The Shy Have Courage!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DieM, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    The reason that I'm opening this thread is because I feel that this forum is viewed by many thousands of people yet only a handfull of those people participate in the discussions.

    I am naturally a very shy person but have always put myself forward in any given situation despite the intense fears that I feel at times.
    When you look at the likes, dislikes, interesting, dissagree etc. and so forth certain names pop up but they never actually participate in the discussion at hand.
    It's easy to click on something that you agree or dissagree with and stay annonymous. I mean that is just an example of what I'm saying.
    What about all the others that stay on the sidelines and are happy to watch the dramas unfold in this crazy forum and don't even click nevermind participate!
    It ends up that all of the topics are filled with the same handfull of people discussing, arguing, helping and berating each other.

    It gets to be like a Soap Opera at times with the same old characters, myself included.

    Just to say to those folks that watch and don't take part. Come on man! This place needs plenty of input no matter how little or uninportant you may think that it is! Take part and stop this place from being too predictable as it often gets. Cheers.

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  3. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    I'm also a rather shy person too, but I try to give as much as I can, despite the fact that English is not my basic language :deep_facepalm:
  4. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Nice one Recoil.
    That's what I'm talking about. I notice that you have shared your opinions quite a lot despite your shyness.
    If more people done the same then this place would be a fountain of knowledge and a whole lot more interesting. I'm not suggesting that it isn't interesting as it stands but input from a lot more people would really rock this place! Cheers Recoil :bow:
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  5. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I'm shy as fuck as well, but only in real life.
    But this is the internet.
    Do whatever you want, be whoever you want to be.
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  6. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I couldn't agree more. Sometimes shyness even overrides online conversations but it's different with different levels of shyness. Cheers.
  7. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I'm not particularly shy but I must admit I don't post that much unless I can add something constructive. I have to say that there have been so many 'nasty' threads lately that I just tend to close the site and carry on with something else. I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with my opinion so long as it is done in a constructive and helpful way. Likewise I have no problem disagreeing with someone else but I always try to be polite about it.

    To be honest - and I don't mean this to be harsh - but there seems to be a lack of 'strong' moderation or maybe consistent moderation would be a better term. I'm not talking about censorship but I'm sure we can all think of many threads that should have been shut down but were allowed to continue creating a hostile environment.

    One problem I think is that I don't actually understand the purpose of the forum. Is it a music forum, a political forum or a general free-for-all? Without a clearly defined purpose you can't impose any kind of sensible moderation so the inevitable fights break out and the trolls run free which no doubt deters a lot of members from bothering to take part or being scared to.

    I used to belong to another forum (VST****), still do actually although I never go there since finding this one, and I was amazed by the nastiness and hostility which meant I never bothered posting anything and the overall vibe I pick up here is much the same, rightly or wrongly.

    I guess what I am saying is that if you create a friendly environment then more people will participate although there will always be some who will never post on a forum and prefer to sit back and read, that's just the nature of forums.

    Does any of that make sense?
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  8. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Spot on, that's the key. :yes: This forum is mainly about arts and there are no laws in arts. We all have different experiences and approaches and are free to share and question them here as long as we stay constructive and polite. And maybe exactly this should be part of the rules of this forum because it seems it's not part of the rules of some member's daily behaviour.

    And yes, what you said makes sense. :goodpost:
  9. Old X

    Old X Guest

    Nice post @peterA, you raised really good points and I can really say that making this entirely music forum could be the key, we all believe in different things and live different lives, have different opinions about everything, I'm ok with that and that's where it ends for me, can we focus entirely on music than, thing that brought us together, than the things that are separating us, there are other boards for all those topics, IMHO even off topic stuff should be about music.
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  10. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I totally agree peterA. It makes perfect sense. I think your answer explains a lot as to why people would avoid this forum. I have been a member for around 3 years and as shy as I am I just couldn't help myself from participating. It can get hairy at times and at first I felt intimidated to really say much considering that most of the posts were controversial and a lot of loud opinions were foremost.
    When it's good and nice and pleasant then I'm in my glory. I stay out of a lot of the heated arguments personally but I don't shy away from expressing my opinion when neccessary.
    I reckon that it gets easier the more you express an opinion and the controversial posts become less scary over time if you know what I mean?
    I notice that you prefer to contribute to a thread that is interesting and people treat each other with respect. I wish that AudioseX members held that view too.
    Unfortunately this forum is filled with people with a lot to say and their egos lead their opinions at times.
    Anyway I still find it interesting and it's like taking part in a Soap Opera at times. It is also addictive to me personally so go figure.
    Anyway I'll shut up now but thanks for your input. Much appreciated :bow:
  11. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I think that this board should probably focus more on the music. I reckon that the way things are at the moment politically, people want to get things off their chest and Audiosex is a platform where they can do that. I'm guilty of it myself I admit. It does tend to lead to infighting and slanging matches though and then it all becomes too negative.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
  12. Old X

    Old X Guest

    For sure, didn't follow it much sincerely, but what I seen so many times is just over the top.

    About real life topics, yeah, I loved how we could discuss things sometimes, but again to me it seemed most of us were not interested in real world, so we had like one 9/11 thread that went quite well and that's it, it was just random stuff, now, seems there's no stones left unturned judging by some topic names, that's too much invasion into ones belief system and that stuff don't end good mostly.

    In real life I avoid to discus stuff like that, because I have strong formed opinion and respect others for who they are, so it all seems like unnecessary exchange of opinions, would rather talk about things we both enjoy or actually help someone with some problem, even just hear them out, silently, even if I don't agree.

    So in practical sense, on music forum, I want to help out someone with music problem or if their girlfriend left them because of music or parents don't support his music or some funny meme&co stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2018
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  13. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I agree. There's good and bad and sometimes there's just bad! I reckon that an overhaul and some strict rules would sort it out but then there is the whole thing about censorship that we all hate.
    It's a complicated World these days and people don't know what is right and what is wrong. It's all topsy turvey.
    I personally know what's reasonable being an older male but a lot of younger folk are propagandized by the Main Stream Media and they hold a whole different skewed world view which conflicts with our old world view. I reckon that's where a lot of the conflict comes from.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
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  14. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I agree No Avenger. Wouldn't it be nice to be part of a forum where people could express opinions without fear of ridicule!
    We do all hold differing opinions depending on our own life experiences. What's wrong with that? I think that some posts do invite controversy though and these posts are going to get backlash especially in todays political climate. It's a sensitive time to be living in and we have to be careful in how we express ourselves. Nice post mate! :bow:
  15. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I used to spend a lot of time arguing with and disrupting neo-Nazis so this place seems pretty low-key and easy going. I don't mind how folks are, so long as one can return the 'favour' in kind.

    I prefer open season, tbh - it gets a bit boring if it's like a granny's teaparty. OTOH, people acting up and being real cunts gets boring quick too. And why not be nice rather than nasty? We all take part in constructing reality......

    In twenty years I have never been at a forum that doesn't have these issues. Funny. It's always an issue.

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
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  16. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I feel what you are saying. There are different boards here as you know for different subjects and software related topics seem to fare better here. Topical subjects like 9/11 or anything slightly political can blow up a storm and lead to a 20 page post full of vitriol among the members. As you are an ex member you will probably remember how that goes down.
    I, personally love this sight as it has opened me up to some great conversations with some of the members and despite it's failures it has it's strengths too.
    Hey, now that you are signed back in you may as well hang around for a bit and keep up with the latest war or peace-in! Cheers :bow:
  17. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
  18. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    Mods: Add a NICE button :bow::bow:

    lol but for real y'all wot the fuck is going on around here. Mods, mod it the fuck up and ban black zulu x and blaqmatiq. I mean seriously, the whole fucking world sucks and now we have to deal with this noise around here? tighten up the goddamn ship. This board is about MUSIC and MUSIC PRODUCTION, not high school debate team or wtf these kids are talking about.
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  19. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    First TonyG and then Herr Durr! Did someone else not leave recently?
  20. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Yes, albeit rather quietly.
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  21. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    So who was it again?