Izotope Ozone Convertion

Discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started by Vaijj, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    HI people..

    Ive been using Ozone 5 for many years. Still think its an awesome version and have done many own presets etc that i use daily. But all things comes to an end and since ive now almost bought all things i use i desided to try out the "demo" for Ozone 8.

    Sure it nice and all that but i cant really convert my settings into 8. Sure some modules arnt there any more and some new additions has been added but to me even the simplest settings aint sounding the same.

    Does anyone that know Ozone well and knows if there some changes in the engine between the two? Cause not even the EQ, compression etc sounds the same to me. I really wish there was a way to cenvert some of the most used presets i done in some other software like Ozone 8 or even a few from any other company.

    Any input would be aweseome cause i have a feeling that the old trusted Ozone 5 will be obselete on my system real soon..

    And im on Win7/10 for suggetions on how to replace O5.

    Best to all
  3. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Peut-être que vous pourriez garder les 2 versions, et utiliser la fonctionnalité que vous aimez de chacune d'entre elles.
  4. The_Disturbed

    The_Disturbed Ultrasonic

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I think it's best to use both version 5 and version 8. They're different tools. I love the gate in 5. it's just gone in 8.
  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I liked the reverb in the 5.I like the dynamic EQ and vintage tape in 8.
    I can understand that they take off the gate,because in mastering a gate is not really usefull but the reverb can be it more.
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I think you're stuck having to use both 5 and 8 ... or compromise and use 7. I was able to continue using older presets (later versions of Ozone dropped a lot of genre-specific mastering presets) in 7 by dragging the older version's preset folder into 7's preset folder. In v8, it no longer recognizes the older preset folder, so anything you've done up until that point is either lost or requires you to use the older version.
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  7. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Like SquareDjay said, v5 had the reverb, gate, and also the "global wet/dry mix" which imo they should have held onto in later versions. For the modules they kept in v8 (Dynamics, Equalizer, Exciter, Imager, and Maximizer).. you could manually copy your settings from v5 and you may find the results sound similar, but not identical.
  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    OKej,, thanks guys.. but how about this then.. anyone knows if its possibel to max the single modules (eq, comp, gate etc) to something else like soundtoys, Native, Klanghelm and so on.. thing is i understand that they are totaly diffrent beasts but ive been working for hours trying to match only the eq with something else and come close but as soon as i put it a a chain its lost, dont sound even close. And i guess something more is going on internally inside 5,6,7 and 8 that is not possible to recreate without knowing what that is..
  9. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Thing is im going legit all over so in that case i need to find an old version and then upgrade it.. well well.. i better try find workaround without using Ozone at all..
  10. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Also, bear in mind that they redesigned Ozone from the ground up for v8, as it now works in tandem/communicates with Neutron 2, so everything is likely going to sound different (better?). I've been tinkering with v8 and trying to keep a fairly open mind, but I usually only end up using the maximizer module on my master fader, anyway, so the change isn't that big of an issue for me. I've only ever used the full plug when I've been in a hurry and needed a quickie rough master. You'd definitely be better off using a different EQ and compressor, or even using a different mastering chain altogether.
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Hard to get a perfect match with any eq, even digital. If they've redesigned their eqs shape then beside sticking with O5, you won't get the same exact match.
    The most versatile eq I know in the digital realm with a lot of bell whistles and shapes available is equilibrium by dmg audio. With the dmg peak shape and playing with the "music" setting available on those (per-band control over gain-q interaction) you might get close to what you were used to in O5.
    Same with compassion from dmg regarding the compressor this time. It can get you close to any unit in term of response but you gotta know exactly what you're aiming for (and thus O5 compressor exact detailled response curve, etc) to reproduce it and that part might be tricky.
  12. willnubu75

    willnubu75 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    You need to first convert them to Ozone 6 preset standard and from there I assume they might work in Ozone 8. If not you might need to convert them to Ozone 7 before using them in Ozone 8.
  13. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Well i may have been a little unclear to some point or maybe just my bad english that makes it hard to get what i aiming for. @Talmi Thanks for jumping in. This in kind of what im looking for. Suggestions on how to maybe come closer to what i have in Ozone5 than what i seem to manage anddo in Ozone8. Some presets ive done are for single instruments like bass etc and some for bus channels for drums. Specially the drum bus channel presets is what i really miss if i cant come even close. Its not that i cant do something diffrent but the combination i have with other plugins is to me just awesome for that specific sound i want (in this case).

    Anyhow.. really appriciate all of the input here.. and i will take a dive into any suggestion that has came up here.. Big thanks..
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