Take me to your leader

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Judge Dredd, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    The al1en 'album'.
    Thanks for listening :shalom:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2018
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Fun to twiddle about with this and that.. but ultimately I feel pretty much the same
    no need to get too precious with things.. :bow:
  4. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Well it's in my sig now, so everyone knows in advance I'm not as good technically as they think they are, and a couple of guys fun is ruined before it's started. Should be fairly straight forward showcase threads from here on in. :bow:
  5. I think you should cut everything above 10K and everything below 120KHz, use a 12 second reverb on everything (only Altiverb will suffice) and compress everything with a 20-1 ratio on the 2 buss if you want to compete with the big boys. Also, if you don't use Nexus 2 on every track there is no hope for your redemption. Heed these words or suffer the consequences of a life behind a mask and only a big pink cat for company.
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  6. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    ... I wouldn't mind mixing a batch for ya Judge. So if ever...
    I'll keep saying it, there's a 'sound' there. Like Ultravox, or Kraftwerk. Really signature. Highly recognisable.
    But mostly; enjoyable!
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  7. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    I could sing on this, but I'm not very sure at all, right now, that there is really a need for a vocalist with these tunes :wink:

    As @artwerkski said, "there's a "sound" there (...) enjoyable" ; surely it could be enhanced with some mixing/mastering, but the supposed enhancing mixing must be done with a very, very sure taste, to not ruin the "signature" that is there :sad:

    This has some sort of "monumental" quality :wink:
    ...Something uncontrollable, something fateful, a kind of an epic breath, I'm at a loss of words (english being not my native language) :rofl:
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  8. Although English is not your native language, I grok your meaning.
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    just a little secret.. don't tell anyone.. but umm.. the hippies..umm.. they're here stonklol.001.gif

    @Judge Dredd congrats on the compilation.. I tend to more like the ones
    that had some stand out guitar parts , Games I play, Up and down,
    then the synth lines in Lost in Space, tidy little collection.. :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2018
  10. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I think that many of the songs could do with a heavy does of stringendo to avoid attenuation, and maybe make small tweak using Izotopes Phrenic Transmorgifier....that will set you on the right path. :cool:
    Seriously, Judge Dredd, this isn't what I normally listen to--though I don't mind it at all--so, instead of any technical advice (or bullshit technical advice [See: above] I'll just say that Games I Play, Northern Lights - Southern Crosses and Hello World (which both sound kind of similar,) and Second Choice are my favorite tracks; very listenable.
    I usually play my tracks to friends who either don't listen to Hip Hop or Soul (or whatever weirdness I make from time to time,) or people who can't stand it, I find if I can get a response: "These tracks in particular were my favorite because....," or a "They all suck shit because they're not Metal, but these are the most tolerable tracks," it's a solid indicator that I'm at least on the right path....not that I always follow the path, but at least then I know where it is.
    I don't think that anyone who likes one style of music can't at least appreciate another, as so long as it's quality. That being said, as I mentioned, this is very listenable. Well done.

    (I do Graphic Design (see links below to an unused album cover,) and if you have an idea or a theme for an album cover and want me to tool around with it, let me know. The worst that can happen is that nothing comes of it. :yes:)
  11. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    muh gawsh i'm sure this makes gurls weewee their pants, i know i just did

    sounds like two unicorns were makin' sweet gottam love
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  12. Not really hippy, more hardcore sci-fi addict...still. The cover of the edition that I read as a teenager (the cover by the amazing Paul Lehr)...
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  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ok ya got me there.. but still the hippies sort of "appropriated" (stole) the term from "Martian" language
    as they were wont to do, among other things, such as not showering, sleeping on the floor, and smoking up
    everyone else's weed while no one was looking, on and on... :bleh:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2018
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    OMG, we need a "Poetic" rating!! Sweet ))

    Mine neither, but I'm only good at bad jokes...

    Hell yeah!

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  15. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    If only you could have Alison Goldfrapp sing on these, I hear a similar style.
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  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    wives, gf's, SO's tend to get their feathers ruffled by other "birds" singing in their territory.. :winker:
  17. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Hello, you lovely people. :yes:

    I saw the replies this morning but didn't get a chance to comment back before rushing out to work.
    Not got much time now I've just got back in either, though I will address your posts later, I'll just say first up you lot are great for the inner being.
    Thanks so much :wink:
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  18. HEY...yea, you're write is ...ous!
  19. Beth

    Beth Guest

    "I don't have any issues with my tracks as they are. I'm not an engineer or producer, I just don't have the ears for it, and I work on the principal that if my songs are ever picked up to be released, it doesn't matter how 'correct' my mixes are, everything will be rerecorded by a label anyway. It's a waste of my time to use it to try and perfect pointless mixes I won't be able to do when I can be writing more songs instead.
    I genuinely appreciate and value advice and technical tips given, though understand, whether right or wrong, I'm not, and never will be, able to act on them."

    Enjoyed the listen Judge.... good album !.....even gooder comment ! :like: :hifive: :goodpost:
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  20. Don't stop there!

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  21. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    nyaaah rank amateurs... naff... try the vintage.. the original

    Burroughs Chessmen.jpg

    #5 of 11 YEAH!​