Hate is humanity, love a construct, peace is delusionary.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Judge Dredd, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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  2. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    You don't even need any of those things to make Fox news a total joke.

    I actually believe that man is carnivore. I never used to (Being a former Veggie) but I have seen lots of proof that man fairs better on an all meat diet rather than an all veggie one. If a man eats meat daily without veg then he gets every nutrient that his body requires. Meat fills him much more than veg does and he doesn't have to ingest as much bulk to satiate his hunger. An all meat diet also eleviates a lot of physical problems such as arthritus and also mental conditions such as depression.

    I would never have thought this to be true up until recently. I would not make such elaborate claims without at least some proof.
    The Carnivore diet is actually making some vegetarians do a 180 about turn towards the Carnivores diet
    Watch this video and then this video
    and you will get the jist.
  3. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    So @Grok tell me, have you actually read The Selfish Gene, which you say is Bullshit, in which case your opinion is totally valid.

    If you have not read it then that would indicate that you are talking from the perspective of total ignorance, perhaps the book was too difficult for you?

    There are after all no colour pictures...
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  4. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    I believe in a life before this body.
    What leads me to believe this is some curious surprising personal memories, I think everyone have their own.

    So perhaps there is existence after this body.

    I believe in a path to go out "the wheel of reincarnations". I believe in a spiritual path of fulfillment about the being spiritual that we can be.
    Personal quest and life experience leads me to believe it.
  5. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

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  6. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    It means that "Selfish Gene" is an absurd expression coming from a disturbed brain :
    - a gene is a mechanics,
    - is it a causal mechanics or a mechanics resulting from other causes ?... Some fools media influenced firmly believe that genes are causal (with no proofs whatsoever, they just believe it like if it was a religion), I don't believe this, I make the hypothesis that there are unknown underlying true causes before genes, and genes are just the results of these unknown causes,
    - a mechanics has no feelings, a mechanics can't be selfish because it has no self.

    There really are speeches intended to drive people crazy.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  7. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    In the Big ice-cold North, the Eskimos eat only meat, from seals and others...

    I think that eating to live raises us a big moral problem : being forced to kill other beings (be them vegetables or animals) to stay alive.
    A killer life.
    I feel some guilt, in this connection.
  8. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    You seem a bit slow on the uptake so I'll ask again.

    Have you actually read The Selfish Gene, which you state is Bullshit, if you have then your opinion is totally valid.

    If you have not read it then that would indicate that you are talking from the perspective of total ignorance, perhaps the book was too difficult for you?

    There are after all no colour pictures...
  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Dawkins himself has explained that "The Selfish Gene" is not a full explanation of genetics.
    It explains a lot, but only some aspects of genetics, and certainly NOT "all of this".
    NOTHING explains "all of this" about ANYTHING.
  10. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Yeah I know what you mean. To me the guilt arises from the farming of animals and how they are treated. It doesn't take away from the fact though that we are basically carnivores.
    How we actually get our meat leaves a lot to be desired. That is where the guilt arises for me. Another thing is, if you eat cheese or drink milk then it's even worse, especially knowing the way the cows are totally manhandled throughout the whole process. They are bred and confined to a small space throughout their lives only to lactate for our consumption. If we lived in small groups and away from society then this would not be a thing but unfortunately it is! Anyway I don't wish to get us all depressed so I will now shut up.
  11. T3NR@

    T3NR@ Producer

    Aug 4, 2017
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    I was not referring to your replies but the original post, nor did I try to "correct" you only show you yourself. I ask you, as you should ask this from your self, why make this topic, at all? Why that title, why those exact words, what were you trying to do by posting that? And what are those valid reasons exactly? That humanity is nothing more than a hate-filled virus out to burn everything around ourselves? Okay then if it is, have you considered the why of it? And by that I don't mean read answers off of some book or thread or article. History can so easily be manipulated that I can't even begin to understand how any rational being can use it to judge an entire species. Every country on this planet teaches a version of history to children that is boring and convenient enough to just accept and believe and it is always made sure the history of the country favors the country and hides the crimes of that country... crimes which are always perpetrated by a very small group of people, twisted and delusional who twist and delude and manipulate others to do their will as they were twisted and deluded and manipulated by past controllers and abusers.

    I can continue on and on with the blame game down to the first atom if I wanted to but the truth is people who have committed awful things throughout history have been manipulated, coerced, forced to do the most inhumane things imaginable. The ones doing the dictating have, for the most part been manipulated in the same fashion. You might be wondering how did this start then? Who is the first one to do the first shitty thing to another or manipulate another to do the first shitty thing? The snake in the Bible maybe? Or maybe Abel? Lol, no I don't prescribe myself to the writings and teachings of Loony Ville. All I can say is that wisdom will bring death and darkness to those unprepared for it and will twist them inside out leaving behind... monsters sometimes, other times you may find them in insane asylums, that is it basically. It is one of those things you must understand for yourself, to explain it would be meaningless effort. But the Bible is an interesting and valid example of some real truth, twisted and turned bloody by the insane that could not grasp it and resulted in almost 2000 years of making many more people insane.

    This same thing has, of course happened many times before Christianity only the stories were so effective at control that priests decided to use the same classics in the Bible to continue their campaign of amassing massive funds and docile followers or, in other words, wealth and power. But in no way am I saying that the Bible is an instant Dark-side spell, it all depends on the meaning you give it, the words in it and so on, Martin Luther King is an example of seeing the Bible the... correct way and seeing the world in a correct way, a way that all humans are capable of but are daily manipulated not to do. It is not their fault that they don't because of this, Martin Luther King was really starting to make people aware of this and poof, assassinated... just like that.

    Science also will not give you answers, because it is simply another religion, but it is the religion of the 21st century, the religion of the digital era and so it will be for a long time. It has purposely been engineered to be taken as irrefutable fact so that no one would question it. Science spoon feeds every one answers, depriving them of the vital and absolutely critical skill and need to seek and come to answers by ourselves and come to conclusions aligned with not just our civilization but the world it inhabits. It spoon feeds everyone the meaning of their lives. So tell me, if you let some one else tell you what the meaning of your life is, what is your purpose, other than to be a slave?
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  12. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Again, you choose to simply ignore the aspects of humanity you deny. If humans were simply the things you claim they are, they wouldn't bother teaching children anything, let alone how to "play nice". You don't see the teaching, the sharing, the 'playing nice'; you only see what humans would be without the things that make them human. You discount all humanity and then sneer that there is none.

    Perhaps you should go to the Police and confess? Maybe you'll feel better? :D

    Is it a fact Aldrin said that? And if he did, so what? How does he know it was alien spacecraft? This stuff isn't evidence.

    Who intended them to eat differently?

    I did point to it earlier. OP seems to prefer to just ignore altruism altogether.

    It's just a metaphor for a completely material process. Nobody says genes have feelings or a sense of self - rather those things are the products of genes and, ultimately, serve as a vehicle for the further propagation of the self-replicating genes. The essential argument relevant here is that 'selfish' genes can generate altruism - because altruism can help the gene replicate more (by helping organisms which share the same genes to prosper and survive and .....replicate.)
  13. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I haven't read the book but have watched Youtube vids explaining it. Wasn't it Mr Dawkins that wrote it. If I remember rightly it's about the gene that controls the self serving side of our nature. As nice as we would like to think we are we are still self serving at our very core. Is it something like that Seedz?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  14. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    You're right, as much fun as my bottle o'wine and I had explaining my examples I'm not actually interested in bieng an embassador for alien discovery so I've deleted some of my comments. Buzz was pretty open about it, but my thoughts are that its just an interesting topic.
  15. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    Because you seem to have some understanding difficulties, I'll explain it to you again.

    "The Selfish Gene" is by itself a b******t title. Read again the first answer to you.

    Why do you want me to read a book from which the title by itself is a crazy fakery, is really beyond my understanding.
    And you seem to want this, without giving anything else but this crazy title.
    And you argue that you're not in total ignorance.
    Well, it demands some deep ignorance, to read a book with an absurd crazy title and purpose seemingly coming from a disturbed brain, and then to recommand this book to others on the unique basis of its title, saying "it explains everything".

    Sorry, I have smarter things to do. Please, say something personal and original, showing you're able to personal individual thinking, please stop repeating like a parrot.
  16. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    go to the next local rave party and do massive amounts of drugs
  17. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    No. It's about all genes and the fact they all are "selfish" - they all "seek" to replicate. In effect, organisms (including humans) are vehicles used by genes to replicate themselves (through reproduction). Those organism that are 'better' at reproduction will reproduce more - and thereby will 'succeed' by passing on their genes to more organisms. Those genes (that replicate) "win", those that don't replicate so much, lose. "Survival of the fittest" - the best fitted to the environment replicate the most, thereby assuring the "best fitted" continue, and those that are not don't.

    lol Maybe you could read it and ignore the title? It really is a good book.
  18. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Sure, and by doing that I will be making a conscious decision to alter my state of being. Just like I've already said is the case.
  19. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Even though we have an inherited selfish gene we still have the power to override it through the power of our own mind. Think about all the good Samaritans that override
    If it's about all genes then why is it called The Selfish Gene?
    I know that our main aim is to procreate and spread our genes but The Selfish Gene?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  20. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Because I object 100% to the notion 'humanity is great', which is clearly isn't, and out of respect for an agreement I made with a moderator, after a few days of reflection, posted my own topic.