Bill Cosby Sentenced to 3 to 10 Years in State Prison

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TonyG, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    After 34 months of criminal litigation in Montgomery County, Bill Cosby has been sentenced to no less than three and no more than 10 years in state prison.

    Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Judge Steven T. O’Neill announced the sentence Tuesday. He also said Cosby must pay a $25,000 fine and the costs of prosecution.

    Cosby’s lawyer, Joseph Green, asked for bail Tuesday after the sentence was imposed, indicating that he plans to file an appeal, but O’Neill denied bail.

    O’Neill also ruled Tuesday morning that Cosby should be designated as a sexually violent predator. Cosby is subject to lifetime reporting requirements under Pennsylvania’s sex offender registry laws.

    Cosby was found guilty in April of three counts of aggravated indecent assault based on Andrea Constand’s allegations that he drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2004.

    During sentencing proceedings, Green argued that incarceration would impose excessive hardship on Cosby because of his age and blindness, and argued that Cosby is eligible for house arrest.

    District Attorney Kevin Steele argued that the defense was asking for a “get-out-of-jail-free card” and that Cosby had shown no remorse.

    In a written victim impact statement released to the public Tuesday, Constand detailed the effects of not only the assault, but the public scrutiny she received after reporting it.

    “Instead of being praised as a straight-shooter, I was called a gold-digger, a con artist, and a pathological liar,” Constand wrote. “I have often asked myself why the burden of being the sole witness in two criminal trials had to fall to me. The pressure was enormous.”

    Cosby chose not to take the stand during the sentencing hearing. He also stayed off the stand during the trial.

    Cosby was charged with aggravated indecent assault in December 2015, based on Constand’s allegations from more than a decade before. Constand reported the incident to police in 2005, but Montgomery County prosecutors declined to prosecute at the time.

    The District Attorney’s Office reopened the case in 2015, after a deposition transcript from the civil litigation between Cosby and Constand became public. In that deposition, Cosby had admitted to obtaining multiple prescriptions for Quaaludes and using drugs to have sex with a woman.

    The April trial was Cosby’s second in the Montgomery County case. His first trial, in June 2017, ended in a mistrial when the jury was unable to reach a verdict.

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  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Who cares if a 81 old man get 10 years in jail?
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  4. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    Pretty sure his wife, kids and other loved ones do.
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  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I do too... I listened to this guy's comedy albums with family members when I was just a kid..
    I really admired him.. and felt like he was an example of what anyone could accomplish with
    their own God given talents and intelligence..

    I don't make excuses for his behavior at all, but it's still a very sad day for him...
    and myself too
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  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Speaking sarcasm can be a dangerous thing :yes::yes:
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    The most outrageous thing about this to me is the fact of a sentence of 3 to 10 years.
    So after all this, they yet have no idea if the punishment should be less than 1/3 of their estimate, or more than 3 times their estimate?
    Isn't it a case of leaving judgement to the parole board, somehow deemed a better judge than the judge presiding over the case?
    Perhaps they ARE better judges, so now I must go research what the qualifications of parole board members are.
    I can't yet judge this myself.
    Ok, now Wikipedia can't be my basis for judging this setup we have, but it does make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
    "A parole board consists of people qualified to make judgements about the suitability of a prisoner for return to free society. Members may be judges, psychiatrists, or criminologists, although some jurisdictions do not have written qualifications for parole board members and will allow community members to serve in that capacity. A universal requirement is that the candidate for membership has to be of good moral fiber."
    So, in some places I could be appointed. OH SHIT. this he Humor forum? Or perhaps the Horror forum?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    he likely won't spend much more than 3 years incarcerated , he has appeals too

    they destroyed his life, which was real the goal anyway, now the civil suits can start to destroy his wealth
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  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yeah - I wondered how many of the claims are legit, because of the civil suit aspect, and still do wonder.
  10. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    Sarcasm about an issue this serious can be a dangerous thing because it comes across as ignorance.
  11. Best Answer
    He was my comic hero when I was 13, thinking that he was the funniest guy around from listening to his comedy albums. I was disappointed when the story broke and felt compelled to doubt it. But then the wave of victims broke on the shore of those doubts and I had to face the realization that the guy that I looked up at in reverence was actually a sick serial rapist. All those woman that felt like I had, betrayed, their bodies and souls defiled by a man who they believed in, the act, the face that he showed the world all but lies to cover up the fraud in the darkest part of his psyche. It is not because of my own personal feelings that I think that he should die, perhaps rot in prison, but the tens of lives that he shattered in the years that he stalked and defiled those poor woman.

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  12. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    @DoubleTake In every state in which there is an active parole system sentences are going to be similarly structured. Even in cases involving murder the sentence can range from a minimum of 1 year to life. As you correctly stated, the decision as to the "actual" length of the sentence an offender serves is taken away from the Judicial Branch. Generally, the Parole Commission may grant parole if (a) the inmate has substantially observed the rules of the institution; (b) release would not depreciate the seriousness of the offense or promote disrespect for the law; and (c) release would not jeopardize the public welfare. Thus even though the nature of the crime do factor into the decision to release the offender, it is not determinative. In other words, an offender serving a prison term for grand theft could end up serving more time in prison than one who was charged with a sex offense. In reality parole and probation serve as a release valve to an overcrowded prison system. An estimated 4,537,100 adults are under community supervision (probation or parole). Without probation or parole we do not have enough prison beds to keep every offender locked up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2018
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  13. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    You sound like you sympathise with this beast. Hitler did some nice paintings and look at all the nasty things they said about him. (this is sarcasm, by the way, for the benefit of any humourless virtue-signalling extra chromosomes who choose to take things literally)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2018
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  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The part that many people fail to understand is that the victims of rapists, pedophiles and predators are scarred for life. They have been given an unwilling sentence of dealing with something nobody should have to deal with.

    I always thought Cosby was a phenomenal entertainer.
    He was one of the primary announcers for John Coltrane's gigs and a comedian I have listened to since he did his parody "Noah", always thinking what a fantastic sense of comedy he had.
    However, any amount of money or talent still does not justify exclusivity from any criminal act.

    Each one of us in this life has a choice, good or bad. He made his and now he pays for that choice.
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  15. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Whenever a sex offender is sentenced, hope grows in the world like a plant whose seed grows in burned land.
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  16. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    The Cosby situation is a sad one. To learn that a person you grew up watching and idolizing is a "rapist", always is a disappointing experience. More so in a case like this in which Cosby admitted to using Quaalude to drug and have sex with a woman. That is "direct" evidence of his criminal action. Based on that, I feel that the trier of facts reached the right verdict and ,therefore, he deserves to be locked up. Indeed, I feel that every sex offender deserves and should be locked up. I also think that the penalties for sexually related offenses should be more severe, especially those in which the victim is a child.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2018
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  17. I remember when Quaaludes were manufactured by Rorer and then when the rights of fabrication were sold to Lemmon. I would give a woman a Quaalude if she wanted one, or vis-a-verse. Back in the day sooo many people would use them. I liked them, and making love to a beautiful goddess while high on a 714 was fantastic. It was a total chill. It was also big business. My girlfriend once went to some illicit doctor on Park Ave. and for the $100 fee he would give a prescription of I think 100 tablets. She had to go to a particular pharmacy on Madison Ave to buy it. We sold 50 for $5 each and gave the rest to friends, of course keeping some for ourselves. He did that lots of times for others we knew as well as knew of. The game was that she needed to tell him that she clenched her jaw when she slept and bang...Rorer 714 happy heaven.


    Don't do drugs...only dopes use dope, etc.
  18. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I would give him for life! but any way that 10 years sentence in his 80's is for life!
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  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Why not just hang the blind man by his neck in public?...... that used to be great entertainment way back, and you dont even have to blindfold him!
  20. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Rorer 714 and Lemon 714-The disco bicuits.

    Quaaludes and red wine for love, yes there's a time, a time for love
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  21. Has the blind old man as much as said one word of contrition? Perhaps during his stay in stir he can rehabilitate himself, find a way to apologize for the evil he has done, and so, perhaps some time between now and the end of his life Cosby can come to appreciate the sentence that he recieved for the crime he has commited and too found guilty of. Perhaps if you were one of his many, many victims you would feel differently about his penalty, his forfeiture of freedom. Of course he is of no longer a danger to the community at large, but that is not the point of this whole exercise, is it? Why should he not find himself imposed of the constant reminder of the suffering he willingly with foresight of malice foisted upon these woman? They probably will do so every day until their own last breath.

    Once again, remember, he not once said that he was sorry for his actions. He had the opportunity at his sentencing but did not take advantage at the perfect opportunity to do so. It might have influenced the judge's sentencing decision (I'm not a lawyer so this may not be the case).
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