    Second it has Cirrus Logic converters & for $229 that is enough for me :bow:
    Third it has good preamps & low latency & build like a tank,i consider it regarding its price one of the best audio interfaces below $1000 :bow:

    Yes :bow: & other things too ...the track is not properly mixed...i was bored & tired :hillbilly: yesterday :bow:

    Once again A big Thanks to everyone that listened :bow:
    Best wishes ! guys ! :wink:
  15. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Tis fun, @Spyfxmk2 kinda sorta downtempo (triphopish?) trance! But in a good way, obvs. I did keep expecting that annoying Tracey woman to whisper sing her way through and possibly (defo) mope about not being in Cali or smthn. (Guess you could title the track "Everything but the girl" until then? =)
  16. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Oooh - reminded me of the only song i every had by them "Future of the Future" How many hours working to that beat - lol
    Hmmm the mix i had I only found one place:

    Actually the one i have does NOT intro with 30 seconds of nothing but bass thumping - LOL.
    I may have edited mine :P
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
  17. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    ah ! :wink: you guys reminded me the good old days ! :bow: :

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2018
  18. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    And this reminded me of aspects of music like empty space, when things are hinted at, and to be filled in by the brain...
    Things that lead the brain on, minimal or transient resolutions and satisfactions..
    Things that can make even a long song seem too short.
    Hmmm... I've been doing it all wrong! :rofl:
  19. Cali, Columbia, Cali as in California, or your massive love missle making love to a woman named Cali? Or is it all three, though perhaps it could be none of the above.

    And yea, f¤c》¡ng nicotine. It took me literally dying for breath whilst in the throes of pneumonia to quite smoking tobacco once and for all. And even while I was wheezing, feverish and sick as a proverbial dog, still was taking a puff here and there. Now that is one drug that is vile and pernicious in it's addictive qualities and a plague upon humanity for all the evil it has wrought. Please do what it takes to leave it behind. Nicotine is powerful medicine but does not one bit of good to be at its mercy. As a gift to the leader of a sweat lodge it is customary to be given as a gift (organically grown only), for anything else a curse.
  20. daddytang

    daddytang Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Birmingham Alabamastan
    Good one....Love that D&B Flavor
  21. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yep. It is not just a "habit" or "addiction", but a whole "subpersonality" that you are fighting.

    I began writing a lot, so it's now in a spoiler. It made me reflect a lot...but yeah nicotine SUCKS!

    We have many subpersonalities, and it's a very sharp but double-edged sword.
    Once a psychological "profile" is developed it is there for potential use.

    That allows us to be who we "feel we ought to be" in various situations.

    I say "feel", because it's often automatic, and frequently subconscious, although we also CAN make decisions to act how we want, but that is the whole dilemma: How to control it all.

    It also makes us to be who we DON'T want to be. We might say habits, but it's all fuzzy ...addictions, decisions, free-will, genetics, environment...what a mess. One thing is clear: Once a system is set up..a psychological routine..a mental machine... it is there forever. Nothing is ever unlearned, and it seems the only effective long-term solution is to learn new habits, or subpersonalities. And is a difficult thing to engage newer subpersonalities vs.old ones. The old ones usually have evolved more without intention from the matrix of genetics & environment, and the new ones we want are more constructed and awkward, incomplete and weak.
    There is one subpersonality most of us are familiar with that is a good example, because it is so limited and also at times such a dramatic a shift. That is : answering the telephone.

    You may be involved in a heated argument, but if the phone rings, many people will put their anger on hold and switch to their "unknown person is on the phone so i will be polite" subpersonality. It may be a choice, and even take a few second to calm down before we answer, but sometimes it is more like the subpersonality takes over.
    It pushes aside the anger and says "hang on..just wait until I answer this".
    Sometimes when another person switches so fast we are offended or disgusted, or may feel that way about our own actions. "How fucking hypocritical!" But it was appropriate for the situation / environment. As soon as the phone is hung up, the anger can return...but often the emotional shift allows too much interference from the intellect and you lose become too reasonable again. Sometimes if you feel enough shame at your anger, you may attempt to "double-down" on it to justify it. Justification is part of the normal emotional routine, but it's more than cringe-worthy to see someone calm and then attempt to revert back to anger in that way, or to catch oneself doing it. It is no longer appropriate to the situation, and it's not just that things are calm, but have CALMED. There is a logical conflict often strong enough to inhibit a return to anger, and a couple of loud justifications/excuses may be all one can muster... or maybe apologies.

    And this is why, when trying to "get rid of" old habits, a dramatic change of the environment makes a huge difference. Going to a place or being in a state of mind for which the brain can't find a tagged preset.
    Whether it is hitting a person with some drug that (often by unknown mechanism) interrupts the cyclic nature of processing in the brain/body to allow talk therapy ... or detox and abandoning old friends, moving to a new city...
    Sometimes you CAN run away from some problems. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you DO, so long as you STOP what you are doing.

    That is what i found when I went to the Philippines to stay with a woman I met online. I imagined i could quit smoking for her. It was a lot of incentive and I thought i had enough willpower to stick with it.
    But what I found was that i didn't need ANY willpower. My "will" would have been to start smoking.
    I never felt an urge and barely even thought about the fact that i was not smoking.
    Everything had diet, my routine, the people around me...
    What i found was a place where I had fewer subpersonalities. I was set back to more how i was when i was 15 years old. I never did have any urge to smoke during those 5 months even when we were around others smoking.
    I just never felt anything about it at all. I was just in a place my brain didn't think my "smoker" subpersonality applied...and I noticed many other aspects too. (Mostly after the fact in reflection and talking with her about it)

    My complicated introversion was mostly replaced by the kind of simple shyness i had at 15... but much less in effect, because of my age and having a more objective understanding of myself and others.
    So, I sang and I danced like I never would have except for being in a place where my brain didn't assume too much (correct or incorrect). And it helped that i was with a woman, and among her friends, who I trusted with my life and with my feelings.

    That is of utmost importance in more serious endeavors such as drug-primed psychotherapy, drug rehab, PTSD treatment, etc. Chaos is a place of potential for good and bad, promise and danger.
    I understand it in a way of feeling now that i'd only understood intellectually before then...except when I just separated from the military and had nothing, yet felt i could do anything...It is a powerful thing to be free ...

    So, now i must delete all my third-party plugins and install a new DAW....
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